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Apparently the late Billy Duncan went to the border crossing 1 year overstay with money in his pocket prepared to pay the fine. However, the immigration office only looked at the day & not the year so he was stamped through without a fine but do not try this at home.

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The point is they can't go home if they are broke, no money for the flight

If people are that broke they should go home and get a job. I can understand a couple of months. But a couple of years? Jees

How are they surviving? People need food and shelter.

I guess they are working illegally or involved in illicit activities.

How did this broke over stayer get the 20k to pay the fine? Let me guess, borrowed it of some other poor soul.

It angers me because I have to fill many criterias to stay legally and at great expense but some lazy bum can just overstay and pay a mediocre fine.

No reward for being legal. Just a rip off in comparison.

If you want it is quite free to get visa and also free to not get one, his choice Oh Master

Your not free. Your a criminal on the run from immigration. They are just too lazy to chase it up. They wait for the police to pick them up or a jilted lover calls the fuzz. It's russian roulette all the way to the ranong border.

What a way to live.

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The point is they can't go home if they are broke, no money for the flight

If people are that broke they should go home and get a job. I can understand a couple of months. But a couple of years? Jees

How are they surviving? People need food and shelter.

I guess they are working illegally or involved in illicit activities.

How did this broke over stayer get the 20k to pay the fine? Let me guess, borrowed it of some other poor soul.

It angers me because I have to fill many criterias to stay legally and at great expense but some lazy bum can just overstay and pay a mediocre fine.

No reward for being legal. Just a rip off in comparison.

If you want it is quite free to get visa and also free to not get one, his choice Oh Master

No, visa are not free.

Interesting how you feel somewhat superior for your ability to it would seem failing at easily maintaining a Visa of some sort in Thailand. I cannot understand how this paper work and fees have driven you to the point of.. weirdness. I cannot really support an argument that your just being a bit of a wanke_r with your attitude, its actually pretty clear to everyone.

But it my experience as a legally staying expat across many countries continuously over the too many years, I never found a reason to care or even give a dam_n about anothers visa compliance unless I was hiring them or otherwise obligated. Lastly compliance has never felt like an burden of anything more than simple administrative tasks, so just relax and keep your paper in order and maybe fill your time with something constructive (suggestion, baseless yes).

I am leaving this your better statement alone, other than to say it is quite childish I really cannot frame it any other way. But yeah what ever strokes your ego, live and let live.

I feel honored that you took the time for such a lengthy reply and I did skim through it and marveled at your character assessment. Good job.

Overstay is a crime, try it in any western country and it's a deportation without the luxury of being able to bribe a greedy official.

Why do people feel the need to break the law just because they can?

People who overstay are illegal and have to partake in illegal activities to get by.

Great society you seem to enjoy.

Yes clearly there legal status is not in question, but accusations of illegal activities to get by left hanging there as if to apply to any and all. This is the sort of attitude that really irritates me, an awful lot of conjecture goes about on here when it comes to this topic. And it is unnecessary, as you settle your argument on a foundation of they are illegal you can be rest assured that the same legal system will be used to deal with them.

Hardly worth a thought as when it comes to many many other crimes, I doubt you lose too much sleep over every bylaw / act and the violators and punishment due.

Yeah and I assume that you enjoy certain services and conveniences afforded to you but denied to, or difficult for an over stayer to obtain. And to me besides the legality issues, there is enough benifit to actually staying legal that is denied to the freeloaders. So take a bit of comfort in that, you got something they do not have and cannot have, peace of mind if your simple may even be enough.

As to why they break the law, cause they can, cause people are lazy and mainly because of its easy.

Society I enjoy, I tend to avoid society that i don't enjoy.

Oh and I did not access your character, I too can wield opinions. Using badly, my hands aren't what they used to be... or is that my mind, not sure these days.


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As for overstay, up to him, no need for all the mean spirited to condemn him for a minor infringement of silly rules.

Agreed for the most part, sick of crappy attitudes towards those from high on pedestal above up in the rarefied air. Really you'd think having a visa has made some of us victims of overstayers. I dunno holding a legal status really gets some guys feeling special, each to their own, but live and let live.

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I think the object of this post was to inform others who want to sort out their overstay that you can do it hassle free in Ranong.

As usual here on TV, the miserable bunch has to come out and give a lecture on overstay and what a criminal you are for doing so. It's a shame these people live their lives here on TV instead of in the real world. As well as overstayers should be sent home, so should all miserable and grumpy people. No one wants them here anyway.

Sent from my GT-I9305 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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If people are that broke they should go home and get a job. I can understand a couple of months. But a couple of years? Jees

Bar bills and bar girls are bound to cost a lot and leave the door open for bad luck.

I often wonder if people like him are Thai Bashers also and what were they like at home. I am not fooled for a minute that there are not a lot of foreigners here because they are not wanted back home. Or maybe they are wanted by the law back home.


I gave it to him

The point is they can't go home if they are broke, no money for the flight

If people are that broke they should go home and get a job. I can understand a couple of months. But a couple of years? Jees

How are they surviving? People need food and shelter.

I guess they are working illegally or involved in illicit activities.

How did this broke over stayer get the 20k to pay the fine? Let me guess, borrowed it of some other poor soul.

It angers me because I have to fill many criterias to stay legally and at great expense but some lazy bum can just overstay and pay a mediocre fine.

No reward for being legal. Just a rip off in comparison.

So now is he going to overstay again? He has money for accommodation, food etc surely if he is that broke it must be a miserable life. Can't he get a better paid job in his home country if someone lent him the money to get there.


I think the object of this post was to inform others who want to sort out their overstay that you can do it hassle free in Ranong.

As usual here on TV, the miserable bunch has to come out and give a lecture on overstay and what a criminal you are for doing so. It's a shame these people live their lives here on TV instead of in the real world. As well as overstayers should be sent home, so should all miserable and grumpy people. No one wants them here anyway.

Sent from my GT-I9305 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

You are endorsing it I take it.

I live in the real world as well as here on Thai Visa. I am well aware of the unwanted in their own home land being accepted here in Thailand no questions asked. I am well aware of the trust fund baby's who have never had to do a day work in their life. I am well aware of the foreigners who through one way or another can not afford to live in their own country but can here in Thailand. Most of them have no problem with doing it legally. I am well aware of the people who can afford to live in their home country but choose Thailand for it's climate and culture and people in between these various things.

How do you know they are not a criminal and that is why they stay here?

I know all these things because I live in the real world. You might want to try it some time it is not that bad a place to live in with all of the diversity in Foreigners and the Thai culture it is truly a great place to live.


The point is they can't go home if they are broke, no money for the flight

If people are that broke they should go home and get a job. I can understand a couple of months. But a couple of years? Jees

How are they surviving? People need food and shelter.

I guess they are working illegally or involved in illicit activities.

How did this broke over stayer get the 20k to pay the fine? Let me guess, borrowed it of some other poor soul.

It angers me because I have to fill many criterias to stay legally and at great expense but some lazy bum can just overstay and pay a mediocre fine.

No reward for being legal. Just a rip off in comparison.

It's the same in most countries. Those who enter illegally, or overstay have it much easier than those who live by the rules. I would like for my wife to visit the US for a few months, but to do so, she must apply for an Immigrant visa, which requires a pile of papers and meeting their schedules, A friend's wife was in hospital during her scheduled meeting and had to start over. Why the spouse of a citizen is required so much BS is way beond being reasonable.


If people are that broke they should go home and get a job. I can understand a couple of months. But a couple of years? Jees


First you are assuming the only problem people have is financial and furthermore you know all about them - pathetic!Posted Image

If its not financial then it narrows it down even more.

Criminal on the run? Working illegally or running scams? I think it mostly comes down to mental health issues. Plenty of nutters getting around these days.

Its human nature to assume whenever information come to hand.

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If people are that broke they should go home and get a job. I can understand a couple of months. But a couple of years? Jees


First you are assuming the only problem people have is financial and furthermore you know all about them - pathetic!Posted Image

What else could it be?

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


The thing is how can you do anything without a visa????

I recently forgot my passport when I went to Phitsanuloke for work and had the dickens of a time even checking into a hotel until my missus faxed (yes faxed! They still have 'em) a copy of my passport to them.

Its something I've always taken for granted until now but surely the best thing to do is to just get yourself to the border/airport and get it sorted?

I must admit I have a sort of grudging admiration for people who live on the edge. I'm far too gutless.

I also understand that overstaying a visa is a civil offence and not a criminal offence so those saying these people are 'criminals' are somewhat off the mark.

That said I can understand the ire of some posters here as I have many friends who are also on the borderline of meeting the criteria required and they too have to "jump thorough hoops" to get their visas.

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If people are that broke they should go home and get a job. I can understand a couple of months. But a couple of years? Jees

First you are assuming the only problem people have is financial and furthermore you know all about them - pathetic!bah.gif

If its not financial then it narrows it down even more.

Criminal on the run? Working illegally or running scams? I think it mostly comes down to mental health issues. Plenty of nutters getting around these days.

Its human nature to assume whenever information come to hand.

Medical ! You see criminals everywhere


I gave it to him


Well at least you are clear on that.

You helped, what must be a very good friend and GAVE him THB 20K.

Although I cannot see what kind of problems a person can have that can cause a 2 year overstay, except perhaps being in a coma,

you have solved his overstay problem. So how is he faring now?

I do not want to stereotype every overstayer, but if they can not afford to go home, they can not afford to live in Thailand without working, thieving, conning, begging and/or relying on charity of others.

"Did the same back in 2008", I think another poster was on the right track with the comment he should get a job, or at least send him back to his kinfolk to support, (no doubt they will soon find the money for a one way ticket back to LOS just to get rid of him again).

seems this guy has his priorities all mixed up, "may be nice to live for today, tomorrow is another day, worry about it when it comes".


The thing is how can you do anything without a visa????


I recently forgot my passport when I went to Phitsanuloke for work and had the dickens of a time even checking into a hotel until my missus faxed (yes faxed! They still have 'em) a copy of my passport to them. 

Its something I've always taken for granted until now but surely the best thing to do is to just get yourself to the border/airport and get it sorted?

I must admit I have a sort of grudging admiration for people who live on the edge. I'm far too gutless.


I also understand that overstaying a visa is a civil offence and not a criminal offence so those saying these people are 'criminals' are somewhat off the mark.

That said I can understand the ire of some posters here as I have many friends who are also on the borderline of meeting the criteria required and they too have to "jump thorough hoops" to get their visas.

So they end up in a civil gaol when they get caught?

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


Someone is kidding about no overstay in Western countries, perhaps they don't know UK - there are many thousands of people who not only overstay, but 'slip through the net' by way of name chaanges, false asylum claims, confusion about family and relatives' names, nationality - you name it - it has been around in England for several decades and far too late to pin down individuals for many cases.

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If they ever crack down on long time overstayers in the sense of not allowing them back in again, I hope this will be well publicized, and that these people get a chance to report themselves, pay the fine, and try to clean up their act. Surely quite a few among them have a family here.

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I hope these offenders are thrown out and blacklisted.

I jump through hoops and pay my visa fees and so should they.


Get a life! Good for you that you jump through hoops like a well trained circus animal. It's really none of your concern what somebody else does. If a guy overstays two years, doesn't get caught by the police along the way, then pays his 20,000 baht fine upon leaving, he's jumped through his own hoops; he's immediately back within the law. Just because you choose a different method certainly doesn't make you better. And wishing someone ill luck just because they chose a different path than you is about as arrogant and mean-spirited as it gets. To each his own and viva la difference.

It makes me better because I stay legally. Anyone overstaying is a criminal in any country.

Your argument is invalid. Move along.

No that is not so. Anyone that enters, overstays or otherwise keeps his head down usually has a good reason for doing so. The immigration process in many countries is a cash cow that supports otherwise unemployed citizens. Together with their salary and fees for holding up the barbed wire to let undocumented visitors in secures a very good living for many immigration officers around the world. Thailand is no different, perhaps even worse than some countries. In short immigration officer tea money is as good as that for traffic cops and even the regular BIB. Without it they would never find the money for their promotion and thense no cash would rise through the system to the higher ranking officers in order to sustain their extravagant lifestyles. So who are the criminals the undocumented foreigner or the immigration officer that held the wire up to let them in?
It's why I left Phuket; love the place, hate the lowlifes it attracts.

Great! One less mean spirited Colonel Blimp which seems to have overtaken this island, if this particular forum is any guide, and which continues to depress the hell out of me over the seventeen years of living here.

If I were to leave, it would not be because of all 'jet ski scams/tuktuks' coffee1.gif


i know a man that had 20 years overstay arrived at the airport immigration to leave got fined 20,000 baht and was told he could come back to thailand anytime.

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" due to bad luck " what a load of BS. Freeloaders the lot of you living off the back of us who abide by the laws and pay accordingly.

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Well i am the one who started this post and i am sad to hear so many negative people. I gave him the money as i want to give him a job, he is actually worth it. I wanted him to see if he could get a normal visa in Ranong before spending a lot more on preparing the paperwork and the flight etc to get the non B for his work permit (again I will be paying). I know of lots of farangs who have overstay and i would not think anything bad about them as you just never know if it could happen to you. I have never overstayed luckily and always been able to do well, but i have not escaped problems. People say a lot of shit about me, they say i don't pay my bills ( I don't owe any money to the people who speak this shit). The people who say this are the shit as far as I am concerned and i don't actually care. I have been in business here for years and it here and it has not always gone smooth.

If us farangs on the other side of the world from our home country can not even care for each other then why would we expect them to care about us?

I have some good mates that I know I can rely on if things ever get bad. There are English guys been in the Bangkok hilton for years because not even our own government does not give a shit.

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