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Muggings - Some Personal Observations


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Fair comment , but my 2 friends were in their early 30's and both are big enough and ugly enough to look after themselves. Add 20 bottles of chang , a dodgy side street and a few blades.....the Mirror smashes..... :o

But your point about the alcohol is a good one , awareness goes out of the window.

ps . Did you say gun?


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ah, cause the good looking women don't come around bums,

no what I meant is, yeah I got money so treat me with extra respect and maybe I'll give ya some,

no that's not it, what I meant was ... I may not be somebody now, but I sure was last night ... no, that's a line from a country western song,

what I meant was, it's human nature to display success, the alpha animal, increases my chances of breeding, yeah that's it, it's DNA, it makes me flaunt, :o:D

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Seems plenty of Thai(s) flaunt it more so then farang if the truth be told. I wear gold - single 1bht chain/amulet and two rings. (hardly taking the piss) As for fat wallet - it is what it is.



B.M. makes the point perfectly on what part of my post refers to regarding small amounts of jewellery ect. without flaunting / posing.

Regarding another quote from Donz in a previous post :- quote

I know a friend of mine many years ago (not anymore) that used to mugg people in sydney support some of his drug habbits.



This again sums up what is wrong making statements that make excuses for criminality and attacks against our freedom.

Do gooders are constantly saying what you quote and are saying it,s o.k. to steal /assault and terrify old and all defenceless law abiding citizens if your are a drug addict ? thief and ruin innnocent peoples lives be the above actions.

You are sticking up for the offenders and not the victims every time wether you like it or not..

Where are the victims rights in both senarios highlighted here, please explain it to us all and while your at it why offenders deserve to be indirectly supported by these stupid, insensitive observations.

Let,s be real here because that,s what you all imply, be it unintentional or otherwise.

I,ve seen the distress and distruction of peoples lives ( many times ) these offences cause and will never subsrcibe to your lines of thought.

( In the U.K. by the way. )

I,ve also been a victim big time but was strong enough to get over it mentally, others are less fortunate but are forgotten in favour of the pathetic, evil people we refer to and society / do gooders as it is today, go all out to help them instead.

THIS is not why i think the way i do and have NO hidden agenda by the way, just in case you think that.

As a human being i have no time for injustice on any level, full stop.

Sure the druggies need help as do the poor people but taking it from others is not the way forward.

To exaggerate on the flaunting to justify your thoughts is yet another load of bullshit and doesn,t address what the problem is at all.

I am 62 just about and have never seen anyone wearing genuine stuff worth the values you mention and again are not applicable to ordinary, unassuming, educated human beings.

Anyone with and grey matter between there ears would never be impressed by this and would only see it as posing and displaying a mentality that,s as pathetic as the offenders of a fair and honest society.

marshbags :D:D:D

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Jai yen yen, marshbags. I don't think anyone here is excusing the criminals.

Some years ago I saw a copy of Mr. T walking around in Patong apparenrly doing some kind of business there, makes you think who in the right mind would do business with a character like that?

But then again there are some strange spieces around who probably would buy the black stones from Africa and add some chemicals to transform the stones to hard value money.


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Seems plenty of Thai(s) flaunt it more so then farang if the truth be told. I wear gold - single 1bht chain/amulet and two rings. (hardly taking the piss) As for fat wallet - it is what it is.



B.M. makes the point perfectly on what part of my post refers to regarding small amounts of jewellery ect. without flaunting / posing.

Regarding another quote from Donz in a previous post :- quote

I know a friend of mine many years ago (not anymore) that used to mugg people in sydney support some of his drug habbits.



This again sums up what is wrong making statements that make excuses for criminality and attacks against our freedom.

Do gooders are constantly saying what you quote and are saying it,s o.k. to steal /assault and terrify old and all defenceless law abiding citizens if your are a drug addict ? thief and ruin innnocent peoples lives be the above actions.

You are sticking up for the offenders and not the victims every time wether you like it or not..

Where are the victims rights in both senarios highlighted here, please explain it to us all and while your at it why offenders deserve to be indirectly supported by these stupid, insensitive observations.

Let,s be real here because that,s what you all imply, be it unintentional or otherwise.

I,ve seen the distress and distruction of peoples lives ( many times ) these offences cause and will never subsrcibe to your lines of thought.

( In the U.K. by the way. )

I,ve also been a victim big time but was strong enough to get over it mentally, others are less fortunate but are forgotten in favour of the pathetic, evil people we refer to and society / do gooders as it is today, go all out to help them instead.

THIS is not why i think the way i do and have NO hidden agenda by the way, just in case you think that.

As a human being i have no time for injustice on any level, full stop.

Sure the druggies need help as do the poor people but taking it from others is not the way forward.

To exaggerate on the flaunting to justify your thoughts is yet another load of bullshit and doesn,t address what the problem is at all.

I am 62 just about and have never seen anyone wearing genuine stuff worth the values you mention and again are not applicable to ordinary, unassuming, educated human beings.

Anyone with and grey matter between there ears would never be impressed by this and would only see it as posing and displaying a mentality that,s as pathetic as the offenders of a fair and honest society.

marshbags :D:D:D

Hey Marshy,

I don't see anything in The Donz's post that in anyway condones the mugger. And I have serious doubts if any 'do gooders' would siimilarly make excuses for anyone who commits violent crime.

Stating the reasons for the crime (i.e to feed a drug habit) in no way condones or mitigates the seriousness of what is being perpetrated.

You have obviously had a very bad experience - and I my sympathies go out you - but please try to keep a sense of proportion and not read things into peoples' statements that were never intended. :D

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Fair comment , but my 2 friends were in their early 30's and both are big enough and ugly enough to look after themselves. Add 20 bottles of chang , a dodgy side street and a few blades.....the Mirror smashes..... :o

But your point about the alcohol is a good one , awareness goes out of the window.

ps . Did you say gun?


Yes absolutely, no matter how young or healthy or adept at self defence you are, enough Singha will beat your Kung <deleted> everytime :D If you are going out to get drunk leave your valuables at home., Thats just simple common sence good advice no matter were you are in the world. And yes I did say Gun, though if one is not properly trained or lacks the heart to use it, this too is better left at home as well.

Edited by Cpt_M0ney_Sh0t
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Hey Marshy,

I don't see anything in The Donz's post that in anyway condones the mugger. And I have serious doubts if any 'do gooders' would siimilarly make excuses for anyone who commits violent crime.

Stating the reasons for the crime (i.e to feed a drug habit) in no way condones or mitigates the seriousness of what is being perpetrated.

You have obviously had a very bad experience - and I my sympathies go out you - but please try to keep a sense of proportion and not read things into peoples' statements that were never intended. :D



I knew someone would pick up on my experience as the reason i am taking this stance. So again let me re qoute from my post:-

THIS is not why i think the way i do and have NO hidden agenda by the way, just in case you think that. unquote.

My stance is a reality one on people highlighting the victims role in crimes as an excuse for what happens.

You should re read all the posts and if you are not blind then you will see what several posters are observing.

So you think someone who says wearing x amount of what ever is a self inflicted cause of mugging as the O.P. for a start is in my humble opinion implying.

Nothing to do with the scum who are thieving it and in many cases assaulting and even killing the unfortunate victims then.

It is about right and wrong and not what someone chooses to wear.

I assume this as the criticism is against the victims actions, by assisting via wearing, and not the criminal actions of the offender.

From my understanding of several posts in this context. ( Not confined to just this thread by the way )

Again it,s about right and wrong and not what someone chooses to wear.

We ara not talking about the " jewellery display cases " on legs by the way !!! or " mobile ATM machines " showing mega dosh.

As for the do gooders, have you ever watched any of the documentaries on drug takers feeding their habits by thieving and they actually say it in the context of condoning it.

In the U.K. in particular they run and re run these hour long documentaries trying to gleen sympathy for the addicts.

By definition of their statement and not even mentioning / adding the fact that they are criminals doing criminal acts in my humble opinion they are " condoning it. ( This is a fact by the way and not a loose statement. )

I got over my personal experiences long ago by the way but have may friends neighbours ect.ect. who have not, especially the older ones.

Many are never the same again and that,s a fact also.

I was, as you have missed it, generalising on the 2 classic cases and how they are coming across as giving reasons against victims.

Please tell me where they is even a slight reference to having a go at the offenders in the mugging case re criminality and how they effect their victims ( Not excuses for them against basic rights to wear x in a free society. )

Again the quote by Donz is not a personal attack on him as i stated in the preceeding post.

Regarding another quote from Donz in a previous post :- quote

I know a friend of mine many years ago (not anymore) that used to mugg people in sydney support some of his drug habbits.


It is what is NOT said that infers that it reads as an excuse for the druggies mugging / stealing to feed their habits.

In Donz,s favour is the fact that he is ( no longer a friend ) and again i am not questioning Donz,s integrity in any way on this.

What i wish people like you would do is look at the crime, the offenders and not the victims who have every right to choose what to wear, without intimidation and fear.

This is after all a freedom of speech action / statement when they go out and not a come on and help yourself one.

What we are gradually getting to is the begining of lawlessness due to not facing the criminals and taking them out of circulation.

Drug addicts by the way can choose to seek help and get it in most societies so instead of committing crimes to pay for supplies may i suggest they take the first route. NO EXCUSES

I am not going to get into a bat and ball game with you but last of all and i,ll use part of your quote:-

Stating the reasons for the crime (i.e to feed a drug habit) in no way condones or mitigates the seriousness of what is being perpetrated.

It,s the perception that comes from how it comes across that appears to condone / mitigate because it,s a one sided statement depending on your individual take and the glaring omission of right and wrong.

I will add that different opinions are more than welcome in debate, but how they are percepted will ultimately generate the posters take / reaction.

marshbags :D:D:D

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Seems plenty of Thai(s) flaunt it more so then farang if the truth be told. I wear gold - single 1bht chain/amulet and two rings. (hardly taking the piss) As for fat wallet - it is what it is.



B.M. makes the point perfectly on what part of my post refers to regarding small amounts of jewellery ect. without flaunting / posing.

Regarding another quote from Donz in a previous post :- quote

I know a friend of mine many years ago (not anymore) that used to mugg people in sydney support some of his drug habbits.



This again sums up what is wrong making statements that make excuses for criminality and attacks against our freedom.

Do gooders are constantly saying what you quote and are saying it,s o.k. to steal /assault and terrify old and all defenceless law abiding citizens if your are a drug addict ? thief and ruin innnocent peoples lives be the above actions.

You are sticking up for the offenders and not the victims every time wether you like it or not..

Where are the victims rights in both senarios highlighted here, please explain it to us all and while your at it why offenders deserve to be indirectly supported by these stupid, insensitive observations.

Let,s be real here because that,s what you all imply, be it unintentional or otherwise.

I,ve seen the distress and distruction of peoples lives ( many times ) these offences cause and will never subsrcibe to your lines of thought.

( In the U.K. by the way. )

I,ve also been a victim big time but was strong enough to get over it mentally, others are less fortunate but are forgotten in favour of the pathetic, evil people we refer to and society / do gooders as it is today, go all out to help them instead.

THIS is not why i think the way i do and have NO hidden agenda by the way, just in case you think that.

As a human being i have no time for injustice on any level, full stop.

Sure the druggies need help as do the poor people but taking it from others is not the way forward.

To exaggerate on the flaunting to justify your thoughts is yet another load of bullshit and doesn,t address what the problem is at all.

I am 62 just about and have never seen anyone wearing genuine stuff worth the values you mention and again are not applicable to ordinary, unassuming, educated human beings.

Anyone with and grey matter between there ears would never be impressed by this and would only see it as posing and displaying a mentality that,s as pathetic as the offenders of a fair and honest society.

marshbags :D:D:D

Hey Marshy,

I don't see anything in The Donz's post that in anyway condones the mugger. And I have serious doubts if any 'do gooders' would siimilarly make excuses for anyone who commits violent crime.

Stating the reasons for the crime (i.e to feed a drug habit) in no way condones or mitigates the seriousness of what is being perpetrated.

You have obviously had a very bad experience - and I my sympathies go out you - but please try to keep a sense of proportion and not read things into peoples' statements that were never intended. :D

I've seen people in here equate Songkran to mugging .... :D

c'mon guys ... it is less dangerous here than any major cities in the West that I have lived .... be wise ... and take care of yourselvee!

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I knew someone would pick up on my experience as the reason i am taking this stance. So again let me re qoute from my post:-

THIS is not why i think the way i do and have NO hidden agenda by the way, just in case you think that. unquote.

My stance is a reality one on people highlighting the victims role in crimes as an excuse for what happens.

You should re read all the posts and if you are not blind then you will see what several posters are observing.

So you think someone who says wearing x amount of what ever is a self inflicted cause of mugging as the O.P. for a start is in my humble opinion implying.

Nothing to do with the scum who are thieving it and in many cases assaulting and even killing the unfortunate victims then.

It is about right and wrong and not what someone chooses to wear.

I assume this as the criticism is against the victims actions, by assisting via wearing, and not the criminal actions of the offender.

From my understanding of several posts in this context. ( Not confined to just this thread by the way )

Again it,s about right and wrong and not what someone chooses to wear.

We ara not talking about the " jewellery display cases " on legs by the way !!! or " mobile ATM machines " showing mega dosh.

As for the do gooders, have you ever watched any of the documentaries on drug takers feeding their habits by thieving and they actually say it in the context of condoning it.

In the U.K. in particular they run and re run these hour long documentaries trying to gleen sympathy for the addicts.

By definition of their statement and not even mentioning / adding the fact that they are criminals doing criminal acts in my humble opinion they are " condoning it. ( This is a fact by the way and not a loose statement. )

I got over my personal experiences long ago by the way but have may friends neighbours ect.ect. who have not, especially the older ones.

Many are never the same again and that,s a fact also.

I was, as you have missed it, generalising on the 2 classic cases and how they are coming across as giving reasons against victims.

Please tell me where they is even a slight reference to having a go at the offenders in the mugging case re criminality and how they effect their victims ( Not excuses for them against basic rights to wear x in a free society. )

Again the quote by Donz is not a personal attack on him as i stated in the preceeding post.

Regarding another quote from Donz in a previous post :- quote

I know a friend of mine many years ago (not anymore) that used to mugg people in sydney support some of his drug habbits.


It is what is NOT said that infers that it reads as an excuse for the druggies mugging / stealing to feed their habits.

In Donz,s favour is the fact that he is ( no longer a friend ) and again i am not questioning Donz,s integrity in any way on this.

What i wish people like you would do is look at the crime, the offenders and not the victims who have every right to choose what to wear, without intimidation and fear.

This is after all a freedom of speech action / statement when they go out and not a come on and help yourself one.

What we are gradually getting to is the begining of lawlessness due to not facing the criminals and taking them out of circulation.

Drug addicts by the way can choose to seek help and get it in most societies so instead of committing crimes to pay for supplies may i suggest they take the first route. NO EXCUSES

I am not going to get into a bat and ball game with you but last of all and i,ll use part of your quote:-

Stating the reasons for the crime (i.e to feed a drug habit) in no way condones or mitigates the seriousness of what is being perpetrated.

It,s the perception that comes from how it comes across that appears to condone / mitigate because it,s a one sided statement depending on your individual take and the glaring omission of right and wrong.

I will add that different opinions are more than welcome in debate, but how they are percepted will ultimately generate the posters take / reaction.

marshbags :D:D:D

Phew...... You have got it bad!

So because we are suggesting it might increase your personal safety if you dress discreetly and behave in a sensible manner, we are de facto condoning the muggers?

Come on, get real!

This thread does happen to be a discusion about increasing the likelihood of getting mugged by wearing gold etc - read the OP.

And you turn it into a ranting debate about whether we are all implicitly condoning mugging by not stating how evil the perpertrators are.

And you say your own experiences have not affected your judgement? :o

Tosh of the highest order! :D

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I never said that my friends victims are at fault here.

He had a habit he tried to fix by going to all these places getting help.

The point was that these type of people are everywhere, they are looking to mug people because they are desperate.

Im just saying that it is smarter to minimise it by not wearing 100K worth of stuff walking around a bad neighbour hood.

Better to minimise your chances dont you think.

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I never said that my friends victims are at fault here.

He had a habit he tried to fix by going to all these places getting help.

The point was that these type of people are everywhere, they are looking to mug people because they are desperate.

Im just saying that it is smarter to minimise it by not wearing 100K worth of stuff walking around a bad neighbour hood.

Better to minimise your chances dont you think.

Hiya Donz,

I,m standing ground for the ordinary unassuming people who do not advertise excesive wealth.

How sad it all is and i feel for everyone of them, everytime i read of another attack.

Again it,s not a personal attack on you and not intended to be, i was saying the " feeding your habit " and the wearing of jewellery " and " They had a bad childhood " and the most serious i.m.h.o.

" she wore a tight dress "on sexual offences ect. ect.are always used as reasons for anti social actions.

All Bullshit Excuses and not addressing the problems.

I believe in right and wrong / good and bad as we all do on T.Visa.

Common sense of course comes under the ??????????????????????? area and my reference to

Quote :-

We ara not talking about the " jewellery display cases " on legs by the way !!! or " mobile ATM machines " showing mega dosh. was also meant to cover those who do not help there chances. was meant to cover the not so smart brigade.



was meant to cover the not so smart brigade.

I do live in the real world and accept the reality of being street wise.

Incidently i have never been affected by mugging as is probably assumed.

I was burgled several times and in todays climate it is acceptable and gets an, oh well attitude by most people or sometimes, oh well i was burgled ect. ect.

When will re education of attitude and social responsibility be brought back along with self policing ?

In debate we all respond to different observations and i hope everyone along with myself keeps debating in a fair and responsible way, pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee as i welcome both sets of comments that are reasonable and the right to reply by all, the extreme ones i usually ignore.

No slanging matches needed in an honest debate, after all

marshbags :o:D:D

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So my mystery remains why go out looking like a rich Farang?

Why go out looking like a poor farang?

<deleted>? so u saying we should all look like utter crap to avoid being mugged ? should we avoid showering also so that we smell bad ?


this goes onto the next chestnut about girls who wear short skirts are at fault if they get raped!

sorry I do not buy into that crap.

yes you can be careful ! but a victim is not at fault for wearing good clothes, driving nice cars adn / or wearing decent jewerly!

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I didn’t really expect my OP to generate so much controversy. I was just trying to make the observation that what is an acceptable show of “wealth” at some places is not always wisdom in some other places.

I can understand that if you are going to a grand gala occasion at one of the best BKK hotels or to the opera or perhaps even a glitzy movie premier you want to look your best and let the world see what you got. No problem, but I don’t think you should round of the evening by going to the Patong area without changing first.

No way would I want to give the impression that I thought victims “asked for it” But I think we should be realistic and realize we do not live in a perfect world where we can leave our doors unlocked park our cars without fear of theft and dress up to the nines to be admired and respected for our position in society.

Unfortunately for those who have not realized it yet this is not a perfect world and there is always some lazy low life who wants what you have and they want it the easy quick way.

As for the “Why should I look like a dirty Farang” brigade, I think there are many poor people who would take exception to the view that poor = dirty. Just look around you and see how clean and fresh people can be even though they may not have running water and live in a shack.

Then what about the “Just let them try it on me” brigade. As others have pointed out Singh and Chang are great equalizers so any advantage you deluded yourself into is gone. Just reading the last few days of posts there is one poor guy who got whacked from behind with a 2x4 as he was walking home and he hadn’t been drinking.

There are numerous cases where the thugs come up on motorbikes and it’s all over before you even know what is happening. Even a cocked gun in your hand would not help in these cases. You may be the big macho with your buddies round the bar but don’t think you are any match the low-life thugs.

Just my thoughts.

Beachcomber. :o

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