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Multiple entry UK visa for my Lao friend

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He has a six month multi entry visa that expires on 28/12/2013. We used the visa for a UK holiday in August this year. We want to go to the UK for C'mas and New Year. My question: if we go to U K on 4/12 will he be allowed to stay until 2/1/2014 ie when we enter on 4/1/14 will they give him the stamp for 180 days?

Many thanks for any advice

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No. His visa and right to be a visitor in the UK ceases on the 28th December and he will be an overstayer. A bit confused by the last part of the post.

Get a new visa and ask them to post date it. Should not be a problem especially if the present visa was used for a straightforward holiday. I doubt (but don't know!) that he can hold two visas concurrently but apply and get the new visa to start after the present one finishes and in time for Christmas travel.

Assuming you live in Thailand and came over for a few weeks holiday in August there should be no suggestion that you are trying to bypass the settlement regs. This can be a problem especially if one party lives in the UK and the applicant spends a long time in the UK 'on holiday'. He should not fall foul of the no more than six months out of twelve convention!

Just explain it fully in a letter accompanying the new application.

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