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Basement car park at MV


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Anyone know what is going on in the old basement car park at Market Village? The reason I'm asking is the massage shop that was there was my favorite place to have a foot massage. I see it is gone now, any idea where they moved to?

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It looks like they are gradually doing away with the underground parking in favor of the new garage. About half of it is already walled off and will be turned into more retail shops. Don't know about the massage place...

Edited by hhfarang
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Yes, there is very limited access now to the basement as well so will just have to wait and see what happens there.

I asked a security guard what happened to the massage place and he said on the third floor now. That shop has been there for quite sometime but the one from the basement is not up there that I can see. I know people probably are thinking that are a hundred shops to choose from, but I just got used to that one. A really good foot massage without having someone dig a stick into my foot or trying to chat me up. I literally fell asleep sometimes.

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Please tell me you're kidding. They finally construct additional parking areas to alleviate the horrendous parking situation, only to go and get rid of the original parking bays! That basement car park could get choc-a-block and you were supposed to leave your car out of gear so the attendants could move it by hand. We waited an hour once for the owners of a car that had blocked us off. The attendants couldn't move it. I try and avoid the place now.

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  • 2 months later...

Well as I'm sure most of you have seen the new shops in the basement are now open. As to my original post about the massage shop, they have opened a new one down there. It is not the same as the old one, different owner for sure. Not sure if I just miss the smell of exhaust fumes or what but this new place just didn't do it for me.

My search continues......

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