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Download Thai Driver's License Application

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Can any one direct me to a site or link where I can download a Thai driver's license application? I need to renew my Thai license and want to fill out the form before I get there so I am not trying to fill one out as I wait in line.

Thanks in advance


Just renewed my Driver License today....Whether your applying for a new one or renewing just make sure you have all your documents in order (proof of residence, Passport and copies of all relevant pages, medical certificate, Drivers license and copy thereof,)

As for the "application" all they had me do was print my name, put the date in and sign where indicated. They filled in the rest.

Posted the following elsewhere BUT I love the experience....so I will repeat

Today I renewed my Driver's License (from 1 yr to 5 yr)...had all my paperwork (copies of passport, medical certif, old license and proof of residence).

Got to the DMV at 11am....had to be at least 200 people before me (75 were in the rooms watching a video ....half the others were waiting to be tested, and the other half were waiting to be processed). I was ready to turn around and come back the next day....My wife said "wait, give me 500 baht" ...I smiled knowing what she was about to do ...and told her great idea (she doesn't always like to pay tea money but likes to size the situation up first). So my wife makes her way to the counter through the mass of people waiting and standing around .....and next thing I know my wife waves me up....I write my name, date, and sign the paper given to me....then the women behind the counter comes and takes my hand to lead me to a visual testing area (asks me the what the colors are she points to on a poster) I'm sure I missed some as my vision is somewhat blurry ..but she says ..."you pass...wait here'' ..5 minutes later I'm asked for 505 baht and given a que number for getting your picture taken to get the license..... Now this all took maybe 10 minutes.....for the picture my number was 139 and they were on 81. Another 45 minutes later I was out of there with my 5 yr license ........605 baht Plus 500 tea money....and saved probably 4 hours of BS.


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I never filled one out at the DLT by Mochit BTS in Bangkok, they completed the forms and I just supplied the copies of the documents. Where do you plan on applying?

Maybe something useful in here. http://driving-in-thailand.com/category/laws/traffic-laws/ or look in the Motoring Forum under the Pinned Topics.

I also just renewed my license two weeks ago at Mochit and I too never had to fill out any forms, they handed me some forms to sign but filled in most of the other information for me.

I arrived early and was in and out of there in about an hour. I was actually quite impressed with how efficient they were.


I just renewed my license 5Y to 5Y, first go to immigration and get a letter of where you live, then it will take the rest of the day to get it.

i have ony one leg so they wanted me to do a practial test, then the eye test and I got my 5 years licence valid untill I am 78 years old.

In Chonburi and no tea money, friendly staff.


just go the nearest immigration and get a residence certificate as they will give u pinned all copies related to you just take this to the license office,and a doctor cerificate by just paying 100 Bth , and just sign a fom they will fill all the other things and 3 minutes u will get your license as i got mine on 17 th renewal for 6 years Buayai,Korat office in issan any doubts go to the ofcice they will guide you no Tea Money Good Luck


got my license too. no downloads available. just go to hospital for small examination. then to local police station for some license to get a license.... total cost me 300 and a 1000 for the policeofficer's pocket... and to some traffic office. Did no test, they filled out all the forms I gave no proof of residense. only a 3 month visa!? don't know what my wife stated there, showed my license of my homecountry at the police station and yes a copy of my passport . maybe being legally married was an aspect i oversee. no idea what my wife all talked about when there. now i got 2 lincenses. one for the motorbike and 1 for the car. putting both on one card was a crazy idea i guess


Each to their own......I have no problem helping someone out that helps me out! I avoided a 4 hour sit down of boring nothing for 500 baht....thank-you and goodbye...

And for the BIB ....AGAIN I have no problem giving them 100 baht for some traffic infraction....In the States the same infractions cost a minimum of $100 and your insurance goes up


What paperwork does a Thai citizen need to get a m/cycle licence? My daughter wants to get hers, but we were unable to get through to the Transport Ministry today. to find out. We'l go out to the registry tomorrow to find out, but it would be nice to save a trip.


Each to their own......I have no problem helping someone out that helps me out! I avoided a 4 hour sit down of boring nothing for 500 baht....thank-you and goodbye...

And for the BIB ....AGAIN I have no problem giving them 100 baht for some traffic infraction....In the States the same infractions cost a minimum of $100 and your insurance goes up

right. i payed the BIB a fair number , but i feel it keeps m friendly towards me. and maybe it helped me in the process.... ah well, never have any problems so far with them stopping me or whatever.... hope it stays like this

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