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What Do You Like Most/least About Thailand?


What Do You Like Most/Least About Thailand?  

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Sing Sling, sometimes I think we forget that life is not perfect no matter where we live. If we wanted to we could find endless subjects to complain about. At the same time, there are endless subjects that we can derive joy from. Choose.

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Why is beer selection in the 'what you like least about thailand' part.

Beer selection in Thailand is great. There are what, 13-14 different regular beers to choose from...not to mention all these new light and draught craps on the market now...and if you really want to be spoiled and close minded, you still gots loads of places that carry imports of irish, german, and even american beer...

Went to a place on Sukhumvit the other night and I asked the waitress what beers they stocked, and she replied very enthusiastically that they had Heinekin and beer Chang as if I should be deighted that there was any choice at all. Not her fault, of course.

Only two beers to chose from.

This wasn't goin' to be a tough decision to make!

So I smiled back at her (and thinking at the same time that that is no choice whatsoever) - Chang is not a "beer" - it's a vile concoction of poisons masquerading as alcohol guaranteed to give you one helluva hangover and Heineken is ubiquitous - I don't think there's bar on Sukhumvit where you can't order it.

So I ordered two glasses of draught Heinekin and guess what turns up on the table a minute or so later?

- two glasses of draught Chang! :o

Edited by bulmercke
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Sing Sling, sometimes I think we forget that life is not perfect no matter where we live. If we wanted to we could find endless subjects to complain about. At the same time, there are endless subjects that we can derive joy from. Choose.

Of course you're right, Tippaporn - I gett he same thoughts when I'm in Jakarta or the Philippines though. A country's leadership should have as its first priority the welfare of its citizenry and somewhere down the track how t impress even transit passengers with a new airport.

Sad thing is that one is confronted with this every day and powerless to change it, though we are doing a bit with our bio-fuel project in Isaan - cheaper fuel for the locals - same price as Bangkok.

Lots of things to love about this place:





Lots to like, but it doesn't shield the ugly side, unfotunately. :o

Edited by Sing_Sling
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Griffin is entitled to his opinion.

Thailand has not won a Nobel prize, ever. Little Switzerland with

one eighth of the population has won 24. Nobel by country

No world class Thai companies ! Nothing like IBM, BP, Samsung

Toyota, Boeing, Rolls Royce, Intel, BASF, BMW, Sony, Alcatel, G.E. etc. etc.

In fact nary a one. :o

Mind you ... They got lotsa Hubs :D

I says it like I sees it.

Now where are all those "I love Thailand more than you love Thailand" types ?


Of course it it had these companies things and rent would not be as cheap.

It is in some people's interest to have Thailand were it is, with solid infastructure but not to advanced so the cost of living higher doesn't increase.

If you are a retiree you don't want thailand to start cranking out world class companies! (unless you own stock)

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My least favourite is beach boys...but it was not there so i put bussiness practices that is close enough to what some of these guys do...

What i really want to say is: TIP I AM SO PROUD OF YOU!!! you manage to do a poll right...we can vote, you haven´t post it twice, it has not disappear after a while....I am going to cry :D ...I think you are prepare to face the forthcoming polls in your life.... :o

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Why is beer selection in the 'what you like least about thailand' part.

Beer selection in Thailand is great. There are what, 13-14 different regular beers to choose from...not to mention all these new light and draught craps on the market now...and if you really want to be spoiled and close minded, you still gots loads of places that carry imports of irish, german, and even american beer...

Went to a place on Sukhumvit the other night and I asked the waitress what beers they stocked, and she replied very enthusiastically that they had Heinekin and beer Chang as if I should be deighted that there was any choice at all. Not her fault, of course.

Only two beers to chose from.

This wasn't goin' to be a tough decision to make!

So I smiled back at her (and thinking at the same time that that is no choice whatsoever) - Chang is not a "beer" - it's a vile concoction of poisons masquerading as alcohol guaranteed to give you one helluva hangover and Heineken is ubiquitous - I don't think there's bar on Sukhumvit where you can't order it.

So I ordered two glasses of draught Heinekin and guess what turns up on the table a minute or so later?

- two glasses of draught Chang! :o

LOL, welcome to the lame concept of beer in Thailand that so many say is spectacular. You've experienced the dreaded changover I take it. Heineken is not really Heineken btw, it is some noxious liquid brewed within Thailand's borders. Thailand's beer policy is not to allow anyone to purchase any beer brewed outside of its borders for under 100 baht in store or under 150 baht in bar. These imports that you can buy are not worth drinking as they are old and expired due to nobody buying them due to price. I think that the Thai beer industry has a powerful gov't lobby. They wouldn't want anyone to have access to reasonably priced, fresh imported beer cause they'd never touch a Thai brewed one ever again cause they are horrific. I have always enjoyed the many threads RE: beer in this forum. What's your fav? then you got your short list: sing, tiger, leo, hein, chang. They are all the F'ing same. It is hard for me to believe that persons in this forum believe that this is a grand selection. These are the same people coming mainly from the UK where beers are outstanding. What is with these people? This is satisfactory for them? I am befuddled. Just say no to beer in Thailand unless you enjoy puking

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For many years, I boycotted beer in Thailand as it was just a waste of money. Singha and whatever the premium beer was supposed to be just didn't ring my bell, and imports were priced absurdly.

Finally a couple of decent brands entered the market. I started drinking one now and then and am quite happy to have a few that I like at all. A cold Heineken goes down good most of the time.

I know that Germans and the Brits claim that their beer is much better than others, but they seem to be an aquired taste - something like Marmite or Vegimite - and they do not taste good to me.

After years of nothing - no matter what the whinging gourmets say - I'm quite happy to have Tiger, Heineken and a few other brands. :o

Edited by Ulysses G.
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For many years, I boycotted beer in Thailand as it was just a waste of money. Singha and whatever the premium beer was supposed to be just didn't ring my bell, and imports were priced absurdly.

Finally a couple of decent brands entered the market. I started drinking one now and then and am quite happy to have a few that I like at all. A cold Heineken goes down good most of the time.

I know that Germans and the Brits claim that their beer is much better than others, but they seem to be an aquired taste - something like Marmite or Vegimite - and they do not taste good to me.

After years of nothing - no matter what the whinging gourmets say - I'm quite happy to have Tiger, Heineken and a few other brands. :D

Georgie, that's very open minded of you...esp for a yank. :D BTW, the poms have their beer way too warm!! :o:D

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BTW, the poms have their beer way too warm!! :o:D

You are correct.

BTW, ice cold Aussie beer is better than German and British swill. :D

Carefull mate, don't praise those pommie criminals too much! :D

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BTW, the poms have their beer way too warm!! :D:D

You are correct.

BTW, ice cold Aussie beer is better than German and British swill. :D

Carefull mate, don't praise those pommie criminals too much! :D

I hear that they go on raids to New Zealand because the sheep are more attractive there. :o

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What i really want to say is: TIP I AM SO PROUD OF YOU!!! you manage to do a poll right...we can vote, you haven´t post it twice, it has not disappear after a while....I am going to cry :D ...I think you are prepare to face the forthcoming polls in your life.... :D

Thanks, Glauka. :D As they say, if at first you don't succeed, try, try again. :D

Leo with lots of ice is the beer for me. What else can you expect from a man of great taste. :o

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Which is exactly what has happened in every other What Do You Like Most/least About Thailand? thread..

Tip.. be more creative.. no need to keep regurgitating this rubbish

A little more originality in polls would be most refreshing :o


Geeez, :D !!!!!!!!! Wasn't thinking about the negatives when I posted. But you're probably right, tots, might just be an invitation for people to stereotype. Well, if it's old hat it'll run it's course quickly. :D

On second thought tots, I recant. I find the poll results interesting. And if it's an opportunity to provide proper perspectives then there's value here.

Recant all you like... next month it will be someone else who posts a near exact topic as this one.. :D

totster :D

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I am on a looong, very exciting holiday here, hope to see all before I make my mind up what I like best.

But, oh boy, this is a trippy sort of place, girls dancing, crazed bus drivers, giant bugs, waterfalls with natural wirlpools - and that's before my view gets blurred from whatever in the evening. Forking UNBELIEVABLE!

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I am on a looong, very exciting holiday here, hope to see all before I make my mind up what I like best.

But, oh boy, this is a trippy sort of place, girls dancing, crazed bus drivers, giant bugs, waterfalls with natural wirlpools - and that's before my view gets blurred from whatever in the evening. Forking UNBELIEVABLE!

Is that with or without drugs? Just asking . . . :o

Ah, the refreshing enthusiam and wonderment of first-timers. :D

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Come on Tots, take it easy on Tippy. I know he re-hashed an overdone thread but the more time people spend in the country, the more their opinions might change. So asking the question again might be relevant.

So for me, the things I like the most are:

HRH, The King. (A truly Noble Man)



Never feeling unsafe no matter where I am in the country.

Availability of lots of different foods from many countries.

All the eye candy.

Things I do not like:

Weather (I am not one for cold either, but this heat mixed with the humidity kills me. I am a dripping slob after 5 minutes of walking outside).

Red tape one so often encounters.

The blatant class system everyone is so concerned with. (Example: I have a Mercedes and you have a Honda so I am better than you. Bow before me! Everyone pulling out their mobiles every 5 minutes not to talk, but just so people can see that they have one. Rich Thais treating less wealthy Thais bad. You get the idea, right?)


Governments non-concern for its own people.

Amount of people in the country. Farang and Thais. I just don't like crowds.

No room to breathe in the city. A place to just stop and take a break without hordes of other people around. No peace and quiet.

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Thanks, TxC. I see this thread as an opportunity, also, to voice my opinion against generalizations in the hope that people who have them might understand differently. I also wanted a more in-depth list to choose from. Maybe that's simply to satisfy my own curiosity.

And you did mention a few I left out which I thought were excellent - HRM the King and the overall safety here. Both are tops. Eye candy = poo ying. To hold or behold (or both)!! :D

Governments non-concern for it's people applies to most every government, IMHO. :o

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Nice folk. Easy to be around. Great country. Not smart.

It's just that the type of Thais that would consider hanging out with the typical farang living here are not that smart i.e. prostitutes, tuk-tuk drivers, etc.

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I love nearly everthing Thailand has to offer.

I live the weather, the beaches, the woman, people, culture, sense of humour, not taking life too serious and there whole attitude, the driving always puts grin on my face, the cost, nightlife, food cooked on the street late at night.

Things i dont like, taxi drivers ripping me off, loud farangs who talk so loud when drunk and talk to there "girl for the night" like shit, lack of toilet paper in public toilets (coz i havent mastered the water thing yet).

I am hoping to move to that wonderful place next year and to play some soccer with some of the TV members

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Why is beer selection in the 'what you like least about thailand' part.

Beer selection in Thailand is great. There are what, 13-14 different regular beers to choose from...not to mention all these new light and draught craps on the market now...and if you really want to be spoiled and close minded, you still gots loads of places that carry imports of irish, german, and even american beer...

You call 13-14 regular beers in the whole country a lot? That's a pitifully small amount. Just one reasonably well stocked bar in the UK should have about that many. There's a pub I used to frequent in London that has about 200 or so, many imported from Belgium, Holland and Germany. If you added up all the UK beers, plus all the foreign ones brewed under license, all the imported ones and then all the real ales that are scattered around the country you'd have a selection into the thousands probably.

That said, some Thai beers (or, I should say, beers you commonly find in Thai bars) are pretty good I think, especially Asahi, Tiger and Singha, but nothing round here beats Beer Lao.

Oh, and I put food as the positive thing and traffic as the negative.

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