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7-11 Stamps...


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But if not being given these rotten stamps is the only thing wrong with OP's life, and therefore noteworthy, how lucky is that??!biggrin.png

I asked my Thai wife what she thinks of a farang getting angry because he didn't get stamps at 7-11 and she kept it short.... "Stupid". The staff just laughed. I agree with both of them , it's stupid and funny. I don't mind saying that the main reason I look at this forum is to have a laugh at the stupid farangs. You couldn't invent most of this stuff.

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I asked my Thai wife what she thinks of a farang getting angry because he didn't get stamps at 7-11 and she kept it short.... "Stupid". The staff just laughed. I agree with both of them , it's stupid and funny. I don't mind saying that the main reason I look at this forum is to have a laugh at the stupid farangs. You couldn't invent most of this stuff.

She's right, if a person knows they should be getting stamps they can just ask the cashier for them (it).

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The Thai's I've asked about this matter said the cashier 100% knows what they're doing, and they wouldn't like getting cheated either.

LOL at the guys with the Thai wife that get every opinion and piece of information from their wife.

I've lived in Thailand for 7 years, speak the language, understand the culture better than 95% of you, since I have worked in a Thai company that didn't involve education, and YES, I EXPECT a certain level of honesty. As do MOST Thais. But yes, you clowns who get swindled out of homes, money and cars, understand the world A LOT better than I do!

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The Thai's I've asked about this matter said the cashier 100% knows what they're doing, and they wouldn't like getting cheated either.

LOL at the guys with the Thai wife that get every opinion and piece of information from their wife.

I've lived in Thailand for 7 years, speak the language, understand the culture better than 95% of you, since I have worked in a Thai company that didn't involve education, and YES, I EXPECT a certain level of honesty. As do MOST Thais. But yes, you clowns who get swindled out of homes, money and cars, understand the world A LOT better than I do!

The amount of stamps is calculated on the cash register, so yes they know that they should give them.

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How nice for you to feel that superior to us clowns

The Thai's I've asked about this matter said the cashier 100% knows what they're doing, and they wouldn't like getting cheated either.

LOL at the guys with the Thai wife that get every opinion and piece of information from their wife.

I've lived in Thailand for 7 years, speak the language, understand the culture better than 95% of you, since I have worked in a Thai company that didn't involve education, and YES, I EXPECT a certain level of honesty. As do MOST Thais. But yes, you clowns who get swindled out of homes, money and cars, understand the world A LOT better than I do!

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Look. If you're ok with a cashier giving you the wrong change, than that's fine. But, these stupid things essentially have a cash value. If you have 10 stamps, you can buy something for 10 baht. Yes, it does bother me. As I said, it's not about the money.. I know there's a line, 'When they say it's not about the money.. it's about the money...' Well, if that was the case, I wouldn't give the stupid things away, or even them hand them back to them. It's the fact they think they're pulling a fast one on me. And, as other people have noted on here, people are crazy about the stamps, so IT DOES mean a lot to them.

I've come up 25 satang short on order at 7-11, and they don't let me purchase what I was trying to buy. The cashier has never reached into their own pocket to help me, yet I should be cool with them stealing from me?

I really only made the post because some people might actually want to know. I don't expect anyone to call the local sheriff when it happens to them, but at least be keen on the cashier's little game.

Edited by LarryBird
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I asked my Thai wife what she thinks of a farang getting angry because he didn't get stamps at 7-11 and she kept it short.... "Stupid". The staff just laughed. I agree with both of them , it's stupid and funny. I don't mind saying that the main reason I look at this forum is to have a laugh at the stupid farangs. You couldn't invent most of this stuff.

I only read it to count the 'superior than thou' posters.

followed up by:

"I've lived in Thailand for 7 years, speak the language, understand the culture better than 95% of you," + the yelling

my daddy can beat up your daddy

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I asked my Thai wife what she thinks of a farang getting angry because he didn't get stamps at 7-11 and she kept it short.... "Stupid". The staff just laughed. I agree with both of them , it's stupid and funny. I don't mind saying that the main reason I look at this forum is to have a laugh at the stupid farangs. You couldn't invent most of this stuff.

I only read it to count the 'superior than thou' posters.
followed up by:

"I've lived in Thailand for 7 years, speak the language, understand the culture better than 95% of you," + the yelling

my daddy can beat up your daddy

Not me sir, I was just counting.

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The Thai's I've asked about this matter said the cashier 100% knows what they're doing, and they wouldn't like getting cheated either.

LOL at the guys with the Thai wife that get every opinion and piece of information from their wife.

I've lived in Thailand for 7 years, speak the language, understand the culture better than 95% of you, since I have worked in a Thai company that didn't involve education, and YES, I EXPECT a certain level of honesty. As do MOST Thais. But yes, you clowns who get swindled out of homes, money and cars, understand the world A LOT better than I do!

Congratulations on not only learning the language but understanding the culture in only 7 years. Having been here for more than 20 years I've often joked that I wouldn't believe anyone who says they understand Thailand and the Thais , but then you came along and after reading your post I believe you!

Maybe we could get together sometime and you could help me understand my Thai wife a bit better. After all these years she can still surprise me. Good to know that help is out there. Send me a PM. I'll pay you in stamps, if that's okay.

I don't expect you to pay me for this little bit of advice so take it as a sign of goodwill...... Try toning down the "better than you all" rhetoric (I'm working on that one too), don't under any circumstance use "LOL" ( people will think you're simple-minded) and most importantly, take yourself a tiny bit less seriously.

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I asked my Thai wife what she thinks of a farang getting angry because he didn't get stamps at 7-11 and she kept it short.... "Stupid". The staff just laughed. I agree with both of them , it's stupid and funny. I don't mind saying that the main reason I look at this forum is to have a laugh at the stupid farangs. You couldn't invent most of this stuff.

I only read it to count the 'superior than thou' posters.
I am actually superior to some people in some ways, but unfortunately only in ways that don't really count , for example I can wiggle my ears, and I bet you can't. But come on, most of you out there are superior to the guys who are getting worked up about 7-11 stamps. I find the idea of farangs collecting them to be amusing but the idea of getting angry about whether you're given them or not is just stupid.

On the very rare occasions I go to 7-11 and the even rarer occasions that I'm given stamps I think they're daft. Why do they think I would want them? I'm by no means wealthy but I'm not going to mess about with piddling stamps, filling books to get useless junk. Like most guys I don't even bother with 1 or 5 baht coins, I just chuck them in a corner and later on either give them to the grandkids or let the missus or the kids waste their time counting them up and bagging them.

My mother used to collect Green Shield stamps, but she had lots of mouths to feed and very little money so I understand it. I also understand why Thais would collect them and that's why I either leave them on the counter or hand them back, not out of generosity (I'm a tight arse normally) but just because they're basically worthless as far as I'm concerned. Under those circumstances I'm not going to apologise for finding it funny or, more importantly, stupid that people are so worked up and bothered enough to be using words like Honesty and Stealing. Imagine the thoughts going through this guys head every time he goes to 7-11! I go in with a spring in my step an a smile on my face. LOL.

Edited by Chiengmaijoe
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The Thai's I've asked about this matter said the cashier 100% knows what they're doing, and they wouldn't like getting cheated either.

LOL at the guys with the Thai wife that get every opinion and piece of information from their wife.

I've lived in Thailand for 7 years, speak the language, understand the culture better than 95% of you, since I have worked in a Thai company that didn't involve education, and YES, I EXPECT a certain level of honesty. As do MOST Thais. But yes, you clowns who get swindled out of homes, money and cars, understand the world A LOT better than I do!

Congratulations on not only learning the language but understanding the culture in only 7 years. Having been here for more than 20 years I've often joked that I wouldn't believe anyone who says they understand Thailand and the Thais , but then you came along and after reading your post I believe you!

Maybe we could get together sometime and you could help me understand my Thai wife a bit better. After all these years she can still surprise me. Good to know that help is out there. Send me a PM. I'll pay you in stamps, if that's okay.

I don't expect you to pay me for this little bit of advice so take it as a sign of goodwill...... Try toning down the "better than you all" rhetoric (I'm working on that one too), don't under any circumstance use "LOL" ( people will think you're simple-minded) and most importantly, take yourself a tiny bit less seriously.

I actually agree with some of what you said, particularly never really understanding Thailand. I've said that to myself many time. I could live here the rest of my life, and never understand it.

It's easy for people to say 'hey man, lighten up..' I wonder how they will all feel once they realize they're getting ripped off? The thing that's sleazy about this, is that the cashier always has the 'I forgot' excuse, even though they're giving these stamps to every other customer, for the past 3 months. They will do what they can get away with. http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/678452-shocking-price-rises-at-phoenix-golf-club-pattaya/

And yes, I do LOL at the clowns who have been here for 4 months, rely on their Thai wife for everything, can't even mumble sawasdii-krup even reasonably accurate, and think they know everything about this place. So, while I don't think I know Thailand even remotely well, I do have a better grasp then these bozos.

Why should I send you a PM if you want help with your wife? Shouldn't you be initiating the conversation?

Edited by LarryBird
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The back-pack is of reasonable quality and I see a few people about town with them. That orange mat is useless, my dog even refuses to sleep on it and my dog will sleep just about anywhere. In two weeks I pick up that big storage box thing so am not sure about the quality. My wife wanted it and we had enough stamps so who am I to argue. I do get funny looks when I redeem my stamps.

A few 7-11s haven't given me stamps, but I put that down to them thinking that foreigners don't know what they are or don't collect. However, I always ask for the missing stamps. Would feel odd leaving 7-11 without them.

By the way, the last time they had this promotion, those Doraemon boxes were great for storage and I still have a couple now. I even used one on the back of my bicycle to transport small items when I was moving house.

Different strokes for different folks. It would be boring as hell if we were all the same. Vive la différence.

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We give them to our son to collect , he's 8yrs old and we feel it's another good way of letting him learn that if things are worth having, they are worth saving up for. He saves the stamps and buys vcd's when he has a full book. Better for the children I think than adults.

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