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Thai Amnesty opponents to rally nationwide


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I had a dream.........

I'd love to see the various groups all converge on Ratchaprasong, block the traffic, issue Threats against the Shin dynasty, include a group of dark grey heavily armed militia-types, and threaten to burn down Shin group businesses.

It'd all be forgiven in the 2016 amnesty.giggle.gif

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Latest on the MP Yingluck :

She boarded the waiting chopper and is now at Utapao Navel base where there are 2 planes prepared and waiting for a quick getaway.

Photos on Facebook for any non believers.

It would seem she has inherited the same amount of intestinal fortitude as her brother, zilch.

And to the best of my knowledge there have been no threats made against her.

What no links, not being a facebook whiz please point the way.

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I had a dream.........

I'd love to see the various groups all converge on Ratchaprasong, block the traffic, issue Threats against the Shin dynasty, include a group of dark grey heavily armed militia-types, and threaten to burn down Shin group businesses.

It'd all be forgiven in the 2016 amnesty.giggle.gif

A bit of excitement then for all those quality Chinese tourist's they are expecting who will be arriving soon and spending squillion,s of THB

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Went to the rally on Silom, it was huge. I mean really huge. My eardrums almost blew. Got myself a whistle to and whistled along smile.png ...... I didn't shout the political slogans nor raised my fists. I figured that no one can arrest me for blowing a whistle, but shouting Shinawatra oak pai might get me arrested tongue.png ....

The slogan mostly heard was Shinawatra oak pai (oak pai = get out). Interspaced by government oak pai and Yingluck oak pai. But the people mostly shouted Shinawatra oak pai (they seem to want to get rid of the whole family and I do not blame them).

I went from Huai Kwang station at around 11.20 or so and the train was already packed from that station onwards. I arrived about 11.40 or 11.45 or so and Silom was already packed!! Both sides from Saladeang soi to way past soi convent. Must have been 10,000 - 20,000 at least.

People really seem to have had it. Even the motorcycle boys in my condo very very hardore reds, have had it with Thaksin. He actually managed to reconcile the nation. Only not in the way that he expected LOL. So we have a couple of major demonstrations in Bangkok and many in the provinces and on Saturday the reds will join demonstrating against amnesty.

Meanwhile the TV station that broadcasts talkshows by red shirt leaders has pulled all the shows of red shirts against amnesty of the air. And Weng is now complaining that it is undemocratic. Thaksin is really loosing a lot of his disciples rapidly.

What many people do not realize is the huge impact this bill will have.

Everybody whom has committed any kind of corruption between 2004 and now will go free! And no one can be brought to justice for any corruption in that period. Same goes for any political crime. This is not just about Thaksin. But really 1000's of people that will go home free if this bill becomes law. This bill is really so wrong it is indescribable.

I hope you're enjoying yourself and get what you wish. Now isn't it great that this sort of thing can only happen in a democracy?

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Interesting to read Gen. Prayuth's comments in the other paper, he's saying that the army does not want to be forced come out and resolve this. He then mentions something about the army not being able to solve the issue anyway.

Robby nz: can you flick me a link to this facebook thing about Yingluck doing a runner?

I don't really get what he means.....But he is actually not known for being very logic.

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Interesting to read Gen. Prayuth's comments in the other paper, he's saying that the army does not want to be forced come out and resolve this. He then mentions something about the army not being able to solve the issue anyway.

Robby nz: can you flick me a link to this facebook thing about Yingluck doing a rjunner?

I don't really get what he means.....But he is actually not known for being very logic.

What he likely means is

'the last time we tried to protect the Government and people which is what we are mandated to do, this shower of s**ts tried to say we were out to murder our own people, so we will offer as much support as the police offered in 2010.... Zero. Lets see you hanndle it on your own, no military coup just .... No military. Enjoy' or words to that effect.

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Interesting to read Gen. Prayuth's comments in the other paper, he's saying that the army does not want to be forced come out and resolve this. He then mentions something about the army not being able to solve the issue anyway.

Robby nz: can you flick me a link to this facebook thing about Yingluck doing a runner?

I don't really get what he means.....But he is actually not known for being very logic.

robbynz told everybody on the forum that according to facebook Yingluck is (or was) sitting in a helicopter at utapao with two planes waiting to fly off at any minute. Apparently photos were there to be had as well as proof. A couple of us luddites asked for links. The link hasn't appeared strangely. Perhaps he 's too busy blowing his whistle?

Or did you not get what Prayuth means?

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Interesting to read Gen. Prayuth's comments in the other paper, he's saying that the army does not want to be forced come out and resolve this. He then mentions something about the army not being able to solve the issue anyway.

Robby nz: can you flick me a link to this facebook thing about Yingluck doing a runner?

You got that link handy robbynz.? I'm a luddite when it comes to facebook.

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I hope you're enjoying yourself and get what you wish. Now isn't it great that this sort of thing can only happen in a democracy?

The democratic process is what Thaksin his family and their brown nosing acolytes are seeking to destroy, hence such action as we are now seeing would not be permissible under the Thaksin clans despotic dictatorship.

Communist Russia fell and that particular dictatorship had been in place for some 90+ years .

Hopefully theThaksin orientated dictataorship is being aborted before it actually forms some workable semblance of a despotic regime.

Edited by siampolee
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Latest on the MP Yingluck :

She boarded the waiting chopper and is now at Utapao Navel base where there are 2 planes prepared and waiting for a quick getaway.

Photos on Facebook for any non believers.

It would seem she has inherited the same amount of intestinal fortitude as her brother, zilch.

And to the best of my knowledge there have been no threats made against her.

if that is correct and she is not just on a shopping jaunt...awesome.

But I doubt it, the explosion will not be until the 3rd round I reckon.

Probably more like the so-called assassination attempts against her brother - well staged and / our all in their own head. It's always better to have the opening shot - puts the other side at a slight disadvantage.

I can see it now, tears tears and more tears between the "they don't love me and are trying to hurt me, I want my big brother sob sob " ----- " sorry not ready for a photo' shoot at the moment it's all too upsetting and my make-up girl hasn't arrived."

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Interesting to read Gen. Prayuth's comments in the other paper, he's saying that the army does not want to be forced come out and resolve this. He then mentions something about the army not being able to solve the issue anyway.

Robby nz: can you flick me a link to this facebook thing about Yingluck doing a rjunner?

I don't really get what he means.....But he is actually not known for being very logic.

What he likely means is

'the last time we tried to protect the Government and people which is what we are mandated to do, this shower of s**ts tried to say we were out to murder our own people, so we will offer as much support as the police offered in 2010.... Zero. Lets see you hanndle it on your own, no military coup just .... No military. Enjoy' or words to that effect.

Yeah you can read it that way: But you could also read it that way that the army don't want to be forced to come out and make a coup (to protect the demonstrators), As the 2006 coup obviously didn't fix anything.

And the police boss is very friendly. Maybe the army warned him to not do anything, or even Prayuth can't guarantee what parts of the army do if something ugly happens at the demonstrations.

(just a theoretical idea, what someone could read into it.)

Or he meant: as he couldn't solve the problem of smelly cooking close to his own office without looking complete ridiculous, how someone can expect him to solve Thailands problems

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Judging by the number, in the tens of thousands, of protesters presently gathered at Democracy Monument, I think the government may have bitten off more than they can chew.

These protests can only grow now. Thaksin must be rethinking his plan, at least if he had any sense he would..

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"Protest leaders must be aware that they must be ready to take responsibility for any consequence," Police Spokesman Maj General Piya Utayo said yesterday. He is also the spokesman for the Centre for Administration of Peace and Order (Capo)."

Things have certainly changed since Abihist and Suthep were charged with murder over the 2010 riots and the red organisers were rewarded with political and government positions.

Isn't it ironic, don't ya think, the red leaders could be help responsible for any consequences of their protest against the PTP's amnesty bill, which gives them amnesty for the consequences of the 2009, 20010 red riots.

To be fair and fully democratic, why not just make the Amnesty Bill open ended to cover all future offences? So no holds barred for the protestors or the police in suppressing them. It should be fine for anyone to set fire to buildings, shoot at security forces and rip off as much as they possibly can from the taxpayer while in office. Otherwise they will be accused of double standards.

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Latest on the MP Yingluck :

She boarded the waiting chopper and is now at Utapao Navel base where there are 2 planes prepared and waiting for a quick getaway.

Photos on Facebook for any non believers.

It would seem she has inherited the same amount of intestinal fortitude as her brother, zilch.

And to the best of my knowledge there have been no threats made against her.

if that is correct and she is not just on a shopping jaunt...awesome.

But I doubt it, the explosion will not be until the 3rd round I reckon.

Probably more like the so-called assassination attempts against her brother - well staged and / our all in their own head. It's always better to have the opening shot - puts the other side at a slight disadvantage.

I can see it now, tears tears and more tears between the "they don't love me and are trying to hurt me, I want my big brother sob sob " ----- " sorry not ready for a photo' shoot at the moment it's all too upsetting and my make-up girl hasn't arrived."

But in reality. Nothing. Despite repeated requests robbynz didn't come up with any links. Of course following the anti's logic on this forum that "which did not happen" has been embellished and accepted as gospel truth. Encouraging further "back-up" posts such as yours to cement the "truth" with more apochryphal tales.

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Gotta agree with my rouge coloured friend fab4 on this. Robby NZ came out with the claim of Yingluck heading for the hills yesterday citing "facebook" evidence. Which was requested and not forthcoming.

Clearly fab4 and I differ in opinion on the colours of the rainbow that is the Thai political scene, is there a purple shirt brigade out there yet? It would be more of a fence sitting brigade that takes a little bit of column PTP and a little bit of column Democrat.

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Gotta agree with my rouge coloured friend fab4 on this. Robby NZ came out with the claim of Yingluck heading for the hills yesterday citing "facebook" evidence. Which was requested and not forthcoming.

Clearly fab4 and I differ in opinion on the colours of the rainbow that is the Thai political scene, is there a purple shirt brigade out there yet? It would be more of a fence sitting brigade that takes a little bit of column PTP and a little bit of column Democrat.

I as well usually don't agree with fab4. But I also would like to see that photo.

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I joined the rally at Samsen yesterday around 1 pm. There were few people there and around 3 pm we headed for Democracy Monument.Turn out was light at that time, but by evening it was unbelievable and no one was lining up for a 500 baht handout.

Edited by Local Drunk
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Interesting fact is of course the PTP election manifesto talked of an amnesty.

Everyone who voted for the amnesty voted PTP and everyone against the amnesty voted for the Democrats and others.

So a public "referendum" has already been had on the subject of the amnesty, it was called the last election.

However, as it quite normal in Thailand, the Democrats and their yellow supporters will never accept the will of the people, the will of the rightful government duly elected by the people of Thailand.

So you get a few thousand of them causing havoc yet again.

And the harcore protestors are getting free food, free drinks and free entertainment - this is payment in kind. So they are "paid for" protestors.

As for an amnesty, where were these protestors when the coup leaders in 2006 duly gave themselves amnesty. I did not see one of the people protesting against amnesty in 2013 on the streets and protesting against the amnesty that the coup leaders gave themselves in 2006. So not only are the protestors paid for, they are also hypocrites.

TiT This is Thailand.

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Interesting fact is of course the PTP election manifesto talked of an amnesty.

Everyone who voted for the amnesty voted PTP and everyone against the amnesty voted for the Democrats and others.

So a public "referendum" has already been had on the subject of the amnesty, it was called the last election.

However, as it quite normal in Thailand, the Democrats and their yellow supporters will never accept the will of the people, the will of the rightful government duly elected by the people of Thailand.

So you get a few thousand of them causing havoc yet again.

And the harcore protestors are getting free food, free drinks and free entertainment - this is payment in kind. So they are "paid for" protestors.

As for an amnesty, where were these protestors when the coup leaders in 2006 duly gave themselves amnesty. I did not see one of the people protesting against amnesty in 2013 on the streets and protesting against the amnesty that the coup leaders gave themselves in 2006. So not only are the protestors paid for, they are also hypocrites.

TiT This is Thailand.

Interesting perspective, but your red leanings are clearly more evident with your TVF handle being more red than blue.

How do you draw the conclusion that by voting for PTP vs Democrat or Independant or another party that isn't aligned to the big 2 was a vote for amnesty or not?

That's far too simplistic. You're going to have those who voted for the PTP and friends because they were flavour-de-jour or couldn't stand Abhsit and friends. Leaving the 500 baht payments aside.

The same can be said for those who voted Democrat, example, they liked the "independant" candidate, but knew he/she stood a snowballs chance in hell of getting in and in no way would they allow a PTP candidate to get in, so they chose the "lesser of two evils".

When you have the aristocracy coming out and saying that the amnesty bill - in it's current form - is wrong, you're - as the Government of the day - going to be in for a bad time.

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Interesting fact is of course the PTP election manifesto talked of an amnesty.

Everyone who voted for the amnesty voted PTP and everyone against the amnesty voted for the Democrats and others.

So a public "referendum" has already been had on the subject of the amnesty, it was called the last election.

However, as it quite normal in Thailand, the Democrats and their yellow supporters will never accept the will of the people, the will of the rightful government duly elected by the people of Thailand.

So you get a few thousand of them causing havoc yet again.

And the harcore protestors are getting free food, free drinks and free entertainment - this is payment in kind. So they are "paid for" protestors.

As for an amnesty, where were these protestors when the coup leaders in 2006 duly gave themselves amnesty. I did not see one of the people protesting against amnesty in 2013 on the streets and protesting against the amnesty that the coup leaders gave themselves in 2006. So not only are the protestors paid for, they are also hypocrites.

TiT This is Thailand.

The problem with your theory is that it doesn't match reality, if you check the facts, you know, the actual facts stemming from polls, social media and the declarations of the people concerned in this amnesty bill, a majority of the people are against it.

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Interesting fact is of course the PTP election manifesto talked of an amnesty.

Everyone who voted for the amnesty voted PTP and everyone against the amnesty voted for the Democrats and others.

So a public "referendum" has already been had on the subject of the amnesty, it was called the last election.

However, as it quite normal in Thailand, the Democrats and their yellow supporters will never accept the will of the people, the will of the rightful government duly elected by the people of Thailand.

So you get a few thousand of them causing havoc yet again.

And the harcore protestors are getting free food, free drinks and free entertainment - this is payment in kind. So they are "paid for" protestors.

As for an amnesty, where were these protestors when the coup leaders in 2006 duly gave themselves amnesty. I did not see one of the people protesting against amnesty in 2013 on the streets and protesting against the amnesty that the coup leaders gave themselves in 2006. So not only are the protestors paid for, they are also hypocrites.

TiT This is Thailand.

The problem with your theory is that it doesn't match reality, if you check the facts, you know, the actual facts stemming from polls, social media and the declarations of the people concerned in this amnesty bill, a majority of the people are against it.

Yep, the logic goes like this, all tree frogs are frogs, therefore, all frogs live in trees.

That is seriously flawed logic, and just like a typical frog, doesn't get that far off the ground.

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Interesting fact is of course the PTP election manifesto talked of an amnesty.

Everyone who voted for the amnesty voted PTP and everyone against the amnesty voted for the Democrats and others.

So a public "referendum" has already been had on the subject of the amnesty, it was called the last election.

However, as it quite normal in Thailand, the Democrats and their yellow supporters will never accept the will of the people, the will of the rightful government duly elected by the people of Thailand.

So you get a few thousand of them causing havoc yet again.

And the harcore protestors are getting free food, free drinks and free entertainment - this is payment in kind. So they are "paid for" protestors.

As for an amnesty, where were these protestors when the coup leaders in 2006 duly gave themselves amnesty. I did not see one of the people protesting against amnesty in 2013 on the streets and protesting against the amnesty that the coup leaders gave themselves in 2006. So not only are the protestors paid for, they are also hypocrites.

TiT This is Thailand.

Interesting perspective, but your red leanings are clearly more evident with your TVF handle being more red than blue.

How do you draw the conclusion that by voting for PTP vs Democrat or Independant or another party that isn't aligned to the big 2 was a vote for amnesty or not?

That's far too simplistic. You're going to have those who voted for the PTP and friends because they were flavour-de-jour or couldn't stand Abhsit and friends. Leaving the 500 baht payments aside.

The same can be said for those who voted Democrat, example, they liked the "independant" candidate, but knew he/she stood a snowballs chance in hell of getting in and in no way would they allow a PTP candidate to get in, so they chose the "lesser of two evils".

When you have the aristocracy coming out and saying that the amnesty bill - in it's current form - is wrong, you're - as the Government of the day - going to be in for a bad time.

The amnesty bill in its present form is the only way for Thailand to move on.

A "whitewash" ? Perhaps it is, but Thailand see's so many whitewashes of justice every day, every week that ultimately its in need of a "reset" back to day 1.

Red Bull Kiddo is likely going to be "whitewashed" of his driving escapade.

The "protest" leader has himself been "whitewashed" of certain Phuket land scandals.

The 2006 coup leaders gave themselves an amnesty for thier breaking of the constitution which is an act of "treason".

The "aristocracy" who are saying it is wrong have enjoyed their status of being able to whitewash anything they do all their life, due to their position and privilige and contacts.

The list goes on and on.

Anyone who did not protest against the 2006 coup leaders giving themselves amnesty - has no right to protest against amnesty today.

Edited by Magenta2013
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Interesting fact is of course the PTP election manifesto talked of an amnesty.

Everyone who voted for the amnesty voted PTP and everyone against the amnesty voted for the Democrats and others.

So a public "referendum" has already been had on the subject of the amnesty, it was called the last election.

However, as it quite normal in Thailand, the Democrats and their yellow supporters will never accept the will of the people, the will of the rightful government duly elected by the people of Thailand.

So you get a few thousand of them causing havoc yet again.

And the harcore protestors are getting free food, free drinks and free entertainment - this is payment in kind. So they are "paid for" protestors.

As for an amnesty, where were these protestors when the coup leaders in 2006 duly gave themselves amnesty. I did not see one of the people protesting against amnesty in 2013 on the streets and protesting against the amnesty that the coup leaders gave themselves in 2006. So not only are the protestors paid for, they are also hypocrites.

TiT This is Thailand.

The problem with your theory is that it doesn't match reality, if you check the facts, you know, the actual facts stemming from polls, social media and the declarations of the people concerned in this amnesty bill, a majority of the people are against it.

Polls ? Social media ?

These are firstly open to rampant distortion/abuse and will not tell a true an honest reflection.

Elections are the way to see the feeling of the majority of people. The winning party (PTP) had an agenda to run an amnesty bill. They were duly elected and therefore run the country.

The loser of the election are kicking up a fuss - very normal.

But the simple fact is PTP won the election in part on the back of an amnesty bill. The people wanted it, PTP won the election.

I have not seen 30 million people protesting against the bill. Just ten thousand or so.

10,000 represents less than 0.01% of the Thai population.

Just noise - which is why they use whistles............noise creation.

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Then PTP should set a referendum so the people can vote on this bill.

They had "amnesty" and "reconciliation" as a campaign promise, they didn't give any details on how that would be implemented and therefore the people that voted for them, if they voted for PTP based on that promise at all, can't be expected to be used as a justification to whatever self serving idea PTP comes up with in the name of "reconciliation".

Frankly, it's such an obvious thing to point out that is hard to believe anyone would honestly spin things that way.

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Then PTP should set a referendum so the people can vote on this bill.

They had "amnesty" and "reconciliation" as a campaign promise, they didn't give any details on how that would be implemented and therefore the people that voted for them, if they voted for PTP based on that promise at all, can't be expected to be used as a justification to whatever self serving idea PTP comes up with in the name of "reconciliation".

Frankly, it's such an obvious thing to point out that is hard to believe anyone would honestly spin things that way.

Why hold a referendum ?

Governments around the world make policy decision - that is what they are elected to do.

Is this amnesty bill detrimental to anyone ? Will anyone suffer if the amnesty bill is put into law ? Nobody will suffer if the amnesty bill is introduced. It will reset everything to day zero.

Morsi in Egypt is now undergoing the same treatement as Thaksin of Thailand. Morsi is being persecuted by Coup Appointed agencies, under coup control, under coup made up allegations and the coup leaders will find Morsi guilty, whether he is or is not. That is the whole coup way - you cannot have a coup and then find nobody guily - someone has to be guilty of something and before you hand power back to the people in elections you have to find the previous leader guilty of something (even if you make it up) so that he is then a 'convicted criminal".

By making him a convicted criminal you prevent him returning back to power to exact vengence over those who held the coup and falsified testimony to convict him.

The moment the coup leaders do that and at the same time grant themsevles amnesty you have the start of a problem - the only way to recover is to reset to before the problem - which at least Thailand is presently trying to do with the amnesty bill.

Those opposed to it simply hate Thaksin - pure and simple hatred of a very successful man - its green eyed jealousy - and thats what it always has been and remains so today.

Edited by Magenta2013
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Obviously we are dealing with a True Believer here. What was your previous nick here?

You are not "dealing with" anyone.

Everyone is entitled to thier opinion.

If you do agree with it that is your perogative. The way to express your opinion is to vote against PTP in an election.

PTP won the election - they have the right under the constitution to enact any bills they so wish - and so they are doing.

Can you not understand the principle of democracy and a democratically elected government.

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Obviously we are dealing with a True Believer here. What was your previous nick here?

You are not "dealing with" anyone.

Everyone is entitled to thier opinion.

If you do agree with it that is your perogative. The way to express your opinion is to vote against PTP in an election.

PTP won the election - they have the right under the constitution to enact any bills they so wish - and so they are doing.

Can you not understand the principle of democracy and a democratically elected government.

If your understanding of what a democratic system of governance is that the party that has the most votes can do as they please, in this case exonerate themselves of crimes, then you are wrong.

Not answering the question of which previous nick you had here is duly noted.

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