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Suthep calls for 3-day national strike, tells corporates to defer their tax payments


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Everything shut down in Thailand today (and tomorrow, and the next day)?

No wonder my maid didn't come in.

I wonder if the BTS is still running? What about the ATM machines? And Chula Uni students still put on their sexy uniforms?

I better get out of bed.

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And that pig Suthep is really good with his multi-tentacled "sticky" arms in just about every industry going here..... Look what he's done to the rubber prices for an example (yesssssss.... it was this snake that is buying up 100's if not 1000's of tons of cheap rubber at low prices). The man spits on the poor at all times.

Off-topic, I know, but how is Suthep pushing the price of rubber down by buying heaps of it? Is this another thaksinomics market theory?

The price is down because the world economy is crap. Thai politicians might like to believe they are the centre of stuff, but we all know that Gordon brown saved the world economy.

So, Suthep is doing a good thing keeping the demand and prices up. xtongue.png.pagespeed.ic.HP_JpdOU4y.webp alt=tongue.png width=20 height=20>

The price is only up on HIS end not at the gate!!!!! bah.gif

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