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Vocational students quit STR rally in Bangkok


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Vocational students quit STR rally
Budsarakham Sinlapalavan
The Nation

BANGKOK: -- Dozens of vocational-student frontliners of the Students and People Network for Thailand's Reform (STR) have finally left the group, as their ties with the network's leaders soured.

The vocational students, who stood in the front row facing anti-riot police for long periods, felt the network's leaders should have treated them better.

The network, however, decided to give these students a stern warning after video footage clearly showed the vocational students chasing down policemen during a brief confrontation last Saturday.

And just a day after vocational-student guards left the STR rally site, someone from the site hurled a hand grenade at a police zone.

The STR leader Utai Yodmanee said on Tuesday that a security guard from the vocational students group told him that they would join the rally at Democracy Monument on its D-day.

On day one, when the vocational students joined the STR, they had pledged to obey instructions from the STR leaders.

Things were going fine when they all marched from the Uruphong intersection to Makkhawan Bridge, with the vocational students at the front, their hands joined in order to protect other protesters.

The turning point for Utai came when the vocational student guards got involved in a clash with the police last Saturday, which they feared would damage the image of the protesters who claimed they were rallying peacefully and without weapons.

Utai warned that he would inform the police if there were to be another confrontation between the vocational guards and the police.

He was ready to give them a final chance to stay with the rally but threatened to throw them out if they clashed with the police again.

The vocational guards eventually decided to split from the STR.

Utai said they had walked out because they think they should not be under any authority.

He said they had agreed at the very outset that all groups must obey the leaders.

The vocational student guards felt hurt after the leaders allowed the police to look for weapons in their tents without intimating them.

However, Utai said they had announced on stage that police would be visiting the site. He said the guards should have joined hands to protect the protesters and not confront the police.

Utai reaffirmed that the leaders and the vocational student guards had separated without any trouble.

He also told protesters that they still had volunteer guards from several universities.

-- The Nation 2013-11-22

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reminds me of Gimme Shelter, Altamont...these hell's angels in the service of the SRT will look up another spot on the demonstration site, not hard to imagine that the conductors of this orchestra, those with blood on their hands, will find them a location.

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My friend has just passed Tevagam (Spelling??) Bridge and she claims that the students have just taken this bridge. (About 19.15)


Anyway, sounds like Uthai is doing the right thing and if the students can't accept that, it's in the best interests of everyone if they leave the protest.

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My friend has just passed Tevagam (Spelling??) Bridge and she claims that the students have just taken this bridge. (About 19.15)


Anyway, sounds like Uthai is doing the right thing and if the students can't accept that, it's in the best interests of everyone if they leave the protest.

They have blocked the bridge. Maybe not "taken".

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My friend has just passed Tevagam (Spelling??) Bridge and she claims that the students have just taken this bridge. (About 19.15)


Anyway, sounds like Uthai is doing the right thing and if the students can't accept that, it's in the best interests of everyone if they leave the protest.

They have blocked the bridge. Maybe not "taken".

Ah. Thought they might've taken it from the police or a rival group or something lol.

Edit: This might be relevant http://www.nationmultimedia.com/breakingnews/Anti-government-protest-led-by-STR-moves-its-best--30220342.html

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I think you mean Nang Loeng intersection, a popular gathering place in previous protests. 'They' (mix of all sorts - lots of the usual grannies, etc.) have set up a stage and are sitting around on mats eating, chatting and blowing whistles. This new rally site is to the north of Nakhon Sawan Road, roughly NE of the other protest area.Read earlier about some of Chula and Thammasat's alumni planning to gather there on Sunday before proceeding to Rajadamnoen.

It still seems very unlikely that the 'big' protest planned for Sunday on Rajadamnoen will get any more than 5-10% of the targetted million protesters. However, you only need a few hundred troublemakers intent on creating chaos to quickly escalate things.

It remains to be seen whether the reds will regroup after a fairly low turnout at Rajamangala Stadium this week and try to confront the Rajadamnoen protesters on Sunday or early next week. Apparently, they are due to make an important announcement tomorrow ... which could be anything from announcing direct confrontation in Bangkok to announcing that they are having a closing down sale and offering 90% off all red shirt products.

Lest we all forget that we live in times of 'political reconciliation' and have to be thankful that everyone in Thailand loves each other really. wub.png

The Nation's report that "The leaders announced to protesters that they would gather at there, saying they wanted to seal off the Government House" would be a good indication of the reason for the chosen location of this latest protest site. That said, the protest numbers there are currently small - perhaps 300-400. Possibly a tactical move to entice confrontation since there are plenty of other access points to Government House. It's more of an inconvenience to regular commuters than anyone in the government.

Edited by Sunderland
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I hope this doesn't turn violent.

Edit: I just read again. I don't think it's the vocational students but it's the STR.

I think some of the students are literally a mob for hire at the moment and potentially available to the highest bidder if things change pace in the coming days. Such a mob are not linked to any particular group, except the one with the money to pay for their services.

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Just spoke to my friend and she confirmed that it is the bridge at Nang Lern intersection and that this has been used a lot in the past by Chamlong (?) . Sorry I am useless at all the Thai names.

She said that the police have but up concrete barriers making it very difficult for her to get to her house.

At the end of the conversation she told me that there are strong rumours that the police will use teargas soon and that anyone going to the protest should take towels and water.

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Just spoke to my friend and she confirmed that it is the bridge at Nang Lern intersection and that this has been used a lot in the past by Chamlong (?) . Sorry I am useless at all the Thai names.

She said that the police have but up concrete barriers making it very difficult for her to get to her house.

At the end of the conversation she told me that there are strong rumours that the police will use teargas soon and that anyone going to the protest should take towels and water.

The numbers at Nang Loeng didn't look that great earlier, so a quick dispersal should not have been beyond the police. You would think they would have learned from Rajaprasong in 2010 when protesters had ample time to park trucks, set up stages, sound systems, etc. before the police made an appearance and made a feable attempt to move them on. Understandably the police are acting under orders to not do anything to provoke protesters in such a way, that it provides an excuse for an escalation in the protests. It does make you wonder how far they can go before the line is crossed and all Hell breaks loose.

There seems to be less and less reluctance, if any, for either side to back down or appear interested in sitting down together for constructive talks. Hopefully, any fighting that may result in coming days or weeks will be confined to the involvement of those who are not the slightest bit intent on reform, reconciliation or sharing the country fairly with others. It's the minority who always ruin things for the majority.

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Have watched bits and pieces of the Democrat led rally on Blue Sky Channel, the PAD/Nationalist/Student group on ASTV and the reds on Asia Update. There are a few good speakers, a number of fairly good singers, and a few 'pretties' around too. All good entertainment compared to the regular tripe served up by Thai television.

But for pure alternative comedy, the winners are the speakers on stage at the student led rally. They seem to be led by students who look about 28, sound about 13 years old and yet have the husky voices of an 80 year-old chain-smoker. I know they are supposed to be serious, but it seems like they are doing stand-up comedy and half the 500 people in the audience are rolling around on the ground drunk. Bizarre.

Just noticed another channel in the corner of ASTV's feed showing another rally (can't quite recall who they are) site and what looks like a magician is on the stage! Nothing like a bit of free entertainment on a Friday night for the locals to take in on their way home.

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