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Back in Cm...looking to meet new people


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I am back in Chiang Mai and going to stay for a while.

I enjoy going out and socializing. I know there are a lot of cool people on TV who are long term residents here and I am looking to meet those that are open to it.

I feel my age, I no longer have appetite for 3-4 different girls a day. I also had to cut back my daily calorie intake to 3500 and train only 5 days a week. I am no longer interested in very long bike rides, this heat gets to you goddammit. Nothing really makes me mad, I am calm and cool by nature. I am interested in all kinds of things..big bikes, cars, hot chicks, economy, business, investments, politics, spiritual stuff, bodybuilding, swimming, night clubs, riding(hitting the red line in 6th gear still gives me chills), eating, books, music, shopping, history, etc..

Ah and I just turned 28 but don't let if offend you.

PM me if interested in going out, riding, talking, doing some cool stuff or anything.

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Come to the Bamboo bar ,and meet some local Westerners .Its run by an English man out in Sansai ,and has people from many Countries .I also find number one bar a good place to meet others .Its run by a Belgian ,and has hostesses ,but they are not in your face and there is no pressure to buy them a drink .

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I'm a 47 year old family man living way out near Doi Saket so I'm not going to be your friend though I'm guessing with your interests we would get along fine biggrin.png

Your best best is to just visit a few bars and get to know people the old fashioned way by just striking up conversations...if any of them mention that they are regular posters on Thai Visa make a swift exit because the chances are that you will have met one of the 90% or so [rough estimate thumbsup.gif ] that are an 'add your own expletive' I wish you luck.

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