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How difficult is it to obtain a US visa for my Thai girlfriend

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Hello all,

Curious about traveling to the states with my Thai girlfriend, she is near the end of law school and has worked in government positions prior to her school. She's only 25 and very pretty so I am wondering if she will be discriminated against while attempting to get a US visa? I am a US citizen, slave, lazy american't, whatever you want to call us... Ha ha!

I know nothing about this process and only mention her beauty because of what I've been told online about this process... A young, pretty Thai girl trying to get into the states is difficult because they fear she won't return??? Again, telling me I'm a novice is unnecessary.

Our stay will only be for a month of meeting my family and showing her my home in Montana. She has been pushing for this visit for a few months and I'm only now starting to look at it seriously as a bit of a graduation present. How much can I look to spend?

Cheers and thanks for any help!

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Thanks so much for the link, I'll check it out straight away!!

And, no its not a troll post but thanks for looking just past your advanced member wisdom to drop a comment like that on my first post. Maybe I should know what my adventure will run but thought I'd start here first. Why the unfriendly reply?

Doesn't really matter I guess, is there anyone else wondering if I'm just lonely enough to waste my time "troll" posting stupid questions? If so, rest assured that's not the case. I was just wondering if someone might have some insight. Maybe Thai Visa isn't the place for visa questions.

Once again, cheers

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I apologize if this is the wrong spot for this topic, probably should have read through a bit more. Thank you all so much for the replies! I'm really clueless and am just reaching out for some info/help..

She actually does own some land and her family does have money but exactly how much, I'm not sure but I do know her grandmother (not the nicest lady) is loaded!

She has absolutely no interest and neither do I in staying in the states. Two round trips will be booked when we decide to go, for sure! As far as her education goes, I'm betting on her leaving when she's done with her law degree which isn't far off and graduation will likely be before we would go. This is most definitely a visit to see my home and introduce her to my family.

Thanks again for the replies everyone!


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Thanks so much for the link, I'll check it out straight away!!

And, no its not a troll post but thanks for looking just past your advanced member wisdom to drop a comment like that on my first post. Maybe I should know what my adventure will run but thought I'd start here first. Why the unfriendly reply?

Doesn't really matter I guess, is there anyone else wondering if I'm just lonely enough to waste my time "troll" posting stupid questions? If so, rest assured that's not the case. I was just wondering if someone might have some insight. Maybe Thai Visa isn't the place for visa questions.

Once again, cheers

What the hell did he say wrong ????

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Have gotten tourist visas for Thai friends before, though it's been a few years. A few scattered thoughts:

- She does not have to lots of money. Just "enough." 60,000 Baht has proven to be enough in the past, though I know of those who've had a million in the bank, and couldn't get such a visa.

- Governments love paper. So you should bury them with paper. Print out a few hundred old emails, to show the relationship has been going on for some time. Print out a mess of photos of the two of you together and with her family, even on plain paper. Write a letter of invitation to her, and a similar but different letter to the embassy, telling how long you've known her, how long you've known her family, how much property your gf has, and its nature. If she is still a student, make that clear and describe when she must return for classes. As someone else indicated, it is imperative that they understand she will return to Thailand. Property and family are likely the best forms of proof. She probably has no children, but if she does, note them, and that she must return to them. If you're working here, then include a copy of your work permit, and describe where you work and how long you've worked there, If possible, include a letter from your employer stating that you're a great guy, and the employer expects you to return to work on such and such a date. I actually included a letter from my congressman with the last visa request. Assuming you still have a congressman in the US, you might ask for a letter as well, via email. Oh, and if you live here, and not there, then a couple of things maybe... Have your parents ask the congressman, if you want. But note in your letter that you understand that you cannot stay in the USA for more than 35 days without running into problems with having to participate in ObamaCare.

- Buy travel health insurance for the duration of her visit. Include a copy of the receipt and description of the coverage in the visa request.

- In the past, I've also shown them an already purchased airline ticket. Round trip, of course.

- She should dress conservatively for the interview. No makeup. No nail polish either. Hair pulled up, probably. If she can look tired from studying, so much the better.

Generally, it's best to do the absolute maximum you can in advance of the first visa request. Visa applications can be quite time consuming, and although not expensive, are not quite cheap either. I seem to recall that they make note of failed visa efforts in some way or another, and such will be on record should she try a second time. So overwhelm them with both your and her efforts. And make them know that you're being bluntly honest about everything.

Best of luck.

Edited by RedQualia
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Someone above mentioned a fiance visa. That is not what you want, that is for those wanting to bring the GF to the states to get married.

Ya, I forgot to mention that detail... Think you're probably correct. As I recall, there are a couple of different fiance or spouse visas or such. But the assumption for all is that the woman intends to live in the USA, and because of that, I suppose, such visas then to take a long time to acquire. Like a year and a half, or two, last time I looked into such.

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Thanks so much for the link, I'll check it out straight away!!

And, no its not a troll post but thanks for looking just past your advanced member wisdom to drop a comment like that on my first post. Maybe I should know what my adventure will run but thought I'd start here first. Why the unfriendly reply?

Doesn't really matter I guess, is there anyone else wondering if I'm just lonely enough to waste my time "troll" posting stupid questions? If so, rest assured that's not the case. I was just wondering if someone might have some insight. Maybe Thai Visa isn't the place for visa questions.

Once again, cheers

What the hell did he say wrong ????

I beileve it was a response to a troll post immediately removed by a moderator, not to the friendly advice of the first poster.

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That 35 days thing about ACA isn't true. There's no ACA police. It only becomes an issue when you are employed in the US and try to get a tax refund.

No ACA police, for sure. But the rules say 35 days. Otherwise, it's just good noise to include, and it's with that in mind that I mentioned it.

"If you live outside the US but return to the US more than 35 days in any year, you will be mandated to purchase qualified health insurance coverage or pay the tax unlessyou can prove you qualify for the foreign earned income exclusion."


Oh, and probably a good idea for the OP to make sure he has functioning health insurance when he visits the states. No one wants to get caught having to pay doctors and hospitals back there out of their own pockets...

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It may work to the OP's advantage if his girlfriend makes an effort to get work or maybe an internship lined up for post-graduation. Although a US vacation as a graduation gift is the intention, as pointed out earlier, the onus is on her to prove that she has NO reason to stay in the US, ie. a compelling reason to return to Thailand. Having a job or a firm offer of a job would check that box but proof will be required, and they will check.

Someone else mentioned earlier that the OP's status in Thailand is important. This may well be the case if his girlfriend cannot show proof of work or a job offer. In my letter supporting my Thai wife's first visa application for the UK, I mentioned that although a Brit, I was working in Thailand and needed to return to Thailand, hence she would be returning with me since she didn't have a job of her own to return to. Apparently being a wife and full-time mother doesn't rate as a job!

Since the the OP and his girlfriend are just that, maybe a bit premature to think that his status in Thailand may have any major bearing on the decision but it may be a contributing factor to an approval and since (I assume) he is sponsoring the trip, it should be mentioned.

Good luck anyway.

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I wish you luck, but expect to have to jump through a few hoops as we did the first time I took my Thai Girlfriend (now wife of many years) to Australia.

Maybe because she is also beautiful, I'm not sure but we had to show her bank account details dating back a year or two, get friends in Australia to write letters inviting her and vouching for her. I was fortunate as I had some pretty influential friends in Oz Media and Military who helped and my own family also came to the party with invitations and testimonials about me.

The whole thing is, they seem to think every Thai Girl, in particular if she looks great, is a Hooker. Anyway, keep SMILING and provide the US Immigration people with all they ask for and I'm sure it will work out well for you.

Once again, best of luck to both of you.

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Get her a fake Chinese passport and start those mandarin lessons. The Chinese are "flooding" the US and Europe. The US visa approval process for Chinese has been turned 180 degrees from just 4-5 yrs ago. The tiny minority now are the ones who are rejected. The reasons are beyond the scope of this forum, of course.

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Let me tell you what happened with me and my attempts. My first girlfriend in Thailand way back 19 years ago I tired to get her a tourist visa.

She had 2 kids,a car, owned a beauty shop, a condo and a house and land up north. You would think this was enough for her to get a visa. Nope she was turned down. (note I was not living in Thailand yet, still living in the US and going back and forth) We were told we should get married, which she was all for that I was not. So gave up on here.

Fast forward 16 years and I had a new girlfriend. After being together for two years she kept bugging me to go to the USA wanted to meet my family who she has heard of and spoken to a little on skype. So I told her we would try but don't get her hopes up. She owns a small shop, owns some land and a house. I own a company have a work permit for more than 9 years.

We made copies of my work permit, my share holding in the company and included all of this with her stuff. She was then granted a visa. Again you need to show she will return.

It appears if you can show that you are working here and need to return and logic is she is going to return too. Several of my friends that have included information about them

and showing their work permit their wife / Girlfriend were granted a visa. If the girl applying can show a long work history at the same place this will help too.

A girl I know worked at her company for 6 years and was granted a visa for the USA with no boyfriend. She was just going with her sister on holiday. Her sister also

worked for a company for a long time. Having a degree is helpful but that is not enough to prove she will return to Thailand. The whole thing is she has to prove she will return.

Best way to do this is to show you have to return to Thailand for work or business whatever.

Note: it does take time. Things have changed since I last did it, but I believe the cost of the visa is $150 does not matter if you get the visa or not you dont get that money back. It took us about 5 months. This can vary depending on time of year number of applications being submitted etc.

I helped a friend to a fiance visa. From what I recall this takes between 8-12 months and costs almost $1000. There is a $455 fee for homeland security in the USA. Then the embassy fee of $200. This would give her 3 months in the USA where during that time you would need to get married. You would need to show residence in the USA and that your income is 125% above poverty level. She has a bunch of hoops to jump through too. Medical exam,police report etc.

Good luck!!

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That 35 days thing about ACA isn't true. There's no ACA police. It only becomes an issue when you are employed in the US and try to get a tax refund.

No ACA police, for sure. But the rules say 35 days. Otherwise, it's just good noise to include, and it's with that in mind that I mentioned it.

"If you live outside the US but return to the US more than 35 days in any year, you will be mandated to purchase qualified health insurance coverage or pay the tax unlessyou can prove you qualify for the foreign earned income exclusion."


Oh, and probably a good idea for the OP to make sure he has functioning health insurance when he visits the states. No one wants to get caught having to pay doctors and hospitals back there out of their own pockets...

Go with your tea party republican views and comments to The World News Forum.

Tourist visa: e.g., The easiest way is for you to be a Mormon and ask your elder to sign some documents, not many, a letter or two about your girl's humanistic ways bla bla and you have her in USA very soon.

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I am assuming that she is going on a tourist visa and she will be accompanying you to the states. She will have to show sufficient funds in the bank to finance the trip and probably regular income from a job. If she is a student that may not be possible, but if her family has money, she may be ok financially.

She will also need to show her school status and that she is enrolled and will continue her education.

Basically she will have to overcome the presumption that she will remain in the US.

Best of luck. (By the way, my information is a little bit old, but I worked for the embassy a long time ago).

Seriously now, I agree with your great input above. I wanted to let him know that there may be some other way. I believe he knows all by know.

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15k USD (450,000 baht) in her name, in a Thai bank should do it. Like an above poster said --they want to see FINANCIAL ties to Thailand. That pretty much guarantees a person will go back or their money. The old trick was that if a poor village girl wanted to go to the States, then the whole village would chip in and deposit money in her account--then take it back out later.

Look forward to loads of paperwork. Although Los Angeles has the largest Thai diaspora outside of Thailand--it is still a long wait to get a visa. That's why most of the Thais in the USA are of middle to upper class background. Not many former tuk tuk drivers in LA.

Apply now, and maybe in 10 months to a year she will get a visa. A 2 year wait is not uncommon either.

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Lots of facts suggested here. I am doing a fiancee visa and my girl has her final interview this month...(6 month process from start to interview). We do intend to marry and stay in the USA.

As per your situation, tourist visas can be done at the US Consulate in Laos (with better results). Several friends (who married their wives in Thailand and registered the marriage at the US Embassy in Bangkok) got tourist visas in less than a week..one in two days.

Another Thai girl, who is 42, went to Laos to get a US tourist visa 3 months ago, but was denied because she said she would be staying with her American boyfriend. That is a no no. They simply told her to reapply for a Fiancee Visa. If your girl says she is going there to see you, they will think she will not come back to Thailand. If she says she loves you, they will not believe she will come back..hands down. If she lies, and says she has no boyfriend and she is going to see a long lost relative, they will also turn her down, if she falters who has no proof.

I am not presuming you met this girl in a bar, or that she is a sex worker. That surely would make things harder (for a tourist visa).

Do not..do not...do not..go with her to her interview for a tourist visa. She must go alone, and like everyone said, have enough money in the bank, prove she needs to come back, no police record, no US boyfriend who met her here in Thailand (they assume she will not come back)

Being young and pretty....I do not know why that would be considered a bad thing. Working in the sex trade (not saying she is doing that) might mean trouble..and they could possible figure that out during an intensive interview.

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***My personal opinion regarding the USA and this whole procedure... First off to spend $160 with no guarantee of getting what you have paid for is some racquet if y ou ask me. Must be a great business to accept deposits or payments in full from your customers for services/products but then turn around and say, oh by the way there is no guarantee that I'll show up and do the work/service or send you the product that you have paid for.

Actually, you did your homework and the workers in the Embassy deserve to get paid. It is not a free service, nor should it be, especially for the amount of work that goes into handling the cases. I believe most countries require payment in advance, with no guarantee of approval as well. Thailand charges 1000 baht for each entry and 1800 baht for an extension. A double entry with extensions on each entry (as well as expenses to leave Thailand for each of the entries) would cost more for just six months !!!!

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Have gotten tourist visas for Thai friends before, though it's been a few years. A few scattered thoughts:

- She does not have to lots of money. Just "enough." 60,000 Baht has proven to be enough in the past, though I know of those who've had a million in the bank, and couldn't get such a visa.

- Governments love paper. So you should bury them with paper. Print out a few hundred old emails, to show the relationship has been going on for some time. Print out a mess of photos of the two of you together and with her family, even on plain paper. Write a letter of invitation to her, and a similar but different letter to the embassy, telling how long you've known her, how long you've known her family, how much property your gf has, and its nature. If she is still a student, make that clear and describe when she must return for classes. As someone else indicated, it is imperative that they understand she will return to Thailand. Property and family are likely the best forms of proof. She probably has no children, but if she does, note them, and that she must return to them. If you're working here, then include a copy of your work permit, and describe where you work and how long you've worked there, If possible, include a letter from your employer stating that you're a great guy, and the employer expects you to return to work on such and such a date. I actually included a letter from my congressman with the last visa request. Assuming you still have a congressman in the US, you might ask for a letter as well, via email. Oh, and if you live here, and not there, then a couple of things maybe... Have your parents ask the congressman, if you want. But note in your letter that you understand that you cannot stay in the USA for more than 35 days without running into problems with having to participate in ObamaCare.

- Buy travel health insurance for the duration of her visit. Include a copy of the receipt and description of the coverage in the visa request.

- In the past, I've also shown them an already purchased airline ticket. Round trip, of course.

- She should dress conservatively for the interview. No makeup. No nail polish either. Hair pulled up, probably. If she can look tired from studying, so much the better.

Generally, it's best to do the absolute maximum you can in advance of the first visa request. Visa applications can be quite time consuming, and although not expensive, are not quite cheap either. I seem to recall that they make note of failed visa efforts in some way or another, and such will be on record should she try a second time. So overwhelm them with both your and her efforts. And make them know that you're being bluntly honest about everything.

Best of luck.

Redqualia has given you some very sound advice. Quite similar to when I brought my ex to America on a fiancee visa. I had a lawyer do the paperwork mainly because I was in the the States and my fiancee was not familiar with BKK. Lawyer did the logistics for her. I think the main thing is to show US Immigration that she has a reason to return. Chok Dee

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