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new to the site hope this hasn't been asked before, i will be moving to pattaya in the near future but do have one major problem, i go to physical therapy twice a week here in the states for a back condition, i have tried using the equipment in my fitness center but this doe's not work, i could easily come to bangkok if i had to so my question is this, does anyone know of anyone who doe's quality physical therapy in the bangkok, pattaya area.

the therapy that i presently use is called super-slow and it works wonders but i have not found any place outside california that has it, i have not visited the california fitness center in bangkok but will stop bye on my next visit, my only other option would be to buy the equipment that is similar to the equipment that i presently use but the cost would be outragous, any help on this would be appreciated. thank you



I dont know if you will be interested in seeing a chiropractor while here, but this guy is also an MD and he may be able to help you with advice if nothing else. use this link to read a thread about some details. Chiro link


I have Frozen Shoulder and have been goint to physical therapy for awhile now,,and it is as good as in the states only a lot cheaper,You can expect to pay around 250 baht per hour,but they have the same training as they do there and use the same form of treatment,so don't worry.Mine is done in a private hospital.


I have an intermittent back problem. It has bothered me for 30 years or more.

Now I go to the local hospital, straight to the Physiotherapy guy.

A hot pack followed by ultrasound hits the spot.

30 - 40 minutes 200 baht

Any private hospital should be able to help, I use PhayaThai.

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