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Appreciate any advice you can give :o

I need to loose between 5-10 Kg in about 1 1/2 months.

I've already reduced the size of my meals and don't snack anymore.....so I don't get any hunger pangs now.....this has helped me loose about 2 Kg in just under a month.

Is my target possible with regular excercise and a healthy diet?



EDIT: Forgot to add that I'm current 104kg my ideal weight according to my BMI should be around 89 :D


Will let others advise if/should you lose faster but I would be very happy with the 2kg per month if you can keep it up.


Appreciate any advice you can give :o

I need to loose between 5-10 Kg in about 1 1/2 months.

I've already reduced the size of my meals and don't snack anymore.....so I don't get any hunger pangs now.....this has helped me loose about 2 Kg in just under a month.

Is my target possible with regular excercise and a healthy diet?



EDIT: Forgot to add that I'm current 104kg my ideal weight according to my BMI should be around 89 :D

as faster as you reduce as worse it is for your body. Depending on your age and how "strong" you are you can speed up things. 1 kg per 10 days is a recommended maximum, some speak about 1 kg per week, but that is for very sporty people.

if you really need that 10 kg in 1 1/2, make yourself a diagram, consider that 2 kg or so might be just water.

Than start, fat down, protein up (else you loose muscle) vitamins up.

Sport every day (or maybe 2-3 days/1day brake), aerobe sport and as much as you think you can regenerate yourself. aerobe because only that burns fat.

by the way 1kg fat= is roughly 7000 kcal which you burn more than you eat.

excellent source for crazy informations are bodybuilder, as they get fat with all the steroids and than need to reduce to nearly no fat.....


Thanks for the info so far

Just for info I've been asked to take part in a karting race (I used to race competitively when I was a tad younger) thats why I want to loose the weight fast...and I figure that it will be easier for me to do so now that I have a target (so easy to be lazy without one!).

I intend to do do a min of 1 hour sport at lease 3 times a week (football, badminton, rollerblading and running), more if I think I can manage it.....obviously don't want to overdo things :o I hate gyms', thats why I don't mention going to work out as it bores me to death!!!!

One thing a collegue said to me is that I may not be drinking enough water, and if this is the case its very hard to burn fat off...is that true? I'm probably drinking between a litre or 2 litres a day most of the time

Thanks for the info so far

Check out a low carb diet like "South Beach Diet". If you stick with it, the results can be amazing even in the first few weeks. I found it fairly easy to follow because I wasn't hungry all the time and the results were quickly apparent. Unfortunately, I love carbs!! Still managed to drop 25 lbs in about 6 weeks of low carbing.

For some reason, weight drops off men quicker than women. Exercise is also an important aspect and you sound quite motivated. Good luck.


Appreciate any advice you can give :o

I need to loose between 5-10 Kg in about 1 1/2 months.

I've already reduced the size of my meals and don't snack anymore.....so I don't get any hunger pangs now.....this has helped me loose about 2 Kg in just under a month.

Is my target possible with regular excercise and a healthy diet?



EDIT: Forgot to add that I'm current 104kg my ideal weight according to my BMI should be around 89 :D

Don't pay too much attention to your BMI. It only takes fat into account - it doesn't cover muscle tissue.

Thanks for the info so far

Just for info I've been asked to take part in a karting race (I used to race competitively when I was a tad younger) thats why I want to loose the weight fast...and I figure that it will be easier for me to do so now that I have a target (so easy to be lazy without one!).

I intend to do do a min of 1 hour sport at lease 3 times a week (football, badminton, rollerblading and running), more if I think I can manage it.....obviously don't want to overdo things :o I hate gyms', thats why I don't mention going to work out as it bores me to death!!!!

One thing a collegue said to me is that I may not be drinking enough water, and if this is the case its very hard to burn fat off...is that true? I'm probably drinking between a litre or 2 litres a day most of the time

be carefully specially with running (football also of course) when you are too heavy. easily you do a bit to much and get a problem somewhere. So start very carefully and slowly.


Thanks for the info so far

Just for info I've been asked to take part in a karting race (I used to race competitively when I was a tad younger) thats why I want to loose the weight fast...and I figure that it will be easier for me to do so now that I have a target (so easy to be lazy without one!).

I intend to do do a min of 1 hour sport at lease 3 times a week (football, badminton, rollerblading and running), more if I think I can manage it.....obviously don't want to overdo things :o I hate gyms', thats why I don't mention going to work out as it bores me to death!!!!

One thing a collegue said to me is that I may not be drinking enough water, and if this is the case its very hard to burn fat off...is that true? I'm probably drinking between a litre or 2 litres a day most of the time

be carefully specially with running (football also of course) when you are too heavy. easily you do a bit to much and get a problem somewhere. So start very carefully and slowly.



Did you get a fitness check yet . ( hospital )

This is advisable first thing before to much exercise please check it out.

Also as you loose weight it becomes more difficult to keep loosing the amount you do initially.

Keep at it and you will eventually get to the target weight you require.

Take into account the muscle weight you will gain to counter balance any losses.

Go on how you look and how you feel for the final outcome rather than weight loss, full stop.

marshbags :D:D:D


I'm no expert, and I find the semi-experts and even the experts are often contradictory or confusing. I do think that crash diets are dangerous, and your short-term goal sounds too ambitious.

One to two liters per day of water intake should be sufficient, unless you're doing a lot of sweating, such as the outdoor expercises you're considering.

Hunger pangs? Some of us have never had them, even on 36 hour fasts (but then, I was having sugared drinks). A pop author, Charlie Shedd, once wrote a psychologically-oriented book, "The Fat is in Your Head."

I would suggest that while an upcoming race is a worthwhile incentive to make some mild weight losses, it's not worth risking your health on a crash diet or overly-ambitious exercise program. Good luck.

...written by a chocaholic who walks and swims up to two hours every day and still stays around 86 kilos.... :o


Actually I carry my weight pretty well and I'm not exactly unfit (always regularly play badminton or Tennis). Just for some reason in the last 4 months I've somehow put 10 kilos on (ok lost a couple already) and want to get rid of it.......although quite puzzled as to why my weight increased...didn't change my diet or exercise regime at all.

But I remember a few years ago I was around 90 Kg, not exactly slim but no huge belly :o I'd be happy to get back to that stage again.

I think I'm being realistic and my target is just that.....I'm not going to cry if I don't make it...but if I set it then at least I have something to achieve and now that I have a reason to (the race) it means I'm notivated to try

Thanks for the advice, maybe I'll come back to this thread and let you know my experiences and how close I get to my target with the timescale I set (I still try to continue to loose weight afterwards of course)

Thanks again :D

Take into account the muscle weight you will gain to counter balance any losses.

Go on how you look and how you feel for the final outcome rather than weight loss, full stop.

marshbags :o:D:D

thats very value information: muscle is heavyer than fat and when after training it stocks for a short time more sugar and water, that might be very disappointing on the beginning if you only check the weight, because it seems nothing changes but in fact it does.


Take into account the muscle weight you will gain to counter balance any losses.

Go on how you look and how you feel for the final outcome rather than weight loss, full stop.

marshbags :o:D:D

thats very value information: muscle is heavyer than fat and when after training it stocks for a short time more sugar and water, that might be very disappointing on the beginning if you only check the weight, because it seems nothing changes but in fact it does.

Hmm didn't think of that....but then if I think more about it I don't mind as long as my belly disappears so I can fit in the Kart more comfortably :D I also know that from my past racing experience that being heavy can be an advantage (loose in accelaration, but gain with higher cornering speeds possible due high mechanical grip)

That also might explain why I don't appear to have lost anymore than the 2 kilos so far (my weight seems to have steadied over the last week) hoping that an increase in activity now will help kickstart another weight loss round.

But I'm not an expert on diet or anything so not sure on that side of things as I said before I now eat less and only 3 times a day. All of it thai food (mainly rice/noodles/pork/chicken).

Oh and to respond to another poster I get a annual fitness and health check every year at Samitjev hospital provided by my company. General fitness is excellant they said I could loose some weight and I should sleep more but they were suprised at how healthy I was given my weight!!


Take into account the muscle weight you will gain to counter balance any losses.

Go on how you look and how you feel for the final outcome rather than weight loss, full stop.

marshbags :o:D:D

thats very value information: muscle is heavyer than fat and when after training it stocks for a short time more sugar and water, that might be very disappointing on the beginning if you only check the weight, because it seems nothing changes but in fact it does.

The muscle weight is true, but I didn't know about after training. Thanks for that h90! I joined a gym in mid-December and have been training like mad, but found out a couple of weeks ago that my weight was almost exactly the same. But, my clothing was definitely fitting differently. Still, I did not see the kind of dramatic changes that I hear about. It's not the biggest crisis, because I'm not really overweight, but I want to get back into peak condition. Now I'm a maniac again about fitness and nutrition; and that's the thing - it's a lifestyle. I don't believe in crash diets or fad diets, but an overall healthy approach. I love to eat, and there is no way I will ever give that up, but moderating it is the key to having everything.

I want to lose about 5 kilos, and I've now changed my diet as well. I eat moderate complex carbs in the morning (museli, or rice crackers with nuts), rice and sometimes pasta for lunch, and no carbs at all in the evening. I'm also trying not to eat after 7-8 p.m. I do this in addition to CV and weight training in the gym at least 5 days a week. When I'm on a machine, I don't move until I've burned at least 255 calories.

And oh yeah, my friends will laugh at me (because I recommend tea for everything), but I swear by green tea - at least 2 cups but mostly several cups a day. I also take a multivitamin supplement, and I also recommend Kelp tablets. I'm a big believer in food combinations, and there is something about the combinations between soy, seaweed (or kelp), and salmon/tuna. It's also a great way to stay healthy and young.

Thanks for starting this thread. Right up my alley at the moment.

Good luck!

*one more thing: noodles and pork can be some of the worse things to eat. When I was working out like a maniac and saw very little gain, I stopped eating street noodles and rice chicken (kumon guy - spelling) on the street. A professional sports trainer told me those are the absolute worse things to eat after a workout at night. Full of fat and carbs. Eventually, I will eat them again in moderation, but not while I am trying to lose weight. It's counterproductive to eat now, because you burn more fat when you are more lean. So, I'll wait.

A pop author, Charlie Shedd, once wrote a psychologically-oriented book, "The Fat is in Your Head."

"She though she was an anorexic as she had read that anorexics always see a fat person in the mirror"


The muscle weight is true, but I didn't know about after training. Thanks for that h90!

you can try: look at a specific muscle, bizeps for example. Train it hard and long, eat a lot of carbohydrate and look at it after 24-48 hours. It seems a lot bigger. I forgot the name, but you stock some carbohydrates in it, and they also need water. After a few days it is back to normal.

I joined a gym in mid-December and have been training like mad, but found out a couple of weeks ago that my weight was almost exactly the same. But, my clothing was definitely fitting differently.

yes weight is different.

Still, I did not see the kind of dramatic changes that I hear about. It's not the biggest crisis, because I'm not really overweight, but I want to get back into peak condition. Now I'm a maniac again about fitness and nutrition; and that's the thing - it's a lifestyle. I don't believe in crash diets or fad diets, but an overall healthy approach. I love to eat, and there is no way I will ever give that up, but moderating it is the key to having everything.

I want to lose about 5 kilos, and I've now changed my diet as well. I eat moderate complex carbs in the morning (museli, or rice crackers with nuts), rice and sometimes pasta for lunch, and no carbs at all in the evening.

why no carbs at evening?

I'm also trying not to eat after 7-8 p.m. I do this in addition to CV and weight training in the gym at least 5 days a week. When I'm on a machine, I don't move until I've burned at least 255 calories.

And oh yeah, my friends will laugh at me (because I recommend tea for everything), but I swear by green tea - at least 2 cups but mostly several cups a day. I also take a multivitamin supplement, and I also recommend Kelp tablets. I'm a big believer in food combinations, and there is something about the combinations between soy, seaweed (or kelp), and salmon/tuna. It's also a great way to stay healthy and young.

Thanks for starting this thread. Right up my alley at the moment.

Good luck!

*one more thing: noodles and pork can be some of the worse things to eat.

I would say carbohydrates together with fat (noodle and pork is that normaly)

When I was working out like a maniac and saw very little gain, I stopped eating street noodles and rice chicken (kumon guy - spelling) on the street. A professional sports trainer told me those are the absolute worse things to eat after a workout at night. Full of fat and carbs.

+ maybe a lot chemical thing

Eventually, I will eat them again in moderation, but not while I am trying to lose weight. It's counterproductive to eat now, because you burn more fat when you are more lean. So, I'll wait.


Take into account the muscle weight you will gain to counter balance any losses.

Go on how you look and how you feel for the final outcome rather than weight loss, full stop.

marshbags :o:D:D

thats very value information: muscle is heavyer than fat and when after training it stocks for a short time more sugar and water, that might be very disappointing on the beginning if you only check the weight, because it seems nothing changes but in fact it does.

Hmm didn't think of that....but then if I think more about it I don't mind as long as my belly disappears so I can fit in the Kart more comfortably :D I also know that from my past racing experience that being heavy can be an advantage (loose in accelaration, but gain with higher cornering speeds possible due high mechanical grip)

That also might explain why I don't appear to have lost anymore than the 2 kilos so far (my weight seems to have steadied over the last week) hoping that an increase in activity now will help kickstart another weight loss round.

But I'm not an expert on diet or anything so not sure on that side of things as I said before I now eat less and only 3 times a day. All of it thai food (mainly rice/noodles/pork/chicken).

Oh and to respond to another poster I get a annual fitness and health check every year at Samitjev hospital provided by my company. General fitness is excellant they said I could loose some weight and I should sleep more but they were suprised at how healthy I was given my weight!!



Hiya moonoi

A couple of things i,ve noted in your posts,

You mention about your belly (stomach ) being big.

What you need is to pull it in by doing stomach / abdominal exercises.

No matter how much you try to loose unless you strengthen the muscles in this area your tummy will never tighten up.

Try the following web site for some good info and advice.


There is incidently lots of info on fitness, exercise and weight loss ect. and it,s a U.K. advice site.

If you look in the left hand column there is a list on all aspects and just click onto the ones you are interested in and away you go.

H90 is telling you some good advice and obviously knows his / her stuff by complementing what i said and all the additonal fitness related information only an experienced person would usually know.

The other thing i observed was you mentioning that it,s over the last 4 months that you,ve really put the weight on.

To break this down further, if you think back you will have some self advice on why, via what your diet and routine where.

Take into account also there have been several holidays ect., during this critical period starting from xmas, we all tend to eat / drink ? more and exercise less during these times.

This information is handy to make sure you keep the weight under control once it,s to a sensible level as you can probably pin point what in your intake will have done the most damage.

You can then cut down or cut out the more obvious ones.

Just take your time and enjoy it while not overdoing it either.

Don,t forget it sometimes helps to have the odd day off from your routine to chill out and break the

boredom that sometimes kicks in.

Above all take care, enjoy and good luck.

marshbags :D:D:D

P.S. any further advice can be had by posting anytime, please ask as it,s a pleasure for all of us to encourage and motivate you.

There will always be some members online to assist at H.B.and Med.


Ahh so I should add a few situps before bed every night to tighten stomach muscles and that should help reduce the size of my belly?

Ahh so I should add a few situps before bed every night to tighten stomach muscles and that should help reduce the size of my belly?



Stomach exercises pull the stomach wall in and help get rid of the bloated look.

There are various methods of doing this depending on the standard of fitness.

Look in the mirror at your side profile in a relaxed position.

Pull in your tummy if you can, and notice the difference before relaxing. ( when the stomach is empty )

This is what you can achieve by doing exercises to strenghten the stomach muscles / wall.

They will eventually hold your tummy in and give it a flatter appearance.

As you,re develop the stomach muscles you will be able to improve them further and it will get easier.

If you experience any back pain or discomfort, stop until you are sure it is o.k. then try alternative methods or seek further advice if it continues.

Never be tempted to over do things, especially at the beginning.

One exercise that is usually safe and can be done anytime / anywhere.

When your sat in a chair, or laid on your back start pulling your tummy in until it feels uncomfortable, then relax. ( before eating remember )

Repeat a few times resting in between.

You can do this whenever you feel like it, just remember to not over do it in the beginning as the effects can cause a bit of discomfort later on your muscles, but this will go as you progress.

Alternatives can be found on the web site i,ve posted for you and others of course.

Remember these exercise are to strengthen the muscles and will not rid you of any of the weight fat you,ve gained, only diet and exercise will do this.

Finally when you see the Mums and celebs, who regain their posture after being pregnant they will have done stomach exercise to pull the wall back into shape.

marshbags :o:D:D

  • 2 weeks later...

Appreciate any advice you can give :o

I need to loose between 5-10 Kg in about 1 1/2 months.

I've already reduced the size of my meals and don't snack anymore.....so I don't get any hunger pangs now.....this has helped me loose about 2 Kg in just under a month.

Is my target possible with regular excercise and a healthy diet?



EDIT: Forgot to add that I'm current 104kg my ideal weight according to my BMI should be around 89 :D

Maybe u can try ion cleanse detox machine, JUst like foot spa , use it in every two days its help .


I lost 6 kg in 8 days in one of those fasting/detox programs (Heaklth Oasis, Koh Samui), this is average for women and the men usually lose more. Felt great afterwards, during was only difficult on the first day.

And -- best part -- I not only kept the weight off but contunued to lose, altho of course at a slower pace, through dieting and exercise both of which were easier to stick with after my fast.

It's an excellent way both to lost quickly and to jump-start a longer term effort at better diet and other lifestyle changes.

It also improved my health and well-being overall, I was a complete sceptic about detox fasts beforehand, only went to lose weight, but I must admit there is something to it, and now I plan to go annually. They ahve programs from 3-9 days, if you're aiming to lose 6-10 kg try the 9 day. For sure you'll lose the weight. Keeping iot off will of course require permanent changes in diet and life-style, but happiness with a slimmer appearance sometimes makes it easier to get up the motivation for that. (Did for me)

There are other places besides the one I went to (almost all in Samui, a few elsewhere) but I think Health Oasis is the oldest, plus it has the advantage of being in a remote location NOT near many restaurants...you can take long walks on the beach withoyut seeing or smelling any temptations...which helps


Key is to burn more calories than you take in. Currently on Salad/Protien 4days a week - relax a bit on the wkds - else get bored dietr wise. Also go to the gym 5x a week and run like mad (5miles a day) and throw in ab exercises and weight training.

Woops forgot - stopped drinking soda full stop. (ONLY WATER NOW)

I lost 6 kg in 8 days in one of those fasting/detox programs (Heaklth Oasis, Koh Samui), this is average for women and the men usually lose more. Felt great afterwards, during was only difficult on the first day.

And -- best part -- I not only kept the weight off but contunued to lose, altho of course at a slower pace, through dieting and exercise both of which were easier to stick with after my fast.

It's an excellent way both to lost quickly and to jump-start a longer term effort at better diet and other lifestyle changes.

It also improved my health and well-being overall, I was a complete sceptic about detox fasts beforehand, only went to lose weight, but I must admit there is something to it, and now I plan to go annually. They ahve programs from 3-9 days, if you're aiming to lose 6-10 kg try the 9 day. For sure you'll lose the weight. Keeping iot off will of course require permanent changes in diet and life-style, but happiness with a slimmer appearance sometimes makes it easier to get up the motivation for that. (Did for me)

There are other places besides the one I went to (almost all in Samui, a few elsewhere) but I think Health Oasis is the oldest, plus it has the advantage of being in a remote location NOT near many restaurants...you can take long walks on the beach withoyut seeing or smelling any temptations...which helps

I DUn know how much eaxactly i lost now cos i did not keep track. BUt in the first few mth i lost 15 kg and my sugar level and blood presure goes down too. The magical thing is my acne ... its all gone now . bought the machine and do it after i finish work its so relaxing ........

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