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Scams, accidents in Thailand scare away foreign tourists


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Is this a joke? I can just imagine Boris the Blade sitting in Moskova one of the most dangerous cities in the world saying "I ain't going to Pattaya it's too scary"

Scam's? accidents?

Manchester London Paris Rome

come to Pattaya it feels like home :0)

There's some truth in that. We saw numerous scams in action in Paris, including an attempted pickpocket. I had an attempt on me in Madrid. The guy in the room next to us in Rome lost his passport and wallet on that infamous bus route. Wife had her purse stolen in Lisbon. All over a 6 week holiday there.

The only difference in Europe is, for the most part, the police are honest super helpful. For the most part...thumbsup.gif

I've found at least 80% of Thai police honest, professional, and as helpful as could be. Some of their tactics seem "off" by Western standards, such as not properly securing crime scenes, and drinking on the shift with gun on the belt (!), but I have not encountered the bad seed police people often talk about. I get the impression the bad ones that are trying to scam you flock to tourist places like the two P's. I know a number of Thai cops in the rest of Thailand, Isaan, the far north, and the far south, and have had all positive experiences.

In fact they're (on-the-whole) friendlier and less power tripping than the local cops in my hometown back in Farangland. My experience anyways.

Agreed! But just because they are nice to you doesn't mean they are honest. If a scam is happening, most probably the local cop is getting a cut to allow it to happen. Many of the scams you'd never see as they are directed towards Thais. Yes, the locals get scammed just like we do. Unfortunately!

Just watched on TV how fake fertilizer is being sold here. Can you believe it? Thailand has a great set of laws. They just need proper enforcement.

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Three cheers for the Russian Tourist Authority, well done lets hope other countries will follow them. The minister of tourist say they will have a meeting on 26th to discuss it, that's all they will bloody do, and these tricky jewellers will just give a little more tea money to the police and nothing will change.

The TAT will not be bragging about huge tourist numbers in the future. They will only issue lying statements that tourist numbers not affected. They will have to think seriously about this scam to charge 500bt extra.

Reap what you sow TAT.

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yes completely agree usually police are helpful and not corrupted in Europe and if some case occur everybody appoint them and they have serious problem with the justice, otherwise I have never heard that someone who have killed a police officer avoided to face the court easily as in Thailand

Is this a joke? I can just imagine Boris the Blade sitting in Moskova one of the most dangerous cities in the world saying "I ain't going to Pattaya it's too scary"

Scam's? accidents?

Manchester London Paris Rome

come to Pattaya it feels like home :0)

There's some truth in that. We saw numerous scams in action in Paris, including an attempted pickpocket. I had an attempt on me in Madrid. The guy in the room next to us in Rome lost his passport and wallet on that infamous bus route. Wife had her purse stolen in Lisbon. All over a 6 week holiday there.

The only difference in Europe is, for the most part, the police are honest super helpful. For the most part...thumbsup.gif

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Thailand has great beaches, fantastic food, friendly people, a good infrastructure compared to other developing countries and will continue to be one of the world's top tourist detinations. Is it perfect? Of course not, where is? Scams, accidents have always been a part of tourism and will continue to be so. If the 2004 tsunami and the 2010 political unrest didn't put tourists off, not much will.

good infrastructure?

do you mind in Bangkok maybe, agree Bangkok has good infrastructure but when

you leave the metropolis is like 200 years ago. They did not change anything.

Have you ever traveled to Chiang Mai or Samut Prakan by road?

What's incredible is that there are not so many accidents with such roads.

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Thailand has great beaches, fantastic food, friendly people, a good infrastructure compared to other developing countries and will continue to be one of the world's top tourist detinations. Is it perfect? Of course not, where is? Scams, accidents have always been a part of tourism and will continue to be so. If the 2004 tsunami and the 2010 political unrest didn't put tourists off, not much will.

good infrastructure?

do you mind in Bangkok maybe, agree Bangkok has good infrastructure but when

you leave the metropolis is like 200 years ago. They did not change anything.

Have you ever traveled to Chiang Mai or Samut Prakan by road?

What's incredible is that there are not so many accidents with such roads.

If he's referring to tour buses, trains and mini-vans, that must be some strong dope he got a hold of. Or, he enjoyed his two day tour in Bangkok before returning home.

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Most friends of mine back in the UK are far more concerned about the strength of the Baht than any perception of danger coming here. the THB/GBP rate has gone from 70 in 2008 to its current level around 45-50. When considering risk then Brits can always stay at home and run the risk of a random beating by some drunk stranger if they go out in any city centre in UK after 10pm. Risk averse Americans can always stay home and hope they are not one of the 24K annual gun deaths or 40K annual road deaths

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These scams have been going on for over twenty years.

The first time I came here I was warned about the jewellery scam and many years later i decided to go and see what it was all about. I was led into a huge shop with a "one way lane". The only way I could get out was by passing all the counters , where I was met by smiling Thai people. I just smiled and said "no thanks.. too expensive."

As I neared the exit the smiles became fewer and fewer and they offered to take my credit card and so on.

Anyway what I mean to say is that these scams have been going on for years and years and they haven't frightened the tourists away yet. The government knows about these scams, many tourists know about them and avoid them.

No on cares or bothers to do anything about them.

This is just a show that will last a few days and then all will be "back to normal."

As for traffic safety, this requires a total upheaval of driving habits and will take years to implement and is also virtually impossible.

Whenever I go into a shop like that with my wife, she always wants to buy their overpriced goods and I see the staff's eyes light up as they think they have another sucker stupid farang on the hook. I always enjoy seeing that look fade away when I tell my wife, "no, it's too expensive".

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Most friends of mine back in the UK are far more concerned about the strength of the Baht than any perception of danger coming here. the THB/GBP rate has gone from 70 in 2008 to its current level around 45-50. When considering risk then Brits can always stay at home and run the risk of a random beating by some drunk stranger if they go out in any city centre in UK after 10pm. Risk averse Americans can always stay home and hope they are not one of the 24K annual gun deaths or 40K annual road deaths

I think that the Americans would be safer here as long as they stay off the roads, trains, planes and don't rent a motorbike!!

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These scams have been going on for over twenty years.

The first time I came here I was warned about the jewellery scam and many years later i decided to go and see what it was all about. I was led into a huge shop with a "one way lane". The only way I could get out was by passing all the counters , where I was met by smiling Thai people. I just smiled and said "no thanks.. too expensive."

As I neared the exit the smiles became fewer and fewer and they offered to take my credit card and so on.

Anyway what I mean to say is that these scams have been going on for years and years and they haven't frightened the tourists away yet. The government knows about these scams, many tourists know about them and avoid them.

No on cares or bothers to do anything about them.

This is just a show that will last a few days and then all will be "back to normal."

As for traffic safety, this requires a total upheaval of driving habits and will take years to implement and is also virtually impossible.

A fool and his or her money are soon parted.

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"Let me assure you that the Ministry is already doing its best to protect every tourist from every nation," Mr. Somsak said, explaining that the Ministry of Transport will be tasked with reducing number of traffic accidents,

That is a joke, the problem is the crazy driving and an absolute disregard for any laws including the road code. Going through red lights, and compulsory stop signs are the norm. I work in the Eastern seaboard/Rayong area and I see accidents everyday sometimes up to six killed on an offset junction on highway 331. Passing on a dual carriageway for example the same highway 331 while the way is not clear is normal, with cars coming the other way scattering in all directions to avoid the oncoming bus/truck/pickup/car.

The only time you see officials is to be involved in the clean up and the ensuing money train.

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Thailand has great beaches, fantastic food, friendly people, a good infrastructure compared to other developing countries and will continue to be one of the world's top tourist detinations. Is it perfect? Of course not, where is? Scams, accidents have always been a part of tourism and will continue to be so. If the 2004 tsunami and the 2010 political unrest didn't put tourists off, not much will.

good infrastructure?

do you mind in Bangkok maybe, agree Bangkok has good infrastructure but when

you leave the metropolis is like 200 years ago. They did not change anything.

Have you ever traveled to Chiang Mai or Samut Prakan by road?

What's incredible is that there are not so many accidents with such roads.

Are you blaming the roads or the drivers.I have been on the roads you quoted and found roads and drivers very good.Maybe your expectations are too high.

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Most friends of mine back in the UK are far more concerned about the strength of the Baht than any perception of danger coming here. the THB/GBP rate has gone from 70 in 2008 to its current level around 45-50. When considering risk then Brits can always stay at home and run the risk of a random beating by some drunk stranger if they go out in any city centre in UK after 10pm. Risk averse Americans can always stay home and hope they are not one of the 24K annual gun deaths or 40K annual road deaths

I think that the Americans would be safer here as long as they stay off the roads, trains, planes and don't rent a motorbike!!

Or go out the hotel door.

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Is this a joke? I can just imagine Boris the Blade sitting in Moskova one of the most dangerous cities in the world saying "I ain't going to Pattaya it's too scary"

Scam's? accidents?

Manchester London Paris Rome

come to Pattaya it feels like home :0)

You mean Boris the Bullet dodger?

"why do they call him that Tony?"

...."cause he dodges bullets Avi" :) Snatch,love that movie Tanlic.

Fair play to the Russian front to finally confront the problem,

mind you,despite all the abuse they get on here,they DID almost single handledly win the Second World War so they can't be as bad as half of you make out....(prepares for shitstorm of epic proportions from humorless morons)

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Have you seen the Russian driving compilations on YouTube? Search "Russian car crashes"

Their driving is much more crazy than Thailand. Made me want a get a Dash Cam.

Ever driven in Greece, Italy, India ? I know I often grizzle about drivers in Thailand but come on, be honest......are they all "that much better where you come from or in other places you've visited?

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Better, it will have less bad habit Russians in Thailand better for everybody !

Before they come Thailand lived good without them and in the neighbouring countries they won't be able to do as some as in Thailand where the laws are less permissive !

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At least, Russia acts.

Have you ever seen a Western government doing anything of importance to protect their citizens in Thailand?

Exactly, and the fact that they dare to act is what is causing the xenocrats to rare their heads and point to the Ruskies with smiles of disdain, speculating why so many Russians are involved, which is tacit to subliminal accusations that it is somehow the Ruskies who are at fault.

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I am reading an easily anticipated free for all roast of Thailand in the forum responses. All too much of it is capricious and malicious. Thailand is high profile and gets greater scrutiny than many other tourist destinations and problems that are anything but unique are highly publicized. I have never visited Vietnam but as to the other alternate destinations mentioned: Singapore is a great place but they had better bring deep pockets and in my experience gouging of foreigners is very much alive and well- needless to say there is much less available in tourist attractions. Malaysia is beautiful- pure and simply- it is- I love the country- but presents the same general problems for tourists as Thailand.

Frankly if I were planning a visit to Thailand and read the responses here I would be inclined to include "contact with an apparently vitriolic expat community" on my list of "things to avoid." rolleyes.gif

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Someone remind them not to forget the jetski boys, the police, and the taxi drivers.

... and the TAT, tourism police, labour department, land registration officials and staff, tuk-tuk, mini van, lorry and songtaew drivers, Thai tour guides, security personnell, money transport drivers, shrimp farm offspring turbo pickup truck drivers, VIP bus drivers, electricians who install water heaters without connecting the green string or connecting it wrong, bag snatching and knife-stabbing "Wai Loons" on their illegal mopeds, drunk boat captains refilling gas while smoking and pumping the old engine oil out to sea, the reef destroying fishermen, the longtail mafiosis, so-called "Sea gypsies" who walk with their shoes on the reef, catching the last remaining reef fish breathing from a rubber hose, the ntional park rangers putting millions in their pockets doing absolutely nothing in return but making life harder for dive operators while helping the fishermen to empty the reefs that are closed for divers to "recover", the harbour masters, the "Mama Sans", the upper floor go-go bar operators (police), the copied items sellers, the land encroachers, the poachers, the rich kids who are allowed to go on shooting or road rage sprees without being ever held responsible for it, the mislead muslims in the south who try to bomb the south into their very own muslim desert stone age thingy and the politicians that allow it, respectively have bigger fish to frie, the idiots who feel that a temple sitting on the land of another country still is theirs, land encroachers and officials who blame it all on "foreign owners", and all the Thai nationalists who believe that a foreigner should simply be bled dry financially and then sent home to get more cash... and the many more who certainly will pop in my head while driving to town now... Ths crazy thing is - after writing all this I still love Thailand - must either be a serious state of denial, or the fact that corruption and wrongdoing are better hidden in western countries, or both smile.png

Looks like the whole Thai system is ROTTEN to the core !

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Thai government needs to start by sorting the RTP out from the top down.

Pay decent wages with immediate dismissal for any breach.

Make them value their jobs so much that they would'nt dream of doing anything wrong for fear of getting sacked.

As it is now, they are a law onto themselves and the attitude is "Take it or leave it"

Sort the corrupt police and then everything will fall into place for the good of Thailand. coffee1.gif

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