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Yes I do not doubt that such a person would have feelings....most people do, even Sadam Hussein most likely had them.

But lets look at the word 'hyperbole' and what it actually means and why would a person use that word instead of say 'bullshit' or such.

That is of course if hyperbole does have that connotation, I always thought so, but I also always though 'nonce' meant idiot until recently, but still not sure if they are pulling my leg with that one.

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"That person" has feelings, you know. This person is a bit of a pretentious <deleted>, though.

WitawatWatawit ... are you outing yourself as a 'pretentious <deleted>'?

Back to the South-East Island for you sonny Jim ... rolleyes.gif


Here is a bit of something you might think nothing but hyperbole: "I amm smarter than anyone and everyone on TVF!!"

What kind of person am I?


Here is something I have been thinking about when the subject turns to words, all important words:

By age sixty, we are at the peak, not the nadir of our word powers,


But not I, I am learning new worrds as we speak.

Here is a word for you: Opprobrium, and you can feel free to greet my comment with it here.

No, I didn't just learn it, its part of my working English vocabulary.

But now I'm thinkin',

Would it not be nice to add another 2000 words to my English vocabulary this year? And 1000 to my Chinese vocabulary, And then 3000 to my Thai vocabulary?

This isn't just talk here!

I am going to seriously start using Anki Flash card system with plenty more vigor.

I will soon be twice as smart as you in the word department, when I finish with my Anki flash card sessions next year.

Hyperbo wat?


Do Anki cards have the word 'hyperbole'?

I just saw it used again today....interesting really.

Makes you wonder the relation between words and the user of those words....like would the user of Hyperbole, also use 'Boeotian' perhaps to describe himself at parties?

I have never heard the word Opprobrium......sounds like some with a speech impediment with a problem.


101% ... which, by definition, cannot exist.

sort of like -1o Kelvin.

Which actually can exist.

Researchers have now slowed down atoms using lasers so that things get colder than 0.

Ask any particle physicist.

They can now reach -4.5 K

Yeh ... I did read that somewhere ... some maybe the concept of 'Absolute Zero' (0o Kelvin) was an inaccurate approximation in the first place.

Comes from my years studying Physics at High School and the Teacher asking 'Can a temperature be below absolute Zero?' ... quick as a flash ... I said yes (remembering how cold it was in deep space) and was then paraded out in front of the class to explain my theory ... which I couldn't ... w00t.gif

So, the belief comes from that if Absolute Zero is indeed 0o on the Kelvin scale ... if something was to be colder then 0o Kelvin, then the heat from that object/Atom had to be dumped or transferred somewhere and the general theory of thermal dynamics forbid that.

But, we've now discovered the God Particle ... so Science is bringing us new discoveries every day.

Oh ... the same Physics Teacher once satirically asked the Class one day 'How long is a piece of String' to which I raised my hand.

He was heard to audibly mutter 'this is going to be good' ... knowing that he had beaten me earlier with the Kelvin question.

Sharp as a razor I replied to 'How long is a piece of string?' ... 'Why, twice half it's length' ... for which I got the snickering approval of the Class and earned a stint out of the Physics Class and was stood on the Verandah as my punishment for making him lose face.

BTW ... I actually topped the Physics class in one semester, much to the disbelief of the Teacher ... for the other 3 Semesters ... I was, at best, a mediocre student of the Physical World.


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At least your first love, after Thailand, seems to be Physics.

Physics is the king of all science,

And always has been.

Physics is everlastingly satisfying to study.

If and when we discover god, she will be a physicist.

The idea is that using lasers one can continue to cause atoms/particles to lose energy.


That was just my hyperbolic idea.


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