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PM Yingluck's 10 year old son targeted by protesters


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That is too low for comfort...and shame on the parents of his school mates if they are also intimidating him. Keep it civil people.

Shame on anyone who would be naive enough to believe this! This is untrue and a last ditch effort to get international support.

Another point is that Thailand without a family member of these criminals would be paradise. Something to consider. After the puppet and her master's lack of care for the lives of the general public, investors, permanent residents like me- I DON'T CARE about any bad karma that returns to them nor their descendants. They are evil and only shall reap what they sow. Now they are making stories up aobut threats and violence- and people who do things such as that will certainly sooner or later become the victims of just that.....like crying wolf, or framing and cheating, lying, accusing....thats all negativity that comes back on us.

Keep on fighting Suthep, Abhisit, Korn and all those who have some common sense and a balls to fight on and object to this oligarchy/dynasty through graft.

Er.......there are a couple of reasons why they keep winning elections.'

It might be something to do with popularity....

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That is too low for comfort...and shame on the parents of his school mates if they are also intimidating him. Keep it civil people.

Shame on anyone who would be naive enough to believe this! This is untrue and a last ditch effort to get international support.

Another point is that Thailand without a family member of these criminals would be paradise. Something to consider. After the puppet and her master's lack of care for the lives of the general public, investors, permanent residents like me- I DON'T CARE about any bad karma that returns to them nor their descendants. They are evil and only shall reap what they sow. Now they are making stories up aobut threats and violence- and people who do things such as that will certainly sooner or later become the victims of just that.....like crying wolf, or framing and cheating, lying, accusing....thats all negativity that comes back on us.

Keep on fighting Suthep, Abhisit, Korn and all those who have some common sense and a balls to fight on and object to this oligarchy/dynasty through graft.

Er.......there are a couple of reasons why they keep winning elections.'

It might be something to do with popularity....

If what you say is true then all the more reason to have another one and put an end to the current impasse surely?

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I am neither for red nor yellow. Please excuse me of my English is not perfect but I have tried my best to express my unbiased point of views as a Thai person lives abroad who has followed up the current situations in Thailand.

I am a Thai who is opposing the current Thai government regime. I have followed up reading and watching live news of the Thai protests and I have observed the red shirts destructive actions. I watched the Thai protesters's speeches located at the Thai police head quarter yesterday (live broadcast via online). The Thai government set up a loudspeaker plays loud music to drown out the Thai protesters' speeches. It is a cheap tactic which reminded me of WW II and the war in Vietnam that the oppositions used this type of annoying tactic.

Thai spokespersons of the Thai protesters regularly update of their movements and plans and Yingluk's son was not mentioned at all because Yingluk's son is NOT whom the Thai protesters wanted to harm him. It is propaganda news from Thai government against the Thai protesters.

The Thai protester speakers have been stressing on peaceful protest. They are Thai people from all walk of life. They do not carry any weapons. They are told to prepare themselves with a good pair of walking shoes, a whistle, food and water.

They voluntarily join the peaceful protest without having to be paid to come to join. If I was in Thailand, I would join the protest. I did not know before that there are many Thais have the same point of views as mine that currently Thailand has been under control of the Thugsin Chinnawat. I can not stand seeing Thailand has been heading downward spiral to financially unstable in the past few years since the current Thai government has been in control.

I know that there are corruptions in any of Thai governments but the current Thai government has done too much economy damages that beyond many Thais can tolerate.

I and many Thais are NOT gullible to believe the current dictatorship, Thai government's propaganda news, Earlier, I hoped that there would be someone would stand up to speak out for the new Thai reform. I and many Thais could not wait until its fourth year term ends, otherwise it will be far gone too damage to recuperate from the financially loss of Thai people's Tax money. There is no physical money left in the Thai department of finance any way because the current Thai government has taken all for a proposal of so called unnecessary budgets bills. The current Thai government refused to report the record of what they have spent on. This is only just one of their shady and corrupted operations.

I guess you dont remember about 5 years ago when these same protest leaders killed 90 Thais and injured more then 1000. The leader of this protest does not want a democatic Thailand. He has even said so.

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This is getting ridiculous. My child goes to this school and this is actually what happened. Everyday, a police car drops off and picks up Pike at school. In between, the police car parks, but isn't turned off. This is for the entire school day, which is about 7 hours. A parent asked the police to shut down the car. When the police refused, the parent blew a whistle at him. The police was annoyed, so he went crying to his boss that a parent blew a whistle at Pike. End of story.

Haha, okay.

I guess you were there for the whole 7 hours. Give me a break. There is now reason to harrass a kid.

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There are many cctv at crucial locations of government institutions i.e. the department of police head quarter, have been covered with black bags by the police themselves and many cameras have been pointed upward to the sky last night. The police did not go to the incident at Ramkamhaeng university where there was shooting attack by an anonymous gun man. Up to now the police did not show any will to help those shot victims.

The foot march of the Thai protesters will be men at front with arms lock one another and in the middle will be women young and old. They are told to keep their belongings in their backpacks (food and bottled water). They know that they may not be alive. They already bit farewell their families whom they left behind.

They are told not to react against those red shirts who wait to attack them along the way. They are armed with 2 by 4 wood, iron pipes, Molotov cocktails, pingpong bombs and whatever they can find to use as weapons.

The protesters are told to sit down when being attacked not to provoke back at those red shirts who eager to attack them dead. From a vdo clip of the red shirts taken at the sport stadium, they were chanting "Kill them".

The protest march will begin today at 10 AM. They have only good spirits to go with them. They passed beyond fear of dying.

**Sorry typos***

Edited by BrooklynNY
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That is too low for comfort...and shame on the parents of his school mates if they are also intimidating him. Keep it civil people.

Shame on anyone who would be naive enough to believe this! This is untrue and a last ditch effort to get international support.

Another point is that Thailand without a family member of these criminals would be paradise. Something to consider. After the puppet and her master's lack of care for the lives of the general public, investors, permanent residents like me- I DON'T CARE about any bad karma that returns to them nor their descendants. They are evil and only shall reap what they sow. Now they are making stories up aobut threats and violence- and people who do things such as that will certainly sooner or later become the victims of just that.....like crying wolf, or framing and cheating, lying, accusing....thats all negativity that comes back on us.

Keep on fighting Suthep, Abhisit, Korn and all those who have some common sense and a balls to fight on and object to this oligarchy/dynasty through graft.

Er.......there are a couple of reasons why they keep winning elections.'

It might be something to do with popularity....

More likely by massive vote buying

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That is too low for comfort...and shame on the parents of his school mates if they are also intimidating him. Keep it civil people.

Shame on anyone who would be naive enough to believe this! This is untrue and a last ditch effort to get international support.

Another point is that Thailand without a family member of these criminals would be paradise. Something to consider. After the puppet and her master's lack of care for the lives of the general public, investors, permanent residents like me- I DON'T CARE about any bad karma that returns to them nor their descendants. They are evil and only shall reap what they sow. Now they are making stories up aobut threats and violence- and people who do things such as that will certainly sooner or later become the victims of just that.....like crying wolf, or framing and cheating, lying, accusing....thats all negativity that comes back on us.

Keep on fighting Suthep, Abhisit, Korn and all those who have some common sense and a balls to fight on and object to this oligarchy/dynasty through graft.

Er.......there are a couple of reasons why they keep winning elections.'

It might be something to do with popularity....

If what you say is true then all the more reason to have another one and put an end to the current impasse surely?

Yes but if they win again, then the yellow shirts will take to the streets again and so on and so on

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QUOTE chooka

Yes but if they win again, then the yellow shirts will take to the streets again and so on and so on

Hey Chooka , You must be colour blind or something !! cheesy.gif When I look at all the coverage of the anti SHINAWAT Government protesters I see F#%k all if ANY YELLOW shirts !! Seems to me a sea of many colours !!! Get with the times !! coffee1.gif

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QUOTE chooka

Yes but if they win again, then the yellow shirts will take to the streets again and so on and so on

Hey Chooka , You must be colour blind or something !! cheesy.gif When I look at all the coverage of the anti SHINAWAT Government protesters I see F#%k all if ANY YELLOW shirts !! Seems to me a sea of many colours !!! Get with the times !! coffee1.gif

My apologies, it was not my intention to upset you.

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That is too low for comfort...and shame on the parents of his school mates if they are also intimidating him. Keep it civil people.

Shame on anyone who would be naive enough to believe this! This is untrue and a last ditch effort to get international support.

Another point is that Thailand without a family member of these criminals would be paradise. Something to consider. After the puppet and her master's lack of care for the lives of the general public, investors, permanent residents like me- I DON'T CARE about any bad karma that returns to them nor their descendants. They are evil and only shall reap what they sow. Now they are making stories up aobut threats and violence- and people who do things such as that will certainly sooner or later become the victims of just that.....like crying wolf, or framing and cheating, lying, accusing....thats all negativity that comes back on us.

Keep on fighting Suthep, Abhisit, Korn and all those who have some common sense and a balls to fight on and object to this oligarchy/dynasty through graft.

Er.......there are a couple of reasons why they keep winning elections.'

It might be something to do with popularity....

If what you say is true then all the more reason to have another one and put an end to the current impasse surely?

why? because the amart mob demand it? for what reason? they were elected democratically - are we to bow to the mob every time they don't like a democratically elected government? or do we wait, peaceful protest yes, and then vote them out when the time for election is there again?

BTW i think they will win again

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I am neither for red nor yellow. Please excuse me of my English is not perfect but I have tried my best to express my unbiased point of views as a Thai person lives abroad who has followed up the current situations in Thailand.

I am a Thai who is opposing the current Thai government regime. I have followed up reading and watching live news of the Thai protests and I have observed the red shirts destructive actions. I watched the Thai protesters's speeches located at the Thai police head quarter yesterday (live broadcast via online). The Thai government set up a loudspeaker plays loud music to drown out the Thai protesters' speeches. It is a cheap tactic which reminded me of WW II and the war in Vietnam that the oppositions used this type of annoying tactic.

Thai spokespersons of the Thai protesters regularly update of their movements and plans and Yingluk's son was not mentioned at all because Yingluk's son is NOT whom the Thai protesters wanted to harm him. It is propaganda news from Thai government against the Thai protesters.

The Thai protester speakers have been stressing on peaceful protest. They are Thai people from all walk of life. They do not carry any weapons. They are told to prepare themselves with a good pair of walking shoes, a whistle, food and water.

They voluntarily join the peaceful protest without having to be paid to come to join. If I was in Thailand, I would join the protest. I did not know before that there are many Thais have the same point of views as mine that currently Thailand has been under control of the Thugsin Chinnawat. I can not stand seeing Thailand has been heading downward spiral to financially unstable in the past few years since the current Thai government has been in control.

I know that there are corruptions in any of Thai governments but the current Thai government has done too much economy damages that beyond many Thais can tolerate.

I and many Thais are NOT gullible to believe the current dictatorship, Thai government's propaganda news, Earlier, I hoped that there would be someone would stand up to speak out for the new Thai reform. I and many Thais could not wait until its fourth year term ends, otherwise it will be far gone too damage to recuperate from the financially loss of Thai people's Tax money. There is no physical money left in the Thai department of finance any way because the current Thai government has taken all for a proposal of so called unnecessary budgets bills. The current Thai government refused to report the record of what they have spent on. This is only just one of their shady and corrupted operations.

You and many Thais are gullible to believe every kind of cr@p, that has been continuously shoved down your throats for centuries.

And you believe it now!

Not from the current government, but from the other guys.

They all -red, yellow,blue...whoever- play you like a violin and use you as pawns in their chess games.

One lie more or less, doesn't matter!

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From the headmaster, posted on their website:

Dear Parents,

In the past 24 hours there have been rumours circulating about politically motivated attempted security breaches at School. These rumours are untrue.

None the less, today we have reviewed security at School and will ensure that all staff are vigilant in order to ensure the children's safety.

I request that all parents support the School by ensuring that no politics are brought on Campus. Our School is a place for children to enjoy learning.

Thank you.

Michael Farley, Headmaster

Well done for finding this. As I say, I was very skeptical. I suppose this doesn't rule out other parents partaking in a whistling blowing incident, though sounds like that's complete bs too. I initially gave it some credence, because I knew they blew whistles at Khun Pleum's wife and her baby, but that's a fair bit different that parents ganging up on Nong Pipe, presumably alone, in the context of a school day.

The hole you dig for yourself with backtracking just keeps getting deeper. Maybe not post "information" until its verified will save you from future embarrassments. Particularly when your "information" is delivered with such an air of authority and certainty, coupled with such derogatory personal descriptions/

"I initially gave it some credence".... laugh.png such disengenousity


lol. I didn't post any 'information' other than details of Malika's tweet.

...which you couldn't even quote and link to, because you say it was deleted later.

Perhaps as a minimal standard for citing twitter, both should be included.

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If what you say is true then all the more reason to have another one and put an end to the current impasse surely?

why? because the amart mob demand it? for what reason? they were elected democratically - are we to bow to the mob every time they don't like a democratically elected government? or do we wait, peaceful protest yes, and then vote them out when the time for election is there again?

BTW i think they will win again

The exact same argument applied in 2010 when the reds took to the streets and demanded immediate elections. They should have peacefully protested and waited for the time when election is there again, but they wouldn't do that.

Now that they are the ones in power, they can hardly preach to others about doing something they didn't do themselves.

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Thats a shame , this poor boy has nothing to do with his mum political career , very bad to treat him that way.

As much as I condemn what allegedly happened to the boy in school, your statement: "this poor boy has nothing to do with his mum political career" is incorrect. Looks like his mother dragged him in to be part of her political career. Why else is this kid hopping around in a white uniform with a mounted medal group on his chest?


Indeed, she's the first to "use" her son, whether it was to "use" him extensively on her campaign trail, or "using" him to hype any of her government's schemes, eg. lowering the age for Thai ID cards.


or "using" him to hype PR stunts (even if it is to the detriment of other Thai children)

  • 737014553b0ca7b049d5e764c739e916.jpg?ito

Chelsea captain John Terry got caught up in controversy when Supasek Amornchat, son of Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra, replaced another boy last week.


Edited by HuaHinHarold
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Its ok to go for her son. She is here illegally. Her brother killed thousands and is a fugitive operating her. Get rid of her by any means. She will stoop to any level.

Sent from my GT-I9152 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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