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Thai youth purposely smashes bike to coerce Dad...


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Just the other day I bought, for a mere 6,000 baht, an old Yamaha Tiara - a nice 6-spd, 120cc two-stroke, quite sporty little bike. To those of you unfamiliar with something that old, think Honda Sonic more or less. The bike's in really excellent shape for something so old, except for one thing - the instrument panel is missing. As it turns out (according to the dealer) the teenaged boy who had been handed down the bike by his father hated driving something so shamefully old, so he took a hammer and smashed the instrument panel!

The Thai staff and the dealer were marveling at this somewhat, but didn't seem too surprised - 'kids today' seemed to be the refrain, and it was remarked that 'well, it worked', as dad caved and the kid now has his silly automatic or whatever peer pressure dictated (on financed payments, no doubt).

The story amused me and it might be indicative of various things about Thailand and Thai people. I suppose I'm happy as I have another fun little fixer-upper for very little money.

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Well this dad would not have caved! But then again you reap what you sow!

It is not a parents job to be their off springs best friend.

CQ. Did they manage to find you a "new" cluster?

If it was my son I would gently explain the facts of life to him and tell him that he has the choice of riding the bike without the instrument panel, or if an old bike is beneath his face level then he can always WALK and lose even more face.

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CQ. Did they manage to find you a "new" cluster?

Yeah, its a new bike dealer, I just buy the cheapo trade-ins out the back, so their quote of 1,600 baht for a brand new instrument panel was not my preferred option. Took it to a regular mechanic of mine, he's searching now, predicts he can find one for about 350 or 400.

Actually I think I'm going to rebuild the engine as well - its a little stodgy. Runs fine but could be a lot better, anyway that's only about 1,000-1,500.

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I don't think this has anything to do with Thailand. Kids are the same the world over.

Just read the story of a privileged divorce son, 17; wanted a BMW M5 from his daddy to show the other rich kids at his rich school that his family had money too. Dad didn't give him the car, too dangerous; kid moved out, moved in with mom, who bought him the BMW. This in the USA.

Just goes to show... same thing the world over. Whether it's a $2,000 Honda Click or a $120,000 BMW.

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