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I don’t think Thais are any more Xenophobic than anyone. Do You?


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Although I have encountered a few Thai xenophobes in the 15 years that I've lived in Thailand, they are only a tiny percentage of all Thais. However, many definitely fear the possibility of having to speak English, and fairly large percentage have a dislike and/or distrust of most non-Asian male tourists. This is mostly due to the rude and inapproprate behaviour of many young foreign men who come here mainly for the sex industry, and have little or no interest in the real Thai culture. However, when Thais get to know a decent foreign man, there's a huge difference in how they treat, and even talk about him.

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but it is not only us pinkies.

Many Japanese, Chinese and Koreans feel that they are the superior race. Also some Africans believe so.

The only difference is that we had the better opportunity to kill. I doubt that Japanese would have acted much more kindly if they would have discovered America instead of the Spanish.

My neighbor opposite (Thai, who studied lawyer, so he is not uneducated) always had the old German flag (this with the swastika) together with the Thai flag and the royal yellow flag on his house.

But he wasn't xenophobic to me and I never figured out the exact ideology of German-Thai-Nazi-Monarchism....

If Thais are xenophobic against farangs, then they may have good reasons to be.

Only have to look at some of the comments on these threads and posts to realise how racist and bigoted many farangs are.

Us whiteys are the epitome of racism. The American civil war, WW2 and the South African apartheid are typical examples of the practices of genocide as to the extremes that us white folks, the so-called master race will take to archive superiority over the so-called inferior races, and again judging by many of the comments made by Thai visa members, the old beliefs of Western and white extremist views and supremacy are still alive and well in the minds of many Western ex-pats living here.

My half Thai kids have never experienced racism or bigotry against them in Thailand, but they certainly did when we lived in the West, even if it was done in a mild form, but they were made aware that is was there.

As a foreigner here, I can accept that Thais may be curious about me and even suspicious and a little wary of me in some cases. Remember that Thailand is not a multi ethnic and multi cultural country in the true sense as in some other countries, in fact the concept of having Europeans living among them in the communities is still fairly new. It could take one of two generations before the Thais can come to terms with and live undeterred in integration with people of other races and totally different cultures.

As a foreigner living in Thailand, I can understand that the old ways and old traditions of living under one culture and one people for probably thousands of years cannot be changed in the space of just a few years. Anyone considering moving to Thailand should realise this fact and either except being a foreigner here or go something else where they feel more comfortable living with their own kind.

For the time being we have to still bow down to the fact that we are a small minority in Thailand and restricted under what is the over whelming Thai cultural majority. This could well all be changed in the future by the influences of our multi ethnic and multi cultural children and grandchildren, but probably not within my lifetime.

It`s all a case of educating people as to how the South East Asian nations perceive Westerners and having greater tolerance and understanding of what lies at the core of the fears and the culture of the Thai people and the reasons why.

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I read over and over on here that "farang" is a "racist" term. All it means to most Thais (according to my Thai Isaan wife) is "Non-Thai white guy from West". I know it also means a white mango that only birds like to eat and excrete, but so what. I am a farang, and so are most of you, if you're not too uptight to be down with it.

It's somewhat surprising that Thais are not generally xenophobic and racist, considering some of the bad behavior they see coming from farangs every day.

They could also call me pinky or longnose and I wouldn't care...because I am really more pink and more longnosed...

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Farang is not a racist term. It's only the idea of certain people who get offended for any reason and think that others are out to disrespect them. Yes some use it as a derogatory term but the word itself is not racist and was not created to insult people.

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If Thais are xenophobic against farangs, then they may have good reasons to be.

Only have to look at some of the comments on these threads and posts to realise how racist and bigoted many farangs are.

Us whiteys are the epitome of racism. The American civil war, WW2 and the South African apartheid are typical examples of the practices of genocide as to the extremes that us white folks, the so-called master race will take to archive superiority over the so-called inferior races, and again judging by many of the comments made by Thai visa members, the old beliefs of Western and white extremist views and supremacy are still alive and well in the minds of many Western ex-pats living here.

My half Thai kids have never experienced racism or bigotry against them in Thailand, but they certainly did when we lived in the West, even if it was done in a mild form, but they were made aware that is was there.

As a foreigner here, I can accept that Thais may be curious about me and even suspicious and a little wary of me in some cases. Remember that Thailand is not a multi ethnic and multi cultural country in the true sense as in some other countries, in fact the concept of having Europeans living among them in the communities is still fairly new. It could take one of two generations before the Thais can come to terms with and live undeterred in integration with people of other races and totally different cultures.

As a foreigner living in Thailand, I can understand that the old ways and old traditions of living under one culture and one people for probably thousands of years cannot be changed in the space of just a few years. Anyone considering moving to Thailand should realise this fact and either except being a foreigner here or go something else where they feel more comfortable living with their own kind.

For the time being we have to still bow down to the fact that we are a small minority in Thailand and restricted under what is the over whelming Thai cultural majority. This could well all be changed in the future by the influences of our multi ethnic and multi cultural children and grandchildren, but probably not within my lifetime.

It`s all a case of educating people as to how the South East Asian nations perceive Westerners and having greater tolerance and understanding of what lies at the core of the fears and the culture of the Thai people and the reasons why.

The Nazis were responsible for genocide in WW2. Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot all committed genocide, as did the Turks against the Armenians.

But genocide in the American Civil war ? And RSA under apartheid? Would you like to quote your research on those?

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I read over and over on here that "farang" is a "racist" term. All it means to most Thais (according to my Thai Isaan wife) is "Non-Thai white guy from West". I know it also means a white mango that only birds like to eat and excrete, but so what. I am a farang, and so are most of you, if you're not too uptight to be down with it.

It's somewhat surprising that Thais are not generally xenophobic and racist, considering some of the bad behavior they see coming from farangs every day.

Hey Frankie - the farang fruit is very nice. Often served in restaurants as part of the fruit selection. I like eating it - and I ain't a bird !

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I exist in Belgium, that dreary, damp, place between motorways, which is full of miserable, grim, yes grim, Belgians.

Now is that xenophobic or just a very accurate observation. My wife is Belgian but spent most of her life in South Africa, Thailand and the UK so she is totally - atypical.

Are Belgians xenophobic. The further they get from Belgium the less xenophobic they seem to become.

Here in the corrupt heart of the EU, where more than 50% of the population is on benefit the country is divided into 3 regions.

The German speaking Belgians are the smallest group, tend to mind their own business, work hard and are a real benefit.

The French speaking Belgians used to be the richest and are now the poorest with the highest unemployment in the "country". They call themselves Wallons or Walloons. Others call them.....now now.

The Dutch speaking 60% of the population live in Flanders. These are pretty rough folk in the main, look it and sound it.

I live in Flanders - so clearly I must have done something very bad in a past life. We take care of my wife's elderly mother and when she shuffles off her 87 year old mortal coil......


Listening to the Flemish, they actively loathe, hate and detest the Wah-loonies - oh and the French AND - one must not leave out the Dutch (the other real Dutch from Holland) who have a special place reserved for them in the hatred of Flemish hearts.

On Belgian TV - anything and I mean anything, which hurts, harms, embarrasses, excoriates the Americans is always top news. No matter if it is true - if it is anti-Yankee - wonderful.

Next on the hate list - (or is it jealousy) after the Wallons, French, the Dutch, the Americans come the English.

After all of them comes anyone with a dark skin so the literally hordes of very militant muslims who scare the hell out of the Belgians, the Africans from the French speaking parts of that continent and of course the Chinese.

Are they xenophobic? As a non-xenophobe (what?) I would say yes.

But the Flemish will tell me that they are the most welcoming and friendly race in the World. We are famous for it they will say.

Me? I am not so sure.

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I recall telling my family I never understood what it was like to be a black man in the USA during the 50's until I lived in Bkk during the 90's

Of course because, during that dark period in their history, drunken Thais routinely rounded up random farangs, found a suitable tree and lynched them from it, right?


I do believe your taking the piss right? You do not believe that hangings were routine? However segregation and being treated as a second class citizen was. Ostentatious behavior was norm which is what my experience was on the public transport system and small shops. That was my personal experience and I have many other examples relating to doing business in the Los if it is different for you great as for me my mind is set.
Nearly three and a half thousand black people were reported to have been lynched in an 87 year period in the USA - that not enough for you? Are you forced to sit at the back of the bus here? Are Western children in Thailand forced to go to separate schools? Are Western employees of Thai companies routinely beaten for no good reason? If you think the way you are treated here is anywhere near the same as the way black people were treated in the USA in the 50s, you are completely insane. Stop behaving like an overly sensitive old woman and man up for pity's sake.

well slapped for a truly stupid remark.

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Me. I am a Scotsman, therefore an ethnic minority in the U.K. I feel quite at home here.

Nearly three and a half thousand black people were reported to have been lynched in an 87 year period in the USA - that not enough for you? Are you forced to sit at the back of the bus here? Are Western children in Thailand forced to go to separate schools? Are Western employees of Thai companies routinely beaten for no good reason? If you think the way you are treated here is anywhere near the same as the way black people were treated in the USA in the 50s, you are completely insane. Stop behaving like an overly sensitive old woman and man up for pity's sake.
. OMG 3,500 people killed in 87 yrs by crazy people, that many die every holiday in Thailand. The post is not about being a man. i suggest rather than pushing some agenda try sticking to the subject which you have yet to offer an opinion on.

You are the one with an agenda. How many white people do you know of that have been lynched in Thailand?

Do I think Thai people are xenophobic? Yes, but no more so than visitors from overseas like yourself who cannot cope with being in an ethnic minority and start making ridiculous comparisons to the way black people have been treated in the past.

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One thing that has become very clear from teading this thread is the tint of the glasses each poster views the world. There are many with rose tinted glasses that see everything Thai as special and unique and when anyone expresses am opinion to the contrery these people call it Thai bashing. I have been in the LOS longer than most and not as long as many and IMO have come to terms with my position in Thai society, I have learned how to live and prosper here while jumping hoops and finding alternate routs throughout the journey. To each their own I will believe what I have learned to believe through personal experience and others will do the same. Please take note that an honest observation is not automatically a form of bashing it is simply stating a fact.

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Nearly three and a half thousand black people were reported to have been lynched in an 87 year period in the USA - that not enough for you? Are you forced to sit at the back of the bus here? Are Western children in Thailand forced to go to separate schools? Are Western employees of Thai companies routinely beaten for no good reason? If you think the way you are treated here is anywhere near the same as the way black people were treated in the USA in the 50s, you are completely insane. Stop behaving like an overly sensitive old woman and man up for pity's sake.

. OMG 3,500 people killed in 87 yrs by crazy people, that many die every holiday in Thailand. The post is not about being a man. i suggest rather than pushing some agenda try sticking to the subject which you have yet to offer an opinion on.

You are the one with an agenda. How many white people do you know of that have been lynched in Thailand?

Do I think Thai people are xenophobic? Yes, but no more so than visitors from overseas like yourself who cannot cope with being in an ethnic minority and start making ridiculous comparisons to the way black people have been treated in the past.

I am glad to see that we agree BTW how many black people do you remotely know that have been lynched in the USA my bet is zero on the other hand .........

Are you denying that it happened then? You have already shown yourself to be foolish, feel free to stop before you confirm my worst suspicions.

Out of interest, how many white people do you know (or have read documented evidence about - if you want to be pedantic) that are living in Thailand because their forefathers were kidnapped and forced into slavery here?

Edited by inthepink
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They are. They tolerate us. We can't buy a house! Even if married with kids..

Many countries prohibit or restrict foreign ownership of land and real estate... with good reason!

Mexico for example does not allow foreign ownership of coastal lands, if they did their entire coastline would have been bought up by wealthy Americans.

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I am glad to see that we agree BTW how many black people do you remotely know that have been lynched in the USA my bet is zero on the other hand .........

Yeah, there should exist something like Godwin's law for comparing things to slavery. Ridiculous. In fact, I would go so far as to say that you can't really compare your experience here to immigrants from poor countries moving to rich ones. Most of us (I hope) are relatively affluent, educated, and have choices about where to live. I can and have lived in various countries...I move on when I want to (have to prepare first, but it isn't like I am staring down the rest of my life wondering if I will ever go home, ever be able to see my family, etc.).

Living here can, I believe, give you insight into what those people face, but it isn't the same, and it surely has nothing to do with the horrors of slavery. Watch that new-ish Tarrantino movie, Django--that thing makes most people cringe due to its violent depictions, and it is just a movie that is watered down and doesn't get near the reality of the thing itself.

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Nearly three and a half thousand black people were reported to have been lynched in an 87 year period in the USA - that not enough for you? Are you forced to sit at the back of the bus here? Are Western children in Thailand forced to go to separate schools? Are Western employees of Thai companies routinely beaten for no good reason? If you think the way you are treated here is anywhere near the same as the way black people were treated in the USA in the 50s, you are completely insane. Stop behaving like an overly sensitive old woman and man up for pity's sake.

. OMG 3,500 people killed in 87 yrs by crazy people, that many die every holiday in Thailand. The post is not about being a man. i suggest rather than pushing some agenda try sticking to the subject which you have yet to offer an opinion on.

You are the one with an agenda. How many white people do you know of that have been lynched in Thailand?

Do I think Thai people are xenophobic? Yes, but no more so than visitors from overseas like yourself who cannot cope with being in an ethnic minority and start making ridiculous comparisons to the way black people have been treated in the past.

I am glad to see that we agree BTW how many black people do you remotely know that have been lynched in the USA my bet is zero on the other hand .........

Are you denying that it happened then? You have already shown yourself to be foolish, feel free to stop before you confirm my worst suspicions.

Out of interest, how many white people do you know (or have read documented evidence about - if you want to be pedantic) that are living in Thailand because their forefathers were kidnapped and forced into slavery here?

I know I will probably regret taking this bait however slave ships were well before the 1950's as for lynching I was a child in rural America where there was a klan presence, segregated schools, seating, and service windows. I never saw one cross burning nor lynching. The point I was making in my post was what I felt. During the mid 90's in Bkk it was not uncommon for the busses to not stop if it was only myself and a friend without a Thai standing at the bus stop. During the 90's it was not uncommon for older Thai to get up and move away from me if I sat next to them ( dressed in my business suit ) during the 90's in Bkk it was not uncommon to hear shop keepers yelling forang or stall keepers make obvious attempts to over charge me etc... Now lets be honest about Thailand are foreign people killed simply for being foreign in this millennium? Yes, along with the odd habit of suicide by hanging, jumping and drowning. At the end of the day I have family and investment here and I have lived here long enough to feel qualified to post what I believe to be true about Thailand whether others agree with my opinion or not.

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I know I will probably regret taking this bait however slave ships were well before the 1950's as for lynching I was a child in rural America where there was a klan presence, segregated schools, seating, and service windows. I never saw one cross burning nor lynching. The point I was making in my post was what I felt. During the mid 90's in Bkk it was not uncommon for the busses to not stop if it was only myself and a friend without a Thai standing at the bus stop. During the 90's it was not uncommon for older Thai to get up and move away from me if I sat next to them ( dressed in my business suit ) during the 90's in Bkk it was not uncommon to hear shop keepers yelling forang or stall keepers make obvious attempts to over charge me etc... Now lets be honest about Thailand are foreign people killed simply for being foreign in this millennium? Yes, along with the odd habit of suicide by hanging, jumping and drowning. At the end of the day I have family and investment here and I have lived here long enough to feel qualified to post what I believe to be true about Thailand whether others agree with my opinion or not.

There is a well-known saying that when one is in a hole, it's usually a good idea to stop digging.

There is no way on this green earth that you came anywhere near experiencing how a black man felt in the US in the 50s . . . and you know it.

The examples you've provided of the adversities you had to endure are nothing short of laughable. Not only because of their incredibly trivial nature but because the accounts of pretty much every other farang who was around at that time tell a completely different story. They tell of Thais being extremely polite and displaying great respect for white people and of preferential treatment from the locals and yet, there you sit, behaving as though you were despised wherever you went.

"Oh pity me, those Thais tried to overcharge me" passifier.gif.pagespeed.ce.4LsapYv4zC.gi

"Now I know how black people felt when they had the shit beaten out of them for using the wrong toilet in Alabama"

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They are. They tolerate us. We can't buy a house! Even if married with kids..

Many countries prohibit or restrict foreign ownership of land and real estate... with good reason!

Mexico for example does not allow foreign ownership of coastal lands, if they did their entire coastline would have been bought up by wealthy Americans.


What you state is the truth, a little over a decade ago, Mexico revised its law, under The North American Free Trade Agreement, and true to the word American investors immediately purchased all the beach front land around where I lived in the zona Libre (Free zone) Puerto Penasco, Sonora. The result was immediate, the cost of living increased dramatically to where it was no longer a economical place to live.

I packed up and moved to Thailand. The same thing will happen here if land purchases were opened up to non-Thai's. Thailand is being very farsighted /clever in limiting land sales to Thai's only!


Edited by kikoman
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I know I will probably regret taking this bait however slave ships were well before the 1950's as for lynching I was a child in rural America where there was a klan presence, segregated schools, seating, and service windows. I never saw one cross burning nor lynching. The point I was making in my post was what I felt. During the mid 90's in Bkk it was not uncommon for the busses to not stop if it was only myself and a friend without a Thai standing at the bus stop. During the 90's it was not uncommon for older Thai to get up and move away from me if I sat next to them ( dressed in my business suit ) during the 90's in Bkk it was not uncommon to hear shop keepers yelling forang or stall keepers make obvious attempts to over charge me etc... Now lets be honest about Thailand are foreign people killed simply for being foreign in this millennium? Yes, along with the odd habit of suicide by hanging, jumping and drowning. At the end of the day I have family and investment here and I have lived here long enough to feel qualified to post what I believe to be true about Thailand whether others agree with my opinion or not.

There is a well-known saying that when one is in a hole, it's usually a good idea to stop digging.

There is no way on this green earth that you came anywhere near experiencing how a black man felt in the US in the 50s . . . and you know it.

The examples you've provided of the adversities you had to endure are nothing short of laughable. Not only because of their incredibly trivial nature but because the accounts of pretty much every other farang who was around at that time tell a completely different story. They tell of Thais being extremely polite and displaying great respect for white people and of preferential treatment from the locals and yet, there you sit, behaving as though you were despised wherever you went.

"Oh pity me, those Thais tried to overcharge me" passifier.gif.pagespeed.ce.4LsapYv4zC.gi

"Now I know how black people felt when they had the shit beaten out of them for using the wrong toilet in Alabama"

No expat here in Thailand has remotely endured what Slavery forced them to suffer, the numbers stated only those that where lynched, not anyone shot to death, worked to death, raped to death, beaten to death, could go on and on. Not to mention the holocaust against the Natives Americans, and especially from a person who grew up in the south in denial that those things, did not happen or 200 years of slavery was a minor incident.

Expats should be grateful that they do not face "real" discrimination's as those poor soles that were sent in chains to it.


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Well I guess I have found a nest of Obama fans enough said.

Wow....ok, then....that didn't take long. Rather than being Obama fans, I would assume these people are fans of making arguments based on facts and making reasonable comparisons. Have fun in Thailand!

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I say dam_n straight Thais are xenophobic. It is apparent in the immigration and foreign business rules, too.

The point of those various slang terms is that it's very, very rude to use them. To call someone a chink or wop is bad enough but when they are in front of you? Indescribably rude, Thais get away with it , as they do with other appalling behavior and rules as many western males need to engage them sexually.

I often call Thais on it when they refer to me as farang, " Please don't use racist terms.." I'll say. Especially in service type situations such as in the bank, etc. Of course they giggle in that idiotic way they use to cover up stupid mistakes. And of course I simply stare at them with my most rigid poker face , and of course they get uncomfortable , and of course I enjoy it !!

Yep, I have no respect for their obscenely feudal, sexist culture, and no they are not a race, ( though some seem to think they are..)but a nation of poorly educated people that detest foreigners and see them as nothing but wallets.

All IMO, of course!!

you must be a riot to live with.

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Well I guess I have found a nest of Obama fans enough said.

Well, I think that statement confirms what you are, as I expected. I know slavery was abolished well before the 1950s, hence my use of the word "forefathers". Frankly, the rest of your comments are not worth answering.

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Well I guess I have found a nest of Obama fans enough said.

You don't have to be a fan of Obama's to recognize that your comment comparing your experiences in Bangkok to those of African Americans in the US in the 50's and 60's is insulting to Thai people, African Americans and anyone else who has an ounce of sense.

I never saw one cross burning nor lynching.

I suppose you also deny the Holocaust and insist the earth is flat since you've seen neither an active concentration camp nor the earth from space. You have proven one thing beyond doubt, but outlining it here would be considered inflammatory, I'm sure.

Edited by Suradit69
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there's a difference between xenophobia AND nationalism or protectionism...

i don't think thai are xenophobic.

however, most thai are uneducated/simple minded and therefore think in generalizations (with thx to the thai mongoloid educational system).

the same way simple minded people in the west think all arabs are thiefs, all jews are greedy, all gay have aids, all western men in thailand scr€w whores, etc

my neighbour with whom i eat everyday now tells his friend that ALL FARANG LIKE GARLIC, since i (the only farang he knows) like garlic

my neighbour is a genius clap2.gif

The mere fact that they even bother to tar entire continents with broad brush desciptions shows to me how utterly xenephobic they are. Bear in mind, xenephobia is the irrational fear or dislike of others from other countries. Thai's don't even bother to get down to countries, if you are white, you are farang. How utterly irrational is that?

I suppose it is safe to say that an awful lot of them are xenephobic and simple minded also. Wow. It just got worse then.

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