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Department of Health warns of pathogens after flood


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Department of Health warns of pathogens after flood


BANGKOK, 18 October 2013 (NNT) - Director General of the Department of Health Pornthep Siriwanarangsun has warned citizens to be cautious of pathogens emerging from filth carried in by flood waters.

Mr. Pornthep has urged everyone to properly clean and disinfect their homes after being hit by the flood; doing nothing will only cause the spread of harmful germs. He suggested people clean the areas of their homes where water residue can mostly be found: floors, walls, wallpaper and furniture.

Some items that are used in the home should also be thrown away to prevent the spread of pathogens or growth of fungi. Mr. Pornthep suggested throwing away items that can hold water such as, pillows, bed mattresses and wallpaper.

In order to clean areas with growing fungi, he suggested to use some thick damp tissue and wipe the surface clean in one direction. Promptly after, one should use soap and water to re-wipe the area clean. Lastly, in order to disinfect the area, use 5% vinegar or concentrated alcohol to wipe clean.

-- NNT 2013-10-18 footer_n.gif

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"He suggested people clean the areas of their homes where water residue can mostly be found: floors, walls, wallpaper and furniture."

Very smart man!

"he suggested to use some thick damp tissue and wipe the surface clean in one direction." ..... what?

Preferably back upstream, and not towards Bangkok, hey?


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I have a warning for you: Department of Health warns of pathogens after flood doesn't give a dam_n about the flood victims

In other words these backstabbing agencies are telling everyone: "If you have a problem, we won't go out and help you, you can help yourselves at your own costs. You wanna have 5,000 Baht compensation program??? We won't come out and help you, you gotta come and get it.

That's the Thai(-SHINESE) definition of government agencies' warning: "Go help yourselves, we won't come out and rescue you....",

Edited by MaxLee
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