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Ringing In The Ears


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Over the past 2 weeks the ringing in both my ears has increased from a tolerable, minor discomfort which I have lived with most of my life to a screaming, high frequency noise, 24 hours a day.

Having read most of the subject matter I can find on the web I’m pretty sure I know the cause (3 years working on fighter aircraft in the RAAF during the early 70’s) but cannot find a conclusive remedy. In fact there appears to be no medical cure. There was some mention of Vitamin B3 and talk of the development of a “masking” hearing aide.

On reading this I don’t think I want to take the problem to a local medical institution for fear of getting some sort of “Quack” treatment. I’ll wait until I return to Perth in October.

Has anyone had this experience and found a temporary remedy?

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Dear Chuang

I have also had strong ringing in my ears after some years in noisy work areas.

Total spacy to stay in a place where there are multiple sources of sounds, if someone stands in front of you, they cannot be heard. One just see their mouth moving but can only hear all the other sounds around. People seem like to loose interest listening and talking to you. Got it? tinnitus!

I went to several doctors to solve this problem and received hearing aids and tablets to slow down the nerves in the ears. Made me only drowsy and sluggish. One year ago I received a good advise from a friend of mine, to use a drug called Piracetam and Trim Time.

Piracetam is found at the local drugstores and is a form of smartdrug, enhances nerves in the brain

Trime Time is a diet supplement, containing Collagen it repairs damaged tissues, found at Boots.

My ringing has nearly shut down completly, try it and some improvement will show already after two weeks of usage.


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Many years ago I had it pretty bad and when I went to the doctor (US) he said the same thing as above posters, chronic - can't fix it and will have it forever. Started drinking a lot of orange juice and Vitamin C and it has never been back again. Perhaps just coincidence, but can't hurt to try.

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I also suffer from tinitus from my time in the Oz army but obviously not as serious as you are. I have had my tinitus recognized by Dept of Vet Affairs and received a small pension for this. The main thing is that once its recognised you will receive treatment for it at the depts expence. Whilst in Oz in Jan I had to go for another periodical hearing test and was told of a treatment for this condition. Apparently it is in the form of having a device put into the ear and masking the noise. Not too sure of the specifics of the treatment.

Anyhow if you already havent claimed for it, maybe its worthwihle doing it next time you are back in Oz.

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One year ago I received a good advise from a friend of mine, to use a drug called Piracetam and Trim Time.

Piracetam is found at the local drugstores and is a form of smartdrug, enhances nerves in the brain

Trime Time is a diet supplement, containing Collagen it repairs damaged tissues, found at Boots.

My ringing has nearly shut down completly, try it and some improvement will show already after two weeks of usage.


Started drinking a lot of orange juice and Vitamin C and it has never been back again. Perhaps just coincidence, but can't hurt to try.
I have had my tinitus recognized by Dept of Vet Affairs and received a small pension for this. The main thing is that once its recognised you will receive treatment for it at the depts expence.
Thanks to all for this advise. Are the drugs/suppliments available in Thailand (Sorry I'm not familiar with 'Boots').
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I also suffer from tinitus from my time in the Oz army but obviously not as serious as you are. I have had my tinitus recognized by Dept of Vet Affairs and received a small pension for this. The main thing is that once its recognised you will receive treatment for it at the depts expence. Whilst in Oz in Jan I had to go for another periodical hearing test and was told of a treatment for this condition. Apparently it is in the form of having a device put into the ear and masking the noise. Not too sure of the specifics of the treatment.

Anyhow if you already havent claimed for it, maybe its worthwihle doing it next time you are back in Oz.

I have had it for years(ex-pilot) just learned to live with it.In my case it gets worse when I don't get a good nights sleep.Been told it is also caused by stress. :o:D:D

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My father suffers from tinitus as a result of years of industry so i feel for you guys. I think the B vitamin idea is unlikly to do anything.

However, there is a herb called Ginko Bilboa (or something close to that spelling) which is supposed to increase blood flow to the brain and there is some proof that it can help tinitus.

I'm sure you can get it here as a tea or maybe a pill.

Good luck.

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Free Advice from an Audiologist.

I recommend that you see an ENT physician, one that employees an Audiologist. It may be hard to find an Audiologist, because there are only approximately 20 practicing Audiologist in Thailand.

There are several causes for tinnitus, some causes give little reason for concern, but other causes can be very detrimental like strokes, benign tumors etc. It could even be impacted cerumen (ear wax).

I am an American trained, doctorate level Audiologist in Thailand. PM if you would like more advice on the subject, and a location of where you should go for a more complete evaluation.

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I suffer from this ailment. I don't know why. I know it has nothing to do with visiting loud rock clubs in my youth because I had it as a child (I think).

There's no known serious cure as far as I know. I can hear it now as I type this............ but I hadn't heard it for months until I read this thread... try to forget it and it will go away. Don't think about it :o

Edited by The Real Mandrake
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Free Advice from an Audiologist.

I recommend that you see an ENT physician, one that employees an Audiologist. It may be hard to find an Audiologist, because there are only approximately 20 practicing Audiologist in Thailand.

There are several causes for tinnitus, some causes give little reason for concern, but other causes can be very detrimental like strokes, benign tumors etc. It could even be impacted cerumen (ear wax).

I am an American trained, doctorate level Audiologist in Thailand. PM if you would like more advice on the subject, and a location of where you should go for a more complete evaluation.

Now you've got me worried :o and I want to go for an MRI scan on my head :D

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About 1.5 years ago i had a customer in my internetshop. Her father suffered from the same ilness a long time. She was researching information on the internet, after a while i helped her with her search.

At one site (so sorry i don't know it anymore) we found a medicine that was made from poison from a snake.

The reason i write this is because this medicine was the cure for her father, she visited a few weeks later and confirmed that her father was feeling great after suffering from this the last 20+ years.

I know this is little info, but i hope it will bring you closer to an effective medicine.

I will try to locate this site again, it took a few days then. Can not promise anything.

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  • 5 weeks later...
....One year ago I received a good advise from a friend of mine, to use a drug called Piracetam and Trim Time.

Piracetam is found at the local drugstores and is a form of smartdrug, enhances nerves in the brain

Trime Time is a diet supplement, containing Collagen it repairs damaged tissues, found at Boots.

My ringing has nearly shut down completly, try it and some improvement will show already after two weeks of usage.


It's been about 6 weeks now since the this started the following is an update:-

The ringing is down by about 3db (1/2 of what it was at it's peak) and getting better every day, I'm now getting a full nights sleep, thanks to this advice. I could not get the Piracetam but Boots in Udon recommended an equilivant 'Methycobal 500'. They ordered in the Trim Time for me. I'm also drinking about a 1/2 litre of 100% orange juice a day.

Just to let people know what my Tinnitus sounds like I've come up with this simulation:-

Imagine walking into a dental reception area and within a surgery at the very rear of the complex a high speed drill is running. You can just hear it but the noise is masked as soon as you start to read a magazine. That's what it was like for about 20 years.

THEN about 6 weeks ago I left reception and started to move toward the surgery, opened the door and stood in front of this high speed drill. The noise is relentless and there 24 hours a day, very hard to mask during the day and impossible at night.

Now it's as if I have left the surgery and closed the door, still a long way back to reception but much better than what it was.

Make sense??

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  • 2 weeks later...

l have had tinnitus for about 15 years,,,, to much diesel engine noise ,,,, have been drinking 30 ml of Goji juice every day for the last 4 months ,,,,it has about 1000 times the concentration of vitamin C than any other fruit or vegetable known to man ,,the results are outstanding,,, so maybe it has something to do with the vitamin C :o ,,,,,,,,,,, it has also helped in many other ways as well ,,,,, Cheers :D

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Ringing in the ears

Has anyone had this experience and found a temporary remedy?

The American Tinnitus Assc. had the best advice I found: www.ata.org/

Sorry, there's no real cure.

I just have to have a TV or radio on all the time at low volumes, the ringing is far less noticeable when "masking" sounds are used.

Some drugs may help, but there is wholistic relief through: masking and auditory habituation as well as several complementary approaches such as hypnosis, cognitive therapy, biofeedback, relaxation methodology, and similar techniques and procedures.

Edited by Soundguy
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  • 2 weeks later...

i have had it very bad most of my life, no fix. i went on the atkins diet - no carbs - cut sugar, pasta, bread, potatoes etc. and lost a lot of weight and guess what, my ears stopped ringing and swelling in my fingers went away. when i was done with the diet and used carbs it came back. now i limit my carbs [sugar] and the ringing is minimal. If i go on an occasional sugar binge my ears ring big time.

try limiting carbs for a couple of days, only thing ever worked for me

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