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Suse 13.1 Now Works Well, I Think. Anyone Else Used It? I'm On RC2

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Hi All!

I have been watching the progress of the Suse Linux 13.1 distribution. And I waited until today, a Sunday, to download and install it.

The Final working release will probably not be available until 10 days from now, maybe less, but it seems to be workinig fine, and most of the code is already locked, which means that any new changes will be added by the updater, which is the case for all changes after a version has been released.

So I think this means that there is no point in waiting until 10 days from now, should you wish to use it, or just have fun with it.

The reason for this post is to ask if anyone else is using 13.1?

And, when you do download, install and begin using 13.1, even if you wish to wait until the formal release date, I was hoping that some here could just add their thoughts about why they like it and how long they have been using Suse.

I like it because it comes from Germany, and because I think it is the best distribution for the descktop PC, laptop user.

I have been using it since release 8.1, as I recall, and I have had very few complaints over the years.

There is always the debate ready to erupt and just under the surface about linux-windows, etc, etc.

But I don't really like to hear this contention because it is so pointless.

Use what you like, just like you should probably listen to music that you like, and do not dislike.

I like the fact that it is free as in free beer, and free as in free to use anyway and anywhere under the sun you like.

Lastly, I have had a pretty much flawless installation which went zipping along.

This does not often happen in such a pleasing way, because I often forget a minor something or other, and then I need to go back and sometimes do the installation a second time.

I have not yet gotten all the 89 pending updates downloaded and installed, because I do have an internet connect that is not too fast.

It is fast enough, and so I am thankful for this small wonder.

Please weigh in with your thoughts about this distro, and also about why you do use it, or even why you are not yet ready to try it.

JUST>>>>PLEASE keep the bashing of any company, or any people to a minumum.

This IS Tland, after all.




This would get much better response if moved to the Linux forum. I don't use opensuse myself but several others there do.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk


This would get much better response if moved to the Linux forum. I don't use opensuse myself but several others there do.

Good point, moving it now. OpenSUSE is my favorite work station Linux platform though perhaps pretty equal to Mint in my choice.

  • 2 weeks later...

This would get much better response if moved to the Linux forum. I don't use opensuse myself but several others there do.

Good point, moving it now. OpenSUSE is my favorite work station Linux platform though perhaps pretty equal to Mint in my choice.

OK, now that we are in a different forum, maybe we can talk freely now without worrying we will be overheard or something.

I just checked on the SUSE site and today the formal release of 13.1 happened. Great Yiiam!

I have used 13.1 now since I posted this topic.

How do you like it? I like it fine.

No problems and it seems much more bug free than some other releases I recall with sadness and irritation.

What do you use your "workstation" for?

Have you installed 13.1?

I am having a bit of trouble this time with installing VirtualBox. There is no longer any automatic kernel updating in openSuse, so I don't need that, but I am unable to get the kernel to update with what VirtualBox requires.

I am sure it is no big deal and I will get back to installing it maybe later today or tomorrow.

Are you doing research which requires your workstation? Or are you just playing that Japanese game GO?

Do tell us more, it will be interesting.

I have had the VLC program lock up the whole system once or twice, but since the last update this has no longer happened.

YES, a very nice release that is better than almost all the others, I think.

Normally, I don't like to use the newest release until about 1 month into it, but this time I had no operating system on this computer, and for some reason INTEL states they require a computer Operating System to be used with all of their PC CPUs.

I can't understand this, and this is probably just another example of the big TECH companies not being willing to provide things more to the customer's wishes. Next time, I think I will buy an AMD and then try not using a OS.

What is your field of research? Or, are you only instructing? Or, advising? And what is the level of computer savvyness and programming talent among the grad students?

Do very few use Linux, as I have heard, because they are all taking the easy way with less desirable but more "popular" windows?

I thought that they would use an Apple first, then Linux, then Windows?

But I have seen some advanced degree students who just do the Windows thing.

How odd this seems, since they are the students who should be most advanced and using the best tech.

OPENSUSE, is WONDERFUL though. I am still really pleased with this company and its product.


The only answers I can think of to your myriad of questions are

I don't know anything about suse, I use arch

I am a sysadmin, so my field of research is 'everything', but I have no ideas what the kids are up to these days (except for 6 year olds)

And the only other response I can think of is to ask... Have you tried any other distros other than suse?

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk


The only answers I can think of to your myriad of questions are

I don't know anything about suse, I use arch

I am a sysadmin, so my field of research is 'everything', but I have no ideas what the kids are up to these days (except for 6 year olds)

And the only other response I can think of is to ask... Have you tried any other distros other than suse?

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk

Thank you for your reply, that is good too.

But my myriad questions were directed at the man with the workstation:

He, Tywais, said this: Good point, moving it now. OpenSUSE is my favorite work station Linux platform though perhaps pretty equal to Mint in my choice.

Answer, anytime. Time, we have, no matter how you tell it, there is still not enough to satisfy. There should really be a way to slow it down, and this will become possible just as soon as we understand what controls the perception of time.

So, are you doing any research on Time with your Suse workstation?

That would be good.

If not, then what?

That would be interesting to know, how you use SUSE for your work.



The only answers I can think of to your myriad of questions are

I don't know anything about suse, I use arch

I am a sysadmin, so my field of research is 'everything', but I have no ideas what the kids are up to these days (except for 6 year olds)

And the only other response I can think of is to ask... Have you tried any other distros other than suse?

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk

Sorry, forgot to say: Glad that you are using a Nexus. If using a platform that will not run OpenSuse, then it had best be a Nexus on Android, and yourself not on droids.

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