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Wondering who to blame as the waters keep rising


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The Nation will blame the government that is certain. It is not politically opportune to report the truth. First of all it takes a decade and probably longer to work out a master plan and do the construction work that comes with it. Secondly asking Chinese and Korean companies to come up with the plan is laughable. Look at the TV and see the Chinese people drowning year in and year out. So the Chinese have no clue how to prevent floods. The Nation will not mention that because their owners and their yellow shirt friends are all Thai Chinese people.

But unless Yingluck is the sister of Harry Potter she can't prevent the floods either unless she will get a decade to do the construction work necessary and build pumping stations. Only Abhisit can pull something like that off in a year of course. ... or maybe not (but than he will blame any elected government )

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Mr. Plodprasop is one of those people who believes he got rich because of his hard work, determination, and intelligence instead of the real reason: inherited wealth and connections. On many occasions, he has proven his arrogance and disdain for anyone disagreeing with him and he is not open to suggestion. His character is fine for a wholly owned business but not for a public company or government leader. His presence in the party is due to his financial support of the party and his position in the government is his reward. He hurts the party and government and Thailand more than he is worth. He is a modern day Chalerm but without the charisma of Chalerm. Get rid of him and everybody but him will benefit.

And since it is imperative in this culture to find some one or something to blame, they can blame Ploddy.

Since they managed to sideline Chalerm, they can sideline this walking disaster also.

Again and again, it is quite obvious to the Shin Clan that their selection of party buffoons to run critical state bodies charged with the most important work is coming back to bite them in the ass, again and again.

Stupid, arrogant and in power. The most dangerous combination.

They always have Jutuporn in the side wings ready to save his continuous list of gifts.

When you pave over every pond, swamp, lake and canal, where do you expect the water to go?

If you are a PTP you don't care as long as it is not Bangkok

Flooding in Thailand has been going on since creation, the question is , who is going to harness this water to benefit Thailand and to control the river system management itself, this is the hard yards bit , the PTP hasn't got a clue, have the Democrats an answer, not really , it will take lots of man hours and effort to think out the problems associated with this project, along with support from the community, one doubts Thailand's commitment to a solution will be forth coming, at least in the short term , while the PTP are in power, although the Democrats never did a thing while in power either , maybe Abhisit will make a move.bah.gif.pagespeed.ce.-cCHYEZ1Lo.gif alt=bah.gif width=19 height=19> .

The Democrats were never given the power the PTPredshirts have. They never faced the problem. If the Democrats were in power now with the backing the PTP has they would in all likely hood Have accepted the Dutch offer of assistance with water management. This problem will go on as long as Thailand allows it.

Yes there has always been floods and there will always be more. But there are ways of lessening the damage they do. For instance how many homes are now built on ground level where they use to be built on supports holding them above the water level. Result was they did not get damaged from a meter or two or more of water and there was more land available to absorb the water.

Edited by hellodolly
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Blame the American Republican Party, for their dithering and denial of global warming. The polar ice caps are melting, north and south. For you conservatives who want to flame me, see the September issue of National Geographic before you reply. It will scare the daylights out of you. Or it won't, because you're fearless in your blind, political denial.

On another topic, would anyone care to buy some beachfront property in Phitsanuloke Province?

Glad you follow the Rothschild & minion (Al Gore) agenda so well, and those pics taken during the summer time of the caps. Guess you'll be ready to march off the cliff when obama is dangling a carrot on a string in front of his subjects.

Don;t know what the h*ll that has to do with this, but man are you duped! Blaming this on freedom lovers who don't want debt and socialism abroad. BTW, All hail debt, dependency and obamacare and mass poverty, Mr liberal! Hail the international banks working on your back, yippee! The constitution lovers made Thailand flood......pitifully moronic buddy.

What a moronic comment. Talking about duped!!

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Blame the American Republican Party, for their dithering and denial of global warming. The polar ice caps are melting, north and south. For you conservatives who want to flame me, see the September issue of National Geographic before you reply. It will scare the daylights out of you. Or it won't, because you're fearless in your blind, political denial.

On another topic, would anyone care to buy some beachfront property in Phitsanuloke Province?

Glad you follow the Rothschild & minion (Al Gore) agenda so well, and those pics taken during the summer time of the caps. Guess you'll be ready to march off the cliff when obama is dangling a carrot on a string in front of his subjects.

Don;t know what the h*ll that has to do with this, but man are you duped! Blaming this on freedom lovers who don't want debt and socialism abroad. BTW, All hail debt, dependency and obamacare and mass poverty, Mr liberal! Hail the international banks working on your back, yippee! The constitution lovers made Thailand flood......pitifully moronic buddy.

What a moronic comment. Talking about duped!!

You certainly are, not to know the history nor take note of the what occured in the USSR and Greece, nor to not know that the republicans and democrats have the same world bank handlers, making fools think they're different, and thus trying to dividing and conquering people. You can always follow the state media and buy what you're sold, or look into the real facts. Same goes here, if you believe in thai raht, thaksin you're about as bright as believing in obama "change" but up to you to take blind path or not.

Edited by gemini81
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The Nation will blame the government that is certain. It is not politically opportune to report the truth. First of all it takes a decade and probably longer to work out a master plan and do the construction work that comes with it. Secondly asking Chinese and Korean companies to come up with the plan is laughable. Look at the TV and see the Chinese people drowning year in and year out. So the Chinese have no clue how to prevent floods. The Nation will not mention that because their owners and their yellow shirt friends are all Thai Chinese people.

But unless Yingluck is the sister of Harry Potter she can't prevent the floods either unless she will get a decade to do the construction work necessary and build pumping stations. Only Abhisit can pull something like that off in a year of course. ... or maybe not (but than he will blame any elected government )

So predictable.

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I think there is still a report from Dutch engineers with recommendations how to manage water somewhere in their office, we do it already for hundred of years and with success - just go and have a look!

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I think there is still a report from Dutch engineers with recommendations how to manage water somewhere in their office, we do it already for hundred of years and with success - just go and have a look!

So was mentioned many times on here, along with the knowledge of Japanese experts/engineers etc.

A) Thai-chinese oligarchy arrogance prevents foreign expertise consultation

Have to PAY for consultation from countries with far less corruption (no under the table grabs)

C) Let the country rot while they swindle what they can while they can (tick).

If you look at solutions around the globe to these problems, the locals have solutions according to centuries of knowledge- except this place. The old approach of stilts, and indoor function on high level/floor two was great, but they abandoned it in modern construction.

SCG is using a lot of new innovative approaches, but most people can't afford it yet, and the gov't isn't encouraging nor highlighting and learning anything from it's methods of earthquake sturdiness and flood prevention. Guess it goes back to the nature of cronyism and corruption, not far from the same flooding/poverty.corruption issues I saw upon travelling periodically to Manila.

Edited by gemini81
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Blame the American Republican Party, for their dithering and denial of global warming. The polar ice caps are melting, north and south. For you conservatives who want to flame me, see the September issue of National Geographic before you reply. It will scare the daylights out of you. Or it won't, because you're fearless in your blind, political denial.

On another topic, would anyone care to buy some beachfront property in Phitsanuloke Province?

Thailand has his Tea money Party too.

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