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I have been thinking about having laser eye treatment for a while now and next week i am going to make an appointment to have my eyes checked out and get a price for the treatment. Has anyone had this done in Thailand or even in there own country? Any advice etc is welcome.

Thanks Noodles.


My wife had her first Lasik in BKK in 1998 (in some clinic of a government hospital) however after 6 years she had to repeat the surgey as her vision was not that good anymore. Her second Lasik was in 2004 in New York http://www.stahleyecenter.com/ with Dr. Hufnagel and since then her vision is perfect 20/20.

As you see unfortunately it can happen that your Lasik will not last and it has to be done again.


I had it done here in San Francisco a couple of years age (Age 40) by a very established eye surgeon.

I now have perfect vision! - Actually 20/10 now

After 20 years of contact lenses this is wonderful....

The only drawback is that it may have sped up my need for reading glasses (which is inevitable) - But well worth it!!!

I would not skimp on price - Make sure you know who is running the equipment and confirm that they have done the technique MANY times... Those flashy high-tech places may have someone operating the equipment that has only just learned how to do the procedure. And if you go to an established eye surgeon confirm that he/she will do the procedure – not an assistant.


Could not be happier with my 20/15 vision. No contacts, no glasses. Someone else here mentioned that many people caught in the Tsunami lost their glasses and didn't know where to swim or what to grab onto while they were flailing around in the water. You never think about that benefit until something like that happens.

The only side effect with my lasik is a little bit of flaring around lights at night. If I look at a point source of light at night, it has a bit of a halo around it. Early on it was bad, but after a month or so it got much better so I don't notice it. Doesn't interfere with my vision although it is still there if I look for it.

Unlike the older lasers, the newer ones customize the treatment for the shape of each eye. So instead of shaping it uniformly, they try to shape the lens so it's more consistent all around. So high spots are burned down more than others. It gives much higher odds of achieving better than 20/20 vision. It's called Wavefront or Ladarwave or other marketing names based on the manufacturer.

Find out what machine they have and look it up at the manufacturer's website. Make sure it's a newer model for the best chance of sucess with the surgery. You want the best results the first time.


I am long sighted and need glasses only for reading.

Years ago I inquired about laser eye treatment and they recommended that I only have one eye done and leave the other as is. This would allow me to see long distance with one eye and be able to read fine print close up with the other (treated) eye.

They then handed me some glasses to show me how my sight would be if I elected to have the procedure done. I saw double everything and told them to forget it.

They stated that my brain would compensate for the vision differences and after awhile all would be in perfect focus.

I still told them to forget it.

The assistant then whispered to me, why make a permanent change to your eyes when a new procedure may be just around the corner.

I have recently seen a new procedure now being developed for those who have difficulty in focussing their eyes.

It involves placing four spacers, each the size of a grain of rice, under the outer layer of each eye. This lifts and separates the layers thus taking the pressure off the eye muscles and allowing them to focus naturally again.

Looking into a persons eye, the spacers look like four brown spots, but they are mostly hidden by the eye lids.

Two middle aged people were used to trial this procedure and both reported that their sight and ability to focus, was restored to the same level as when they were teenagers.

As with all new concepts, it will need time to be thoroughly tested before the health authorities give them approval to sell it commercially, but in my case, I'm prepared to wait.



I would never go ahead with a procedure that gives me monovision (i.e. adjusting one eye to far objects and one for near objects) I rather have reading glasses in every corner of the house.

I had excellent vision and now getting closer to 50 .. i have presbyopia (loss elasticity or/and musle power for near focusing) this comes with age and unfortunately not much to do about.

You are right there are some I would say experimental procedures for correcting these types of vision problems however I agree with and would hold of until these procedures mature.


I had it and even though distance vision was improved for some time, there were soot-like floaties in the gelatinous fuid in my eye. The ety doc said it was burnt fragments from my iris. My short vision is now worse and my extended distant vision is decreasing a little. It has been over 3 years.

If you have allergies and end up with a mediocre surgeon you may want to think twice. If you rub your eyes you can tear the cornea (lens) off. When they do the surgery they cut a circle nearly all the way around, leaving only a flap to peel up. Then they go to work. It's creepy but doable. Not much pain.

There's a website detailing horror stories.

lasik/lasek nightmares



Could anyone comment on the quality of the treatment here in LOS? I am thinking of having it done, but a bit nervous about the quality....

Could anyone comment on the quality of the treatment here in LOS? I am thinking of having it done, but a bit nervous about the quality....

Red Eyes,

I had Lasik done a year and a half ago in Phuket. Very good service and very detailed and thorough exam measuring prior the surgery. I went with TRSC International at the Bangkok Phuket Hospital. They are the largest Lasik center in Thailand and have centers all over. They sent the surgeon from Bangkok and she was quite experienced. I am now 51 and can't get over how incredible it is to not need glasses or contacts to see. Interestingly my close up vision seems a bit better than before. I only need reading glasses at night to read my books..and I never need them for working on the computer. Anyway, do the research, ask lots of questions and good luck.


Thanks all for your response, I am going to do my home work on this and i am pretty convinced i will have it done. I think the thing for me now is to try and find a place with up to date kit and experienced operator. Thanks again for the input.


20/10 here after my treatment done in Wash DC. Pick a established doctor and feel free ask as many questions as possible.

Best 1500quid I ever spent, plus a lifetime guaranteed - if sight changes over 20/40 procedure will be done again for free.


Read the horror stories first. Reading alt.lasik-eyes for several years convinced me that lasik isn't quite worth the risk. (I do ride a big motorbike, by the way.) In the lasik world, some procedures are a bit safer than others: check out Lasek variations for example. Me, I decided I can wait. There is an alternative available right now: multifocal gas-permeable contact lenses (hard to get in Thailand, though). I got a pair and I like 'em a lot. I've worn contacts for years anyway w/ no problem. These were harder to fit and a bit more expensive, of course, but now I'm glad I didn't have surgery to do pretty much what the contacts can do anyway--after they're in.


I had both eyes done here in Chiangmai by a girlfriend's father who has been an eye surgeon for 30 years.

He did everything in a very relaxed and competent manner, using high quality equipment and corneal mapping.

I found my vision altered considerably in the following months, as he predicted.

The aim is to give you good long range vision. In the end mine didn't really work out that way.

My vision tends towards the short, and actually the right eye is a bit shorter than the left. It's always best in the morning. Later I might wear glasses to drive.

In actual fact I've decided I prefer the shorter vision.

I do something strange. I often wear a contact lens in just my left eye. That way I've got perfect long range with the left eye and perfect short with the right. The change of eye used is instantaneous, you do not know it's happening.

So it's not quite what i expected, but i am very happy I had it done, i was really sick of having to wear glasses for normal and another pair for reading.

I might add that I believe the relevance of the surgeon is more to just do the slicing of the flap well....I believe the corneal mapping results are fed into a laptop which has a program to tell the laser machine what to do, so I don't blame him at all for somewhat unexpected results.

Good luck.

I have been thinking about having laser eye treatment for a while now and next week i am going to make an appointment to have my eyes checked out and get a price for the treatment. Has anyone had this done in Thailand or even in there own country? Any advice etc is welcome.

Thanks Noodles.

I had it done about 8 or so years ago in OZ.

BEST thing I ever did. I only had one eye done as the other one was OK for reading. According to the guy I would never need glasses as I would use my "original" eye for reading and the lasered eye for distance.

I now forget which eye was done and have to close them alternatively so see which one is fuzzy!

Was an intersting experience - no pain at all. On the way home I could actually see through the pinhole cover they put over they eye. That night the only discomfort was like when you get a little bit of grit in your eye. Gone the next day.

Over the next few weeks the only thing I noticed (and others have had the same) was that car headlights tended to "star" a lot more - quite Ok though.

I spend upwards of 7 hours straight in front of the computer screen each night for my work

I get no eye strain at all. The only catch is I have to keep the screens at the right distance or my "close" eye wants to take over from the "distance" eye.

Hope that helps ...



Before going under the knife/laser I would seriousely consider trying Bates Method. This is a series of exrecises that have helped many to restore their vision to nornal. I don't use glasses but do the exercises quite often and there is an immediate improvement.

There are thousends of websites regarding this with free instructions. It's not an immediate cure but worth trying before doing something drastic like laser surgery.

Check this for a brief instruction:


Search the web for "Bates Method" and you will find detailed instructions and testemonials for this method.


thinking of having laser treatment myself, upon some research it is reccomended you can safely have 2 treatments and to wait until you are 50 for the first treatment if possible as your eyesight will deteriorate after x amount of years.

as to having an operation of this nature in thailand, never.

in the uk it is only 1-1500gbp but you will get back up, insurances and liability with ultimate resposibilty lying with the hospital or company that carry out the operation

from what i have seen of thailand's resposibility levels and liability levels never never.

i have nothing but praise for the hospitals in los thus far in the way i have been treated and my wife's family on occasions we have had to use thier facilities for minor ailments.

unfortunately when something goes wrong in los you are on your own.


I have had LASIK in Bangkok last year. Great experience, fantastic result. Before I had it done I did pretty extensive research. After my operation I typed it all up and created my own little website, sharing my experience. I got quite a kick out of it and added information about other medical services in Thailand as well. I am not an agent for any facilities mentioned and there is no advertising. I do try to promote medical tourism to Thailand though - it was good for me and I think it is good for Thailand. If you want to check it out go to


I am grateful for any feedback I can get and will publish any experience reports people want to share.

I have been thinking about having laser eye treatment for a while now and next week i am going to make an appointment to have my eyes checked out and get a price for the treatment. Has anyone had this done in Thailand or even in there own country? Any advice etc is welcome.

Thanks Noodles.

I had it done in the 70's in the states,still have 20/ 20.I am glad I did it.I highly recommend it.Threw out all the glasses,contacts etc.I am sure it is advanced since then. :o:D


TRSC is by far the most impressive eye center in Bangkok, with Runtnin with a close second. Two great facilities with high prices. I know of other local clinics where the same doctors that practice at Samitavey and other popular hospitals offer more affordable prices. If you visit a hospital you get hit with higher prices. Visiting a clinic is not a bad idea as long as you check their credentials obviously. Email me if you need help, but its not difficult to find.

Lasik is limited and you have to be a canidate. There are some side effects and risks involved. TRSC will give you a 4 hour consultation to help you prepare. The most advanced procedure is lens implant! It will improve any stigmatism or vision problem you may have. Basically, they replace your lense with an artificial one and vision is restored.



Thanks everyone for the replies, i will keep you updated as to my progress. I realy want to make sure i chose the right place and treatment for me. Thanks again.

Ceedee.... I think a link to your website should be pinned at the top of this forum. Fantastic job.

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