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Assault, harrasment to daughter

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After reading all the strongman advice I would like you to consider this before acting:

If you decide to push a little too hard, but not hard enough – all of the advice given here may very well come back at you and your family like a ton of bricks.

Unless you are connected, have leverage, have friends in higher places than your opponents

Unless you are as rich as or more than your opponents

Unless you have the whole picture and what scenarios that are likely to unfold

Then I would choose to have the least possible confrontation, at least to start with.

I would document everything that has happened by involving Thai authorities / agencies as already outlined and then leave for CM.

I would not contact the parents or school. Reason; if push comes to shove, you are not necessarily a prime suspect.

After all, this guy must have loads of enemies.

If he follows you to CM – that is when he opens the door for you to become a magician – anyone know the adress to missing persons?

Whatever you do – Good Luck

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Tough deal here! What to do and how to fix it..... first of all go the organizations already mentioned here in this thread. Second have copies of all the police reports. Third, go directly to the idiot's family and have a few words with them and show them the reports. Tell them that they have to deal with their son for as a father your daughter's safety comes before everything else. If all fails to take care of this issue then try very hard NOT to 'fix' the problem yourself with a two-by-four! That will get you nowhere except beaten up in one night on your way home... not to mention what would happen to your daughter. As I said it is a tough position to be in. As a father I know all to well what you must be going through. This happened to mine back in the US and the cops picked the kid up at home and dragged his ass to jail. But when he got out he was back and though there was a RO with his name on it... it was me suing him in a civil court that finally got rid of the punk. As for my daughter... she was told by me that either she loses the "I like Bad Boys" bit or dad will not be there next time... then I told her that I love her. Seems to have worked ...so far. But here in LOS? Between the loss of face thing, cops who could careless, money that speaks louder than the written laws, our position as Farangs, the trouble we will get into with the locals (and cops) if we show any back bone, aggressive behavior, or any form of confrontation our sense of fatherly duty to protect our own is hampered to the extreme. So I suggest that you follow with a lawyer. Get the authorities to comply with the laws that are in place now.


I find it somewhat amusing that most of the posts take the strong-arm position as a way to solve the problem with the scumbag....only a few mention the girl and the trauma she must be going through and how to support her through these trying times...(I think counseling might be in order....?)

As for all you macho, "I'm going to confront Him and the family and be in their face"....you obviously have spent very little time in Thailand or if you have you don't interact with Thai's .

First off.....99% of the population is "poor" and the 1% elite (who run this country and from what the OP said it is more than probable that this family is in the Upper class and connected).....well ...take a guess...they are all cousins, friends or connected business wise or other....."they stick together" and if some farang thinks he can come in and "scare" them into being reasonable....well...I just want to know what drugs your on!...as said in a few posts the BIB's are ineffective at best....and generally useless against the "elite"....now if this was the son of some "poor" working class family...YES ...then pay the BIB some tea money and problem solved ...NOT with the "Elite"...

Secondly.....if you are going to get "aggressive" with an Elite thai ...you better be super well connected or ready to leave the country ...FAST...when your actions backfire.....This might be the typical emotional response....but now is the time to be rational...(although you've been sitting on this problem for 7 months.....What's that about?????)

BEST solution ....with the least amount of collateral damage ....is to send the girl out of the country (as mentioned a few times)...best for all concerned....AND MOST IMPORTANTLY ....BEST FOR THE DAUGHTER! think about it ...if you send her abroad the education she will get just from traveling let alone being immersed in another culture....one, hopefully, that respects women...

You've got a problem...and it needs being taken care of now!...Its your DAUGHTER....Act NOW!

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After having been one of the "strong arm" advocates, I have to say that I agree with bocceball1's advice. The simplest, and least confrontational, approach is probably going to be the best in the long run. Strong arming just has too many chances of backfiring. Send your daughter abroad to study, or even to visit family for an extended period. If she's out of the picture, <deleted> will find another target, or hopefully pick on the wrong target and thus eliminate himself.

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I am open to suggestions as 'Dads" first impluse is probably not the accepted way

No restraining order in Thailand means Dads way may have to happen. Try this, go round and visit his parents. If they have any common sense they will help the situation.

All else fails I know someone who knows someone that can "fix" this type of issue.

depending on who you are, ever think of just "accidently" bumping into him while walking on the street looking up at the sky? used to work fine when I was a lad! just "gently" pick him up, brush him off and apoligize looking him in the eye! even an idiot would get the message!


You have sought advice from a Law Firm, they have told you there is nothing you can do. What are you expecting from this thread, sage advice from keyboard warriors who would advise you to kick his ass ?

Just do the same as everyone else here would, nothing, he will get bored of it and find someone else, life goes on.

Well, yeah!! The only thing this boy understands is violence. Kick his ass, dad!!!

A satisfying immediate response but it will only escalate the situation and make things worse.


Well scorecard you have been given advise from the members of the TVF. as you asked for, now what have you decided to do. We are all waiting with baited breath.huh.png

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