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Mark "chopper" Reid Passes


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Mark Read "Chopper"

The nickname is key, because it both helps create, and eventually defines, a criminal's hero status. Glorifying the criminal, personalizing the criminal, erodes the line between right and wrong in society and in our youth. there's an appeal that needs to be examined and countered and if your child starts romanticizing criminal behavior, that's something you surely want to address.

After all He was a murderer

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We all live and we all die , that is life .

Be it that we are a criminal or a person with a good heart .

For me ,an Australian , I just see Corruption !

Hey , My Mother died , did she get a television / media overture ?

Criminals , who cares .

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I met Chopper and Jacko a few years back in a pub in Nambour. I had dinner with them in fact.

Jacko was the hardest looking lad I have seen. Big and ugly with a head like a squashed melon.

But despite his thuggish appearance he was a very articulate and obviously very bright man.

Chopper on the other hand was a dullard.

Regardless of what Chopper did in his youth. You have to at least give him credit for trying to make a go of his life once he was released from prison.

There isn't much in the way of job options for an illiterate institutionalized criminal released in his middle age.

He peddled his infamy to make a few bucks...or rather his infamy was used by Jacko to promote the Wild Colonial Psychos brand.

So RIP from me Chopper. Yes you were a violent thug and perhaps murderer in your youth, but after a life time in jail you still had the courage to try and make a go of it back out in the real world.

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