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Lol! youve obviously never seen how chickens are raised in western countries! glass houses pal?? lol

Sorry but I don't understand how your post relates to this topic.

I think the point was we're no better in the West.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Oh, i see, I am not living "in the west" but I did refer to general practices and particularly to the post attacking Peta and others that advocate for better treatment of livestock. I am not a vegetarian, I am willing to pay a bit more for meat that is healthier if available. How chickens are raised "in the west" is not the topic. (lol)...

"Thailand has got a long way to go if it wants to be accepted as a civilised Country." so if the "west" has nothing to do with it, exactly WHO will be refusing to accept thailand as a civilized country?? and if this is the standard, which countries are these so-called civilized countries??

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I didn't make the civilized countries statement, I think Tland is quite civilized, I have spent most of my life in a semi civilized place where we often ate "happy" pigs from the forest, they had a good life with no natural predators, they did suffer a brutal death (chased and cornered by dogs, throat slit) but they sure tasted good. The pig stacking in the trucks is just wrong.

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In Thailand as in the rest of the world life goes on!

As a long time hunter back home, PETA always complained about how the animals we hunted were killed. So I can see how some who backed the same concerns, also moved on to Thailand,

PETA in California fought the selling of animals for food in the Asian markets as many Asians (my Thai family included) prefer to eat fresh killed meats. I believe that everyone has a right to their own opinion on how pigs (or any other animal) are treated on the way to the slaughter house. But once they state that anyone who eats pork is part of the problem, they are attempting to force their value judgement on to others.

Many posters see the lack of human caring concerning other posters about how pigs are treated in Thailand, but many of the same caring humans will pass an accident, where human suffering is involved and do not see fit to stop and aid the victim of an accident in Thailand!

Then state the lack of value that is placed on human life in Thailand, so those that want better treatment for pigs, follow their hearts and I will stop to aid the victims of an accident on the streets of Thailand!


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I didn't make the civilized countries statement, I think Tland is quite civilized, I have spent most of my life in a semi civilized place where we often ate "happy" pigs from the forest, they had a good life with no natural predators, they did suffer a brutal death (chased and cornered by dogs, throat slit) but they sure tasted good. The pig stacking in the trucks is just wrong.

No you didnt The OP did!! and it was you who claimed western "so called civilized" countries had nothing to do with the top post!! lol!!!

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I didn't make the civilized countries statement, I think Tland is quite civilized, I have spent most of my life in a semi civilized place where we often ate "happy" pigs from the forest, they had a good life with no natural predators, they did suffer a brutal death (chased and cornered by dogs, throat slit) but they sure tasted good. The pig stacking in the trucks is just wrong.

No you didnt The OP did!! and it was you who claimed western "so called civilized" countries had nothing to do with the top post!! lol!!!

As usual your post makes no sense but you do like to "lol" so i am happy for you. giggle.gif Anyway, I do advocate for the humane treatment of animals.

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I didn't make the civilized countries statement, I think Tland is quite civilized, I have spent most of my life in a semi civilized place where we often ate "happy" pigs from the forest, they had a good life with no natural predators, they did suffer a brutal death (chased and cornered by dogs, throat slit) but they sure tasted good. The pig stacking in the trucks is just wrong.

No you didnt The OP did!! and it was you who claimed western "so called civilized" countries had nothing to do with the top post!! lol!!!

As usual your post makes no sense but you do like to "lol" so i am happy for you. giggle.gif Anyway, I do advocate for the humane treatment of animals.

the fact that others understand my point and you still do not says far more about you than it does my post.

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We will have a variety of reactions to these practices, some think no meat should be raised for food, some think it is ok if the animal is treated well and killed in a humane way and some such as Grantsmith feel it is ok if the animals are tortured before death, .... pathetic but all to common.

So how's the view up there on your high horse?

Do you know that these pigs were tortured? Who defines this means of transportation as torture? Did you seek comment from the pigs?

Pathetic? Hardly...

Desensitized? Seeing a foodsource transport is hardly going to raise the eyebrow...


Edited by GrantSmith
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This is not the west ,if it offends you ,live somewhere else .

No, it is not the west.

Unlike the west, this country claims to be a Buddhist country.

Now, what did the Buddha say about causing pain and suffering...and killing?

Does that not translate into the Thai language?

Maybe it doesn't fit into the "me, me,me, mine, mine, mine, more, more more for me" attitude of the greedy myopic culture here?

P.S. The cure all " if you don't like it go somewhere else" is the weakest reply to any problem on TV.

If you can't do any better, keep it to yourself.

We all know that one!

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This is not the west ,if it offends you ,live somewhere else .

No, it is not the west.

Unlike the west, this country claims to be a Buddhist country.

Now, what did the Buddha say about causing pain and suffering...and killing?

Does that not translate into the Thai language?

Maybe it doesn't fit into the "me, me,me, mine, mine, mine, more, more more for me" attitude of the greedy myopic culture here?

P.S. The cure all " if you don't like it go somewhere else" is the weakest reply to any problem on TV.

If you can't do any better, keep it to yourself.

We all know that one!

i suggest you read something on buddhism

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One poster earlier said that you should only eat what you raise or kill yourself (or words to that effect), what a great concept!

Compensate all the pig farmers and release the 'bred for slaughter' animals into the wild. You fancy a bacon buttie, get out and hunt a feral pig.

Given that scenario, I could almost guarantee that in a couple of years, complaining topics on this forum about soi dogs would be on the back burner................thumbsup.gif

Of note, in no way do I support cruelty towards animals, bred for slaughter to fulfill demand or not.

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We will have a variety of reactions to these practices, some think no meat should be raised for food, some think it is ok if the animal is treated well and killed in a humane way and some such as Grantsmith feel it is ok if the animals are tortured before death, .... pathetic but all to common.

So how's the view up there on your high horse?

Do you know that these pigs were tortured? Who defines this means of transportation as torture? Did you seek comment from the pigs?

Pathetic? Hardly...

Desensitized? Seeing a foodsource transport is hardly going to raise the eyebrow...


Yea, you are right, because I don't speak swineish, I don't know, they may be happy being stacked on top of each other and crammed into the truck like that ...my bad, I now agree, the conditons of livestock should be of no concern to me or any other TV member. Thank you all for helping me reach this place. thumbsup.gif

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I;ve seen and heard the same , pigs screaming. Apparently the average chicken in thailand has about 10 x more space and much better conditions than your average European chicken. I don't remember the source for that, but I imagine the average pig life ain't much better anywhere else in the world.

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Typical superiority attitude of vegetarians.

Most vegan/vegetarians have never worked on a farm and have no idea of all the critters that are killed during clearing, plowing and routine pest management to keep the product from being eaten.

A grass fed cow for example provides enough protein to sustain a small family for 2 or more years. Not a lot of death.

An acre of whatever produce will kill many thousands of small critters per crop. Farm animals like cat's and dogs spend full time exterminating hungry pests. Depends on the crop and details but often the combined total weight of dead critters will be the thousands of kilo's. When I was a kid I got paid 20 cents for every rat I shot with my .22. I had a pretty good income.

Ignorance is bliss or in this case moral superiority.

There is a classic joke.

Q. "How do you get a person to tell you they are vegetarian or vegan?"

A. "Do nothing and they will volunteer this information in 10 to 15 minutes"

I definitely think animal welfare can improve in most countries but it's just not that cut and dried. Unless your knowledge of farming begins and ends at the grocery store.

Edited by CobraSnakeNecktie
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Pigs arent people, and they are going to be killed and eaten. Same as any other food innit. You have boxes or bottles of anything you stack them floor to ceiling to maximise profits. I am sure the people involved don't care in the least how the pigs feel, they just want to make as much money as possible. If that means the pigs live in horrid conditions, what do they care ? As long as the baht keep on rolling in. Would you pay double the price for your bacon if the company promises you the pigs had a nice life ? Neither would I. And any company that tried to do that would close pretty quickly....Money is all that matters in this world we live in these days, compassion, morality, ethics are dead much to my chagrin.

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Pigs arent people, and they are going to be killed and eaten. Same as any other food innit. You have boxes or bottles of anything you stack them floor to ceiling to maximise profits. I am sure the people involved don't care in the least how the pigs feel, they just want to make as much money as possible. If that means the pigs live in horrid conditions, what do they care ? As long as the baht keep on rolling in. Would you pay double the price for your bacon if the company promises you the pigs had a nice life ? Neither would I. And any company that tried to do that would close pretty quickly....Money is all that matters in this world we live in these days, compassion, morality, ethics are dead much to my chagrin.

yeah, your chagrin is more than evident

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This is not the west ,if it offends you ,live somewhere else .

I always hate people saying crap like this, "if you dont like it, move somewhere else", Some people want to give awareness to a topic in hope of change. If change offends you, then go back under your rock and let the forward thinkers do their thing.

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Call police, call gov agency, whoever you call.. nobody will give a s*** about. That is the system, if you fight against you are wrong, even if you are right. Better meditate, and bit by bit get your ghost out of the shell. The world is based in suffering and corruption, nothing else. ,D

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i followed a truck loaded with pigs the other day (but not for too long) and they looked as if they were loaded in there from an overhead conveyor belt! and although that was a disturbing sight it wasnt as bad as the video i was shown on youtube where 100's of pigs were shovelled into a lime filled pit by a jcb while alive and then the pit filled in. apparently it went on for 24hours to fully bury them alive. the video was 20 mins long but 2 mins watching was enough. i think it was from china.

Edited by TomYumpoochai
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Lol! youve obviously never seen how chickens are raised in western countries! glass houses pal?? lol

Sorry but I don't understand how your post relates to this topic.

I think the point is that the OP was using the example of the way the pigs s/he saw were being transported as an argument that Thailand is an uncivilised country; this post suggests examining the animal welfare is other so-called civilised countries before picking on Thailand. For example, the number of EU countries defying EU laws on the raising of pigs is legendary, including quite a few surprising places such as Denmark.

And as for foie gras - well enough said.

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