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Does anyone own any of these models, I need a clutch for my NV400 and wondered where to get one in Thailand. I understand the clutch is the same in all of the above models.

I have a problem that 1st gear is dragging,,,,,

Is the Honda Steed that was made in Thailand any of these models? Please excuse my ignorance.


So you finally settled on a Steed.

Yes, but not as we know it. this is a very early bike, circa 1984, before they got to look like Harleys, but with only 400cc.

It is a little old fashioned, but that's alright, suits my clothes. Cheap too, so again, suits my clothes.

I am afraid I am going to be a bit of a pain in the arse picking peoples brains trying to get the faults sorted out, without a manual, or even any history, so finding someone with the same model would be helpful. Or even the same 400cc 6 valve engine.

So far the recommended air filter is wrong, so I will make one using the old one and some filter foam, I am keeping my fingers crossed that I can find, an oil filter to fit, there is plenty of room for a bigger one and that I can find brake pads and shoes, which look very thin.

I think the carb is okay now, as it is running well and the plugs are a good colour.

One question to you guys, both tyres are staring to perish, with side wall cracks and I was planning on going up a size to improve the look and ride height, will this effect the handling in any way? I assume it will improve comfort too?


I would recommend you stay with the oem tire size as altering will affect the bikes handling.

Why do you think your clutch is bad? please be specific as your op is vague.


Okay first of all, a website I visited told me this was a 6 valve engine, not so it seems, twin spark, yes.

Having drained almost 5 litres of oil out of the sump and replaced it with 2 litres, just a tad short of what it should have and after freeing the clutch and throttle cables the clutch is now good and it runs well. There is a slight carb imbalance, but that is for a later date.

Brakes are next, hopefully I can get the right pads and shoes from the place I got the oil filter at 160baht. The front calipers and pads were a little seized but are now okay, once I get the pads and a little copper grease..

So jobs are getting ticked off and the mountains beckon, although I can't feel 40 horses under me, but that may be untrue too..

Sorry for the misinformation and false alarms. 6 valves my arse! and another site had the displacement at 349cc.


"Or even the same 400cc 6 valve engine." If it's the one I am thinking of.....there were only a handful made with one inlet and 2 exhaust valves per cylinder and they were never released to the public. Honda have done a lot of experimenting over the years but the accounts have ruled the roost for decades so the bread and butter bikes get no jam.

Get the right filter or you will be cleaning the element every 800-1000km. I have a foam insert in the VTX which is OK, I only ride it 2 or 3 times a month. I used the same foam in the Fino our kid uses and it was a pain in the a$$! I bought a genuine Yamaha one (100baht) and stuck that in.

<deleted>!!! 5 litres of oil!


Poor you, i hope your a lot more technical as me. I had one of those older bikes and it was more in the garage as on the road and real hard to get any parts. I would never advise anyone to buy those kind of bikes unless they are a mechanic and know how to source parts.


I would start with a manual if you can find one.

This looks to be from an '83?

--> http://www.ebay.com/itm/Honda-NV400-Custom-Japanese-Brochure-1983-NC12-/321219992368?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4aca341b30

That appears to be just a brochure, so not much use for me, I am slowly picking up snippets of information and, of course stripping bits down.

These bikes are never designed and built from scratch, especially in the pre-cad/cam days, they reuse the engine, transmission and other bits, on other models. Wheels and therefore tyre sizes are standard, brakes parts too and the other bits I can make or customise.

These bikes were very, well built in the days when they were kicking our bottoms and the bike feels like a 1965 Volvo Amazon I once drove, it felt it would last another 45 years.

Half the reason I bought the bike was to fiddle, it is not my only means of transport, but the plan now is to do the Road of a thousand hairpin, better known as the Mae Hong Son loop. Anyone interested?

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Okay took the bike for a short run to put in some petrol (Gasahol) and there is a fair bit of heat coming off the exhaust, though the water temper is as it should be.

So I guess I need a wrap or heat guard, any ideas, the bandages do look a bit crap, is there anything else?


Okay took the bike for a short run to put in some petrol (Gasahol) and there is a fair bit of heat coming off the exhaust, though the water temper is as it should be.

So I guess I need a wrap or heat guard, any ideas, the bandages do look a bit crap, is there anything else?

Just a question but I heard that older bikes just cant take Gasahol for a long time it will damage many seals and such.


Okay took the bike for a short run to put in some petrol (Gasahol) and there is a fair bit of heat coming off the exhaust, though the water temper is as it should be.

So I guess I need a wrap or heat guard, any ideas, the bandages do look a bit crap, is there anything else?

Just a question but I heard that older bikes just cant take Gasahol for a long time it will damage many seals and such.

I heard that too Rob, but with nothing else available what can I do but wait and see?


I still find some pumps with real benzine not gasahol 95

I have looked around Khon Kaen and found nothing, if I did I would buy it. So if anyone lives here please let me know.


Okay took the bike for a short run to put in some petrol (Gasahol) and there is a fair bit of heat coming off the exhaust, though the water temper is as it should be.

So I guess I need a wrap or heat guard, any ideas, the bandages do look a bit crap, is there anything else?

Just a question but I heard that older bikes just cant take Gasahol for a long time it will damage many seals and such.

Since gasahol has been around a long time and this bike is 30 years old i would think you are safe that modern seals and rubber are in the bike.


Poor you, i hope your a lot more technical as me. I had one of those older bikes and it was more in the garage as on the road and real hard to get any parts. I would never advise anyone to buy those kind of bikes unless they are a mechanic and know how to source parts.

Yes, unfortunately I couldn't agree more.

I have owned a 20 year old ("imported") bike and even I like to tinker and have the skills, it was a pain in the ass to source the necessary parts.

Most of the smaller parts were brought from my trips to Europe.

But this was more than annoying over the years and at least, I have sold this bike.

Never again. sad.png


For the exhaust what you need is a ceramic coating. I don't know anyone in LOS doing it but I have included an Aussie web address: http://www.jet-hot.com.au/products.htm

A mate got it done on a set of headers for a Toyota V8 that went into a Cressida. They looked great and lessened the heat coming through the floor!


Poor you, i hope your a lot more technical as me. I had one of those older bikes and it was more in the garage as on the road and real hard to get any parts. I would never advise anyone to buy those kind of bikes unless they are a mechanic and know how to source parts.

Yes, unfortunately I couldn't agree more.

I have owned a 20 year old ("imported") bike and even I like to tinker and have the skills, it was a pain in the ass to source the necessary parts.

Most of the smaller parts were brought from my trips to Europe.

But this was more than annoying over the years and at least, I have sold this bike.

Never again. sad.png

I get your drift and may eventually do the same, but this bike seems to share many parts with the Steed, in fact it is a Steed, albeit an early one, my friend has a Thai built Steed and the model number is NV400c.

I am an engineer, though that is not much use here with no tools and the language problem and I have to have something to moan about.

It sounds as though you had a European bike and that may be the difference in terms of parts, anyway early days yet.

I took it for a short run today and there are still a few rattles, it ain't no rocket and hot starting is not good at all, someone said Denso plugs are not good, any comments?

Yes, 4.8 litres of oil out...2.2 litres in, in fact had I tipped the bike from the vertical, oil would have flowed out of the filler hole....really lucky to still have an engine.


...It sounds as though you had a European bike and that may be the difference in terms of parts, anyway early days yet.

No, it was an ordinary Suzuki, available everywhere in the world, but not here.

I have ordered most of the needed parts via Ebay or 2nd hand motorbike online stores and had them send to my friends in Germany, where I picked them up later.

The major problem was, that most shops simply refuse to send to Thailand. (What I can understand)

In addition, who really wants to haggle with the corrupt Thai customs?

But if you need a complete 2nd hand clutch for a 20 yo bike, you don't too many choices, from where to order.

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