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Arsenal - Barcelona Final Champions League


Champions League 2006  

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The ref was dead on, sorry to disapoint but thats the way it should have been.

Arsenal had more than enough chances to put it beyond Barca, Henry (although he did a lot of running) once again did not show when it counted. He had two clear cut chances.

I actually felt sorry for Arsenal at the end but, instead of taking losing in good grace, they complain, over and over again.

I'm not sure if Henry and Wenger would agree but, it was reported that after the game, some Arsenal fans spotted some Barca having a sing song in a bar. They promptly went over and with all sincerity told them, "the best team won". If others could have a little more grace eh........


I agree, it was a sending off. But what about their first goal? I don't like defending the Arse and his black Frenchmen, but of course there are going to be questions asked after he reffed so one sided in the quarterfinal. I don't know what FIFA were thinking. There's going to be questions over that ref for many a decade now. Is it pure incompetence, or has he a slight Barcelona feeling? A lot of us Chelsea fans thought he was a little bit biased in the first leg at Stamford Bridge. To put the same man in charge, whether to redeem himself for the previous cock-up or not, was insanity. I think Aresenal were hard done by. Of course, I am writing this as a pure football suppoerter, and I'm sure there are factions in the Northern part of our country who were glad to see Arsenal ( as they were with Chelsea) lose, however unfair it was.

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"Referee from Norway, Terje Hauge admits his mistakes in Final Champions League"

This is a free translation of a short message in 'De Telegraaf' - The Netherlands; 19-05-2006.

After the match both clubs felt they were done harm by the referee,

"In the 18th minute I whistled too soon and should have given Barcelona the benefit and should have allowed/rewarded the goal (after keeper Lehman took the foot). Maybe I was too focussed."

(the article doesn't say if and which card (yellow/red) Lehman should have been given-LaoPo)

Also, the free-kick, (is that the correct interpretation?), given after the 'dive' from Eboue, and from which (Henry) the Arsenal goal was scored by Campbell, shouldn't been given (because the dive was fake).

Well, that doesn't help Arsenal very much anymore, does it?

Have there been any press releases about his excuses in the UK?


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