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Thailand and "slavery"


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500 000 Equals 1 in 140 people, you think its possible? The reports was not based on scientific research and deviates from UN figures. It's an NGO trying to grab headlines and extra donors. Yes there is slavery but the extend maybe a little over done.

Slavery or "forced labour" and human trafficking are very widespread in the Thai fishing industry. Mainly it concerns illegal/undocumented migrant workers from Myanmar etc, who have little or no recourse from the Thai authorities. This is not an issue beat up by the press or NGOs, if anything it is understated. The conditions are truly appalling.

Reports of fishing vessels returning with a large section of the crew missing or dead in the freezer aren't that unusual, especially on the larger distant water boats.

No denying there is slavery in Thailand and in every other country. If you however look at the report you will see it is based on estimates. Secondly the index for Thailand was based on a population of 67 mil which excludes the 3,1 mil migrant workers. By excluding these workers the index are skewed compared to countries where there are no migrant workers but have internal slavery.

On a recent trip to the Maldives we encountered first hand "slavery". At the lodge we stayed more than 50% of the employees was migrant workers. We made friends with one guy from Sri Lanka. He gets paid +- $8 per day and had to sign a 2 year contract. According to his contract the employer will pay for his flight to the Maldives and back again after the 2 year contract is completed. His wife became ill and he had to return to look after the children, but the lodge refused to help with a ticket and with his pay its impossible to save enough to pay for a ticket and keep his family alive. Slavery is everywhere we just need to look below the surface. By the way I took on the lodge on Booking.com by rating them low and giving the above info.

That's not slavery, that's a contract. He was not forced to sign the contract and the lodge cannot be forced to pay for his air tickets.

But it's a good example for all those sensationalism in Western media and from NGOs.

Edited by GreenSnapper
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500 000 Equals 1 in 140 people, you think its possible? The reports was not based on scientific research and deviates from UN figures. It's an NGO trying to grab headlines and extra donors. Yes there is slavery but the extend maybe a little over done.

How many imported labourers are in wage debt to agents? How many imported labourers basically work and live in compounds in the factory and never leave???

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