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Finance Ministry concedes weakened Thai economy


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October inflation rises 1.46%

BANGKOK, 2 November 2013 (NNT) – The country’s inflation rate rose 1.46 percent in October, while it increased 2.27 percent in the first 10 months.

The Commerce Ministry has revealed that the inflation rate in October rose as high as 1.46 percent due to the higher prices of food, especially rice, flour products, meat, eggs, milk, fruit, and vegetables.

The country’s inflation in the first 10 months, according to the Ministry of Commerce, increased at the percentage of 2.27, thanks to the increasing prices of food and beverages.

The ministry further forecast that Thailand’s inflation at the end of 2013 will be in a range of 2.1-2.6 percent, adding that the number is not too low and is in line with the country’s economy.

Wonder why the price of rice should be up?

The world price is down and falling and there are millions or tons in stockpiles.

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October inflation rises 1.46%

Consider if they manage to keep that up for a full year it will give an annual inflation of 17.52%

Still not up to Zimbabwe standard so nothing to worry about.

Everything will be all right as soon as they get the 2.2 trillion, that's what we keep getting told.

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And next year's infrastructure scam spending would be vital to keep the economy tottering along, only a couple of years ago PTP inherited a solid growing economy, how well they've done with it ! blink.png

Time for PTP to get a new Absent-Thinker, or start thinking for themselves, perhaps ? wink.png

Thought they had an expert residing o/s.

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And next year's infrastructure scam spending would be vital to keep the economy tottering along, only a couple of years ago PTP inherited a solid growing economy, how well they've done with it ! blink.png

Time for PTP to get a new Absent-Thinker, or start thinking for themselves, perhaps ? wink.png

Thought they had an expert residing o/s.

Unfortunately their guru seems unable to replicate the improvement shown in the early-2000s, which lends credence to the argument, that it was the global growth lifting all boats at the same time, rather than Thaksinomics making the improvement.

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