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An attempted Scam Failed[Scam Survivors]Share Your Story


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I was on koh san road and a bloke said i was a lucky man and then said he would guess 3 things about me and if he got them right, i would give him 20k or something like that

1 my dob

2 my gf name

3 i forget what

Anyway i had to go down a side street with him and write down these 3 things without him seeing... well he guessed them all right and demanded the 20k - i got out of the scam by saying 'no' and started walking off he said that i would die on my travel but obviously i didnt

Id like to know how he managed to see what i wrote maybe a mirror behind me or maybe he was for real either way, he was not happy

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but he fulfilled the agreement. it doesn't really matter How he did it. you welshed on a bet.

true! it was actually not a scam.

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How Do I Report Suspected Foreign Scammers to Thai Police?

There are two teams of Indians operating under the Chong Nonsi BTS station, on the sidewalk near where the steps come down from Exit 4.

In the day time, it is two Indian men, and the scam is always, “..hello, excuse me, do you speak English, could you help me..”? and then, “..where can I find a money changer that will change American money..”? and then, “..well, I’m not sure I can find that..”. and then it’s always, “..well, let me show you what I’ve got..” At that point, they pull out some well-worn old-style U.S. Hundred-Dollar bills, and then they want to trade it to me for my Thai baht. They seem to be willing to accept about two-thirds of face value, and I suspect that the money is counterfeit, so I ain’t falling for it.

There is a night shift at the same place that is running the same scam, and the night crew is manned by an Indian man, and an Indian woman, and a not-so-Indian-looking very sleepy baby in a baby stroller. The kid never wakes up, just like the well-drugged “prop” kids that the street beggars use.

This has been going on for three days, and the folks at Lek Hoy seafood in the alley also agreed that they have witnessed it, seeing the same suspected scammers there, each crew stays several hours at a time, they are always talking to foreigners, always nights and weekends.

Again, I ain’t that stupid, and I didn’t fall for it, but I honestly don’t know how to report these suspicious persons to the Thai police, (..and would the Thai cops even understand?)

Respectfully submitted,


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Some years back while walking on Sukhumvit road I was bumped into by a young Chinese looking Thai with very good English. He apologised, took me for a coffee nearby and explained that his younger brother was studying to be a doctor and wanted to attend a conference in London. Their mother was very worried about this and would I go to the house to reassure her that London was safe? Smelling a rat I thanked him for the coffee and legged it. About 2 hours later I was queuing at and ATM and a lady who said she was from the Philippines told me that her younger sister was studying to be a dentist and had to go to a conference in London. Her mother was very worried about this and could I go round to the house and reassure her? Again I made my excuses, but I am still intrigued to know precisely what the scam was; maybe a drugged drink followed by a card game?

The Philippine card scam is very common throughout Asia. Happens all over Thailand, Vietnam etc, and in six weeks in Phnom Penh I've been approached by Flips no fewer than three times.

The routine is always the same. They want to know where you from and wherever that is, they have a cousin about to go there and they invite you for coffee or a meal at their place to talk about it. A card game somehow happens and they somehow contrive to win, and then get heavy and escort you to an ATM machine. It's as old as the hills.

Had this happen one one of my first trips to Thailand in Bangkok. Got invited for a meal, went with older gentlemen on BTS and then in his car to his home which was a good deal drive away. When there had dinner with extended family including GRANDMOTHER, some cute DAUGHTERS, and some others, maybe arounf 8 people or so.

After dinner the rest of the family strangely disappeared into the kitchen I guess and the MEN had a talk in the living room over coffee. An UNCLE figure showed up and tried the cruise ship card game offer with a dealer in on it and let's cheat the other players scam. My response: not interested, I don't need the money (or something to that effect).

I'm still not certain if they were all in on it, or whether it was just the UNCLE, or wether I would have gotten a free cruise tongue.png.pagespeed.ce.JwCxzAWj6x.png , whether the dinner invitation was legit or not??? Strange that other family members like wife, grandmother etc were around. Eventually they drove me back to the BTS station. Happy trails!

In retrospect would not do this again as it could have been robbed getting in the car going to a remote location etc. I realize now they were Filipino and not Thai.

Second scam was near Grand Palace in Bangkok. Went to other temple with nice dressed dude. They tried to get me into the gem store scam with a small booth inside a real temple nearby. He was wearing a lot of fake large stone rings etc and said he was an officer of the Government.. I guess they need to vet people before bothering to ferry them all the way to the gem store first. Someone started locking the door to the temple grounds while I was in there. I panicked and went over the rear wall, back into the street to safety.

Edited by donniereadit
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Some years back while walking on Sukhumvit road I was bumped into by a young Chinese looking Thai with very good English. He apologised, took me for a coffee nearby and explained that his younger brother was studying to be a doctor and wanted to attend a conference in London. Their mother was very worried about this and would I go to the house to reassure her that London was safe? Smelling a rat I thanked him for the coffee and legged it. About 2 hours later I was queuing at and ATM and a lady who said she was from the Philippines told me that her younger sister was studying to be a dentist and had to go to a conference in London. Her mother was very worried about this and could I go round to the house and reassure her? Again I made my excuses, but I am still intrigued to know precisely what the scam was; maybe a drugged drink followed by a card game?

This has happened to me 5 times..

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I scammed some Thais many years ago . It worked like this . I had a mate ( Thai ) who had a street bar and he had a friend who was a taxi driver. He drove me round all day going to TAT travel agencies and Tailor shops . I go in for quotes and taxi driver gets commission on the future sale (2-300 Baht ) and we split it 3 ways . They would always try to get you to deposit but you're under no obligation to . Just getting a quote after all . Got a bit hairy in one tailor shop though when the guy tried to lock me in the shop and said he had a gun after I wouldn't give him a deposit . All front though and I forced my way out . Wouldn't make a habit of it , but my mate was skint so I was helping him out and it did feel good to get one back on the all those shops that had pissed me off over the years hassling me . Had a good drink on that one . My advice to anyone doing the same is to do it on a Sunday as there is a lot less traffic and you can get more shops in in one day .

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I have been aproached by good english speaking foreigners several times. At chatuchak 2 times, in a temple 1 time, 2 times at MBK and 1 time at Central Discovery. They all had the story that a sister was going to be a nurse in Europe and their mum worried so much, if i could talk to the mum to calm her down. First time it happened i went into a taxi with a Phillipino with a huge scarf in his cheek, he wanted to see my foreign creditcard and later made some phonecalls to his "mum" that he was coming with me. When we stopped at a house in a suburb i had to go into that house which i refused. I told him mum could come in the taxi and we could speak in a restaurant, i would pay all. Mum didn't come and suddenly the guy jumped out of the taxi and run away.

At mbk-area a Singaporean lady also approached me with the same story, she made contact with me by complimenting about my haircut. The funny thing is exact a year later she approached me the same way but this was in Discovery mall, not in mbk. I played her game, asked if i could make a pic of her which was fine. Then i acted like i had to go to an appointment and went to the security in the Discovery centre and showed them her picture. They acted like who cares about that so i left it by that. This gang has approached me several times in total and they all speak good english and are mostly from abroad. They even do it right in front of the police-station that was on the bridge at the entrance of the mbk. They seem to hang out there all the time and look for white skinned people.

Other scam is at the famous temple near the river (forgot the name) where we arrived, me and my thai wife and my parents. Some official looking guy opened the taxi-door and told us the temple was closed dued by the funeral of some Thai princess that died in that period. We could go on a boat trip and he would guide us to it. The boattrip costed like 1500 a person (we were 4 persons) so i decided to not take the trip because it was too expensive for a trip of 2 hours. On our way back to the temple we saw that guy again and he found new victims allready. The temple was open, i reported the scam at the receptionist but she couldn't care less and i wonder if she even understood us because of her lack of good english.

One day i threw a cigaret-butt in a drain on the street, a policeman came to me, asked my passport and walked away with it. I followed him and asked where we were going, he walked to the drain and he took a cigaretbutt from the street and said it was mine. (Mine disappeared in the drain though). I asked him to see it and showed him my Marlboro package and told him i don't smoke that brand. He walked to a temporary policestation on the corner of the street and i had to pay 1000 baht. Next time it would be 2000 he said.

Other scams are from the police who let me pay 100 baht or i would be prosecuted for not driving on the left side of the road (motorcycle). I drove the middle land because the left lane was for going to Don Mueang airport and i wanted to go straight. I paid it and left.

Also the tuktuk scam, we took a tuktuk to some place and he stopped at many jewelry shops and tailor shops. In the shop the personell immediatly unpacked all kinds of tradestuff and when we wanted to leave the driver would not go with us. One time i started his tuktuk myself when he got angry. Then we just walked away and took a taxi. I also remember one time we went somewhere by tuktuk and while we arrived at the destination i wanted to pay the driver. He insisted on waiting for us to bring us back and would not take the money. Some hours later i could not find that driver anymore so we took another tuktuk.

I also have bought things on the streets like calculators or tshirts. Then later i found out they gave me another calculator where the battery had made a shortcut and melted away the battery-compartment. Or the tshirts had burnmarks in them. I don't buy on the streets no more.

I have been approached more times by good english speaking persons on the streets. I forgot what they wanted from me because i know they are all scammers. One lady wanted to show me a real Thai house and drink thai tea with her there. I also have seen a blind beggar which later i saw walking on the street. I have paid to much at the taxi-maffia in Phuket and also paid to much for the hotel that he brought us to.

I am in Thailand for 10 years and don't listen to anybody on the streets no more. Even not to official looking persons.

Also in the departmentstores they try to cheat people. I wanted to buy airconditioners and a washingmachine etc. and just asked the sales the price. He showed me the pricetag and then i asked: lod dai mai krab? Then he flips the pricetag and there was a price 10% cheaper. That still works untill today i do it all the time.

Or try buying a new car. It takes an hour to get the real price of the sales and if you ask for discount then after 5 minutes they suddenly drop their price with 50.000 baht or you get accessory's for free which at first they wanted you to pay for.

Honest shops just show the retail price. When they don't show it that means it is negotiable. I speak a little bit Thai, just enough to get discount.

On the airport at SCB bank you can change money, i changed a lot of Singapore dollars into Thai baht and then found out the employee did not give me the right amount. About 2000 baht was missing. When i showed him that he smiled and said solly solly and gave me the other 2000 without any questions asked and with a big thai smile.

If i poke my memory more i'm sure i can tell more scams but this is enough for now i guess. I try to forget them and am always aware.

Oh also i ordered a lot of nice stone tiles for the garden and loads of stonestrips. When they delivered it they gave me all b-choice stones. Full of cracks, dirty ones of the floodings, very crappy quality.

Also when they delivered my american fridge it was damaged at the door. Not serious to make problems and not accept it but in Europe they would give discount for that.

Also our new house had many cracks in the plaster while still in warranty. I complained and they sent some plasterers to fix it. After 6 weeks the cracks were back. I complained again and they came to fix it again. After 6 months the cracks were back.......

My stainless steel carport and windowbars are rusting....some parts and the screws/bolts are not stainless steel. My stainless steel raingutters (is that english?) were leaking after 3 months allready.

Now i really stop and it is your turn. Or let them maintenance the aircons, they always have to refill the expensive gas while the aircons are new....that gas is expensive and i suspect them of just let it leak out.

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I have been aproached by good english speaking foreigners several times. At chatuchak 2 times, in a temple 1 time, 2 times at MBK and 1 time at Central Discovery. They all had the story that a sister was going to be a nurse in Europe and their mum worried so much, if i could talk to the mum to calm her down. First time it happened i went into a taxi with a Phillipino with a huge scarf in his cheek, he wanted to see my foreign creditcard and later made some phonecalls to his "mum" that he was coming with me. When we stopped at a house in a suburb i had to go into that house which i refused. I told him mum could come in the taxi and we could speak in a restaurant, i would pay all. Mum didn't come and suddenly the guy jumped out of the taxi and run away.

At mbk-area a Singaporean lady also approached me with the same story, she made contact with me by complimenting about my haircut. The funny thing is exact a year later she approached me the same way but this was in Discovery mall, not in mbk. I played her game, asked if i could make a pic of her which was fine. Then i acted like i had to go to an appointment and went to the security in the Discovery centre and showed them her picture. They acted like who cares about that so i left it by that. This gang has approached me several times in total and they all speak good english and are mostly from abroad. They even do it right in front of the police-station that was on the bridge at the entrance of the mbk. They seem to hang out there all the time and look for white skinned people.

Other scam is at the famous temple near the river (forgot the name) where we arrived, me and my thai wife and my parents. Some official looking guy opened the taxi-door and told us the temple was closed dued by the funeral of some Thai princess that died in that period. We could go on a boat trip and he would guide us to it. The boattrip costed like 1500 a person (we were 4 persons) so i decided to not take the trip because it was too expensive for a trip of 2 hours. On our way back to the temple we saw that guy again and he found new victims allready. The temple was open, i reported the scam at the receptionist but she couldn't care less and i wonder if she even understood us because of her lack of good english.

One day i threw a cigaret-butt in a drain on the street, a policeman came to me, asked my passport and walked away with it. I followed him and asked where we were going, he walked to the drain and he took a cigaretbutt from the street and said it was mine. (Mine disappeared in the drain though). I asked him to see it and showed him my Marlboro package and told him i don't smoke that brand. He walked to a temporary policestation on the corner of the street and i had to pay 1000 baht. Next time it would be 2000 he said.

Other scams are from the police who let me pay 100 baht or i would be prosecuted for not driving on the left side of the road (motorcycle). I drove the middle land because the left lane was for going to Don Mueang airport and i wanted to go straight. I paid it and left.

Also the tuktuk scam, we took a tuktuk to some place and he stopped at many jewelry shops and tailor shops. In the shop the personell immediatly unpacked all kinds of tradestuff and when we wanted to leave the driver would not go with us. One time i started his tuktuk myself when he got angry. Then we just walked away and took a taxi. I also remember one time we went somewhere by tuktuk and while we arrived at the destination i wanted to pay the driver. He insisted on waiting for us to bring us back and would not take the money. Some hours later i could not find that driver anymore so we took another tuktuk.

I also have bought things on the streets like calculators or tshirts. Then later i found out they gave me another calculator where the battery had made a shortcut and melted away the battery-compartment. Or the tshirts had burnmarks in them. I don't buy on the streets no more.

I have been approached more times by good english speaking persons on the streets. I forgot what they wanted from me because i know they are all scammers. One lady wanted to show me a real Thai house and drink thai tea with her there. I also have seen a blind beggar which later i saw walking on the street. I have paid to much at the taxi-maffia in Phuket and also paid to much for the hotel that he brought us to.

I am in Thailand for 10 years and don't listen to anybody on the streets no more. Even not to official looking persons.

Also in the departmentstores they try to cheat people. I wanted to buy airconditioners and a washingmachine etc. and just asked the sales the price. He showed me the pricetag and then i asked: lod dai mai krab? Then he flips the pricetag and there was a price 10% cheaper. That still works untill today i do it all the time.

Or try buying a new car. It takes an hour to get the real price of the sales and if you ask for discount then after 5 minutes they suddenly drop their price with 50.000 baht or you get accessory's for free which at first they wanted you to pay for.

Honest shops just show the retail price. When they don't show it that means it is negotiable. I speak a little bit Thai, just enough to get discount.

On the airport at SCB bank you can change money, i changed a lot of Singapore dollars into Thai baht and then found out the employee did not give me the right amount. About 2000 baht was missing. When i showed him that he smiled and said solly solly and gave me the other 2000 without any questions asked and with a big thai smile.

If i poke my memory more i'm sure i can tell more scams but this is enough for now i guess. I try to forget them and am always aware.

Oh also i ordered a lot of nice stone tiles for the garden and loads of stonestrips. When they delivered it they gave me all b-choice stones. Full of cracks, dirty ones of the floodings, very crappy quality.

Also when they delivered my american fridge it was damaged at the door. Not serious to make problems and not accept it but in Europe they would give discount for that.

Also our new house had many cracks in the plaster while still in warranty. I complained and they sent some plasterers to fix it. After 6 weeks the cracks were back. I complained again and they came to fix it again. After 6 months the cracks were back.......

My stainless steel carport and windowbars are rusting....some parts and the screws/bolts are not stainless steel. My stainless steel raingutters (is that english?) were leaking after 3 months allready.

Now i really stop and it is your turn. Or let them maintenance the aircons, they always have to refill the expensive gas while the aircons are new....that gas is expensive and i suspect them of just let it leak out.

Thanx namdocmai. you are the one who has shared most valuable info and its really helpful. If you remember some more scams plz post them also. too many scams this days. I'm still in Europe. I'm coming to Thailand next month. there was a big telecoms/telephone scam recently. a +24 number(from 3 African countries called over 700 calls a minute)they call you and there is a woman screaming: HELP! HELP! and hangs on. many called back and lost all their credits on the phone(Insurance companies often say: Its your own fault since you called back) I was one of them who has a missed called by that number. there were 6 number. one called me. luckily it was to early and i was a sleep) the police say that these con-men calls different countries all the time, so be ready guys.

Edited by Mangosteen1
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Some years back while walking on Sukhumvit road I was bumped into by a young Chinese looking Thai with very good English. He apologised, took me for a coffee nearby and explained that his younger brother was studying to be a doctor and wanted to attend a conference in London. Their mother was very worried about this and would I go to the house to reassure her that London was safe? Smelling a rat I thanked him for the coffee and legged it. About 2 hours later I was queuing at and ATM and a lady who said she was from the Philippines told me that her younger sister was studying to be a dentist and had to go to a conference in London. Her mother was very worried about this and could I go round to the house and reassure her? Again I made my excuses, but I am still intrigued to know precisely what the scam was; maybe a drugged drink followed by a card game?

The Philippine card scam is very common throughout Asia. Happens all over Thailand, Vietnam etc, and in six weeks in Phnom Penh I've been approached by Flips no fewer than three times.

The routine is always the same. They want to know where you from and wherever that is, they have a cousin about to go there and they invite you for coffee or a meal at their place to talk about it. A card game somehow happens and they somehow contrive to win, and then get heavy and escort you to an ATM machine. It's as old as the hills.

It happened to a friend of mine in Vietnam. they had very food arguments that he should come with them to the house: Ohh our cusin is traveling to Europe can you please come and tell us how it is. we invite you for dinner. he even went with them. but after a while he realized he has forgotten something in his hotel room. he went back to get it. promising he would return. in his hotel-room he looked out of the window. he say the guys standing in front of the hotel entrance. so he took it as a warning. so he stayed in the hotel. and those guys didn't leave for 2 hours. If im not mistaken these con-men often approach you on the beach.

i don;t understand what you mean.

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I also vaguely remember some problem like that with my cellphone. I also got called by strange numbers some years ago, i also was called by very strange numbers that did not exist, it was the fault of AIS if i recall well. Then i was called from abroad and the AIS-system showed some strange number...That was right after the tsunami so i thought it might be a friend in need, something like that, it gave me stress though.

The experiences i wrote are not all in the scam category, some are just in the doing business category for me. Yes Thai try to ask double prices to farang and sometimes they get me by that. After being here 10 years i 'm always aware for it. They don't always do it by purpose, some really can't count and also might give to much change back to me.

If you see beggars in the city with baby's on their arms who have broken limbs then they also can be scammers. They buy the baby's in Cambodia, break some limbs and use them for begging. There are gangs who operate that way.

There is a program on tv (Discovery or NG-channel) where they also visit BKK and show the scams. They go to many capitals over the world and show the local scams. When you come to Thailand don't bring any gold jewelry with you, that will give you many problems. Also don't buy gold or precious stones because you will get cheated. My wife bought her weddingring in Chinatown because she knew the goldsmith there. The same ring costs 3 times that money in a departmentstore. That is not cheating in my book though. Cheating is when you think you buy a brandname product and it is a cheap copy. So don't buy brandname clothes/backpacks in the MBK because they are all fake. Also cellphones can be fake or copy copy. If you want the real product then go to Discovery tower or Gaysorn plaza/Central world plaza where the official branches of the brands are. When you buy something expensive always open the box and check the product thoroughly and test if it works (also in department stores). Forget about life-time warranty that some products claim to give, you won't get any warranty in Thailand even not from big brands that are from USA or European company's. Don't believe in german quality from real german brands even when you buy it in the official brandname shop. In Thailand they are made of less quality and that's how they can be cheaper then in Europe or Japan. What you pay is what you get is the general rule. I have Hafele watertaps that are rusting in my kitchen (german quality brand). I have Franke cookingstove that can't adjust the flame properly and sometimes goes off while cooking. Everything here is of a lesser quality even from the real brandname, not copy copy.

Don't rent the jetski's on the beach (that is a famous scam) and also be carefull with renting cars or motorbikes. I won't use my creditcard in Thailand and only change money at real banks. Banks ask 150 baht surcharge for using the atm and since last year the max. you can get out of the atm is 11-12000 baht. For me that is also a scam but it is nation-wide accepted.

Never buy drugs in Thailand, don't leave your passport anywhere as deposit, be carefull with the safe in the hotels. I also know people who have been brought into sleep somehow while sitting in the bus to Phuket and all their belongings were stolen. In nite-clubs never leave your drink unattended. Stay away from the ladyboys around the beachroads.

Well this is enough info i guess. The good thing is that i never heard of pickpockets being around. I know that some gangs pull jewelry of tourists so don't bring that. In general i feel more safe in BKK then in many European capitals.

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We have had 2 identical attempts in my hotel. It was about quite big amounts. We rejected.

I'm too honest or maybe too naïve to see the scam. Can somebody please explain....

The scammers steal the credit card details online.

They use it to order rooms and "some other unspecified stuff", then take the cash for the "unspecified stuff" from you hotel staff.

Edited by soomak
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Some years back while walking on Sukhumvit road I was bumped into by a young Chinese looking Thai with very good English. He apologised, took me for a coffee nearby and explained that his younger brother was studying to be a doctor and wanted to attend a conference in London. Their mother was very worried about this and would I go to the house to reassure her that London was safe? Smelling a rat I thanked him for the coffee and legged it. About 2 hours later I was queuing at and ATM and a lady who said she was from the Philippines told me that her younger sister was studying to be a dentist and had to go to a conference in London. Her mother was very worried about this and could I go round to the house and reassure her? Again I made my excuses, but I am still intrigued to know precisely what the scam was; maybe a drugged drink followed by a card game?

Some years back while walking on Sukhumvit road I was bumped into by a young Chinese looking Thai with very good English. He apologised, took me for a coffee nearby and explained that his younger brother was studying to be a doctor and wanted to attend a conference in London. Their mother was very worried about this and would I go to the house to reassure her that London was safe? Smelling a rat I thanked him for the coffee and legged it. About 2 hours later I was queuing at and ATM and a lady who said she was from the Philippines told me that her younger sister was studying to be a dentist and had to go to a conference in London. Her mother was very worried about this and could I go round to the house and reassure her? Again I made my excuses, but I am still intrigued to know precisely what the scam was; maybe a drugged drink followed by a card game?

This has happened to me 5 times..

So i suppose you do have to look farang since it's london? Although there are more non farang indians than farang in london.

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Some years back while walking on Sukhumvit road I was bumped into by a young Chinese looking Thai with very good English. He apologised, took me for a coffee nearby and explained that his younger brother was studying to be a doctor and wanted to attend a conference in London. Their mother was very worried about this and would I go to the house to reassure her that London was safe? Smelling a rat I thanked him for the coffee and legged it. About 2 hours later I was queuing at and ATM and a lady who said she was from the Philippines told me that her younger sister was studying to be a dentist and had to go to a conference in London. Her mother was very worried about this and could I go round to the house and reassure her? Again I made my excuses, but I am still intrigued to know precisely what the scam was; maybe a drugged drink followed by a card game?

Some years back while walking on Sukhumvit road I was bumped into by a young Chinese looking Thai with very good English. He apologised, took me for a coffee nearby and explained that his younger brother was studying to be a doctor and wanted to attend a conference in London. Their mother was very worried about this and would I go to the house to reassure her that London was safe? Smelling a rat I thanked him for the coffee and legged it. About 2 hours later I was queuing at and ATM and a lady who said she was from the Philippines told me that her younger sister was studying to be a dentist and had to go to a conference in London. Her mother was very worried about this and could I go round to the house and reassure her? Again I made my excuses, but I am still intrigued to know precisely what the scam was; maybe a drugged drink followed by a card game?

This has happened to me 5 times..

So i suppose you do have to look farang since it's london? Although there are more non farang indians than farang in london.

The scammers are smart, he asked my nationality and then named an existing hospital in my country where his sister was going to work. I guess he knows many hospitalnames in Europe.

Yes you do have to look like a tourist i guess. White skin, backpack, maybe carry a waterbottle, foreign clothes that are not in fashion here, i never carried a lonely planet in my hand but many do. Something like that. They are at the touristical places in BKK and probably you have to be alone. Mostly they came to me when i was smoking outside, maybe they check the brand of your cigarettes. Anyway they never got my money, they can be males or females.

Now i don't live in the citycentre anymore and have not being scammed for a long time.

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The scammers are smart, he asked my nationality and then named an existing hospital in my country where his sister was going to work. I guess he knows many hospitalnames in Europe.

Yes you do have to look like a tourist i guess. White skin, backpack, maybe carry a waterbottle, foreign clothes that are not in fashion here, i never carried a lonely planet in my hand but many do. Something like that. They are at the touristical places in BKK and probably you have to be alone. Mostly they came to me when i was smoking outside, maybe they check the brand of your cigarettes. Anyway they never got my money, they can be males or females.

Now i don't live in the citycentre anymore and have not being scammed for a long time.

There are many asian/ african non farang foreigners in bkk. From the looks of things your description of the situation this scammer would most likely pick out a farang compared to an asian, a black although will mostly likely be foreigner won't be from europe. The chances of a farang being a forigner and from europe/london will be higher than an asian obviously.

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