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Thai Gf 2 Australia

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Although I agree with Bronco on the "depending on the staff emember you get" routine, I would also suggest that because she didn't go by herself the second time also helped.

It appears that the refusal rate is a lot higher for people who apply for their visa alone. When I got mine, they asked me questions and then my gf the same question in Thai, compared the answers and were satisfied that I wasn't just taking some girl back to oz for sex industry work purposes.

Also, I don't really think that he overstay is the only issue in denying visa applications. As your figures show, teh so called friends of the nation are the worst offenders. but how many of them have turned up in brothels under pretty well house arrest by the owners and are being forced into the sex industry.

Now I am not for a minute suggesting that all of the asian sex workers are "forced" into it, but the incidence of "slave" trade is a lot higher with asian women than with european ones.


I know of many people who have been granted visa's and like you also have a friend who had been taking his then gf back for holidays for several years only to one day be given a refusal and her passport stamped never to be issued with a tourist visa again. He just married her and they now live there. Which is also how I know that the emabssy has the option of issuing 6 months visa's if the circumstances call for it.

The embassy may be beaurocratic and pains in the ass, but would you rather bombs and more gang fighting in the streets?

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What makes me laugh is the fact that Malaysians get Australian visas easily and Thais not so easily. I think the Case Workers in each country have different perspectives when dealing with their own people.

The people that arrive here via Ashmore reef, Christmas and Melville islands come from the countries where bombs and riots are the norm.

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Yes it is a shame that they dont have some kind of system where you just fit a criteria as in.... its either yes... or no not yet, because u didnt do this or this... whatever...

It seems that they just put a person there to make the decision on the spot. There doesnt seem to be any risk parameters they follow as a rule or anything... Maybe its better if we just meet our other half in a different country like Bali or something :o

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could not agree more Bronco.

It appears that whenever a new boat is found off the coast, the embassy gets a little stricter for a while and the rules change. I guess the Thai's just tend to be more stringent on the rules application process, which is another good reason not to send the gf to the embassy on her own with the application.

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Most of the CW's at BKK embassy are stuck up bitches with attitude problems. They luck into a cream job for whatever reason and treat their fellow Thais like trash. However their holier than thou attitudes do get them into situations where they can make mistakes and in our situation our CW did.

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The embassy may be beaurocratic and pains in the ass, but would you rather bombs and more gang fighting in the streets?

The only bombings recently in Australia have been against Chinese restaurants in Perth by white Australian neo nazi males. An arrest of one such person was made today.

Getting back to the facts, I can not everthink of any Thai being involved in bombings and street gangs here, it is not a good enough excuse to tar all people from South East Asia with the same brush.

If a guy can't bring out a member of his family on a tourist visa then there are serious problems/policies in our Embassies and it is discriminatory. Wasn't Willie Bridgette a friendly on a French passport? He was deported as a known terrorist. You see how stupid this policy is? It doesn't work.

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Ok, look at this another way, how many love starved men come to thailand fall in love over 2 beers and decide that this is the woman of their dreams I want to take her home? (this is not an exaggeration, I met a Pom who wanted to marry her before he took her back to england and they only knew each other 2 days).

Now when they get their love home and reality kicks in what happens? She has seen a better life and is not keen to return, he is p**ssed cause it didn't work out and is going to foot the bill to get her home, now she is stuck in Australia, no money, no hope of getting home and no idea what to do.

Well, what is the best, easiest way to make money? And it pays a lot more in Australia. Now you have a illegalimmigrant who basically only worked becasue she didn't have any other option (something she is used to), but why would she want to go home?

I know that for many, the application for a visa is a true and heartfelt request to take there loved ones or family to Australia (for whatever reason), but how do you differentiate? Make them pay with no gurantee? That may work, although many people just reapply anyway and if they are applying to get the girl back for less than noble reasons the 1800 baht is nothing. Or do youput everyone through the hoops and if they are not genuine they will eventually give up and go away, end of problem.

Now before anyone gets upset, I don't necessarily agree with how thai's are treated at the embassy, although I had no problems and even with security clearances was in and out in 40mins with a visa, but I was just lucky and I realise that, but look at it from there side. Someone mentioned that it was a creamy job, and it is, so why comprimise it by giving a visa to someone who may not be going for the right reasons? If caught, there goes the job.

The only things you really need to prove is that there are enough funds (your's or hers) to support her and that she will return (for tourist visa), they ask for proof, you supply it, they ask questions, you answer them. Like everything in thai society, you be nice and smile and don't give them any grief and they make a judgement.

Contrary to some postings, there are rules and there is a course to follow if you disagree with the outcome. But remember, they see angry Australians every day, why are you any different? Ask for the reason for the denial and think about what you can do to overcome the shortfall.

Bronco was very unlucky from what I can see and that will always happen in any beaurocratic institution.

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My future wife (at that stage) went to the Embassy firstlyon her own and then accompanied by me for the descision she was refused because we hadn't done our homework.

The second application was made and we got the same CW, no proper interview, spoke through the glass at the counter, no visa nothing has changed she says.

For our 309 visa application interview we got the same woman, I thought not her again, we're done for.

It was amazing, a totally different attitude, smiling helpfull couldn't do more for us.

The visa was approved in 2 working days instead of months.

When we returned to Oz I went to personally thank the person who helped, she inquired what the CW's attitude was like, I told her chalk and cheese, she said I knew it would be.

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The Bangkok Embassy is a law unto itself, "they have their own ways of doing things" a DIMA staff member once said to me.

How they arrive at the at risk status is a mystery, but I have seen the sheet containing the countries on it at the DIMA office in Adelaide. I think the "Fillipino Mail Order Brides" influenced things, it certainly forced a few Immigration Law changes.

It really is an unfair situation and don't know if the incoming Labour government will do anything about it, maybe you could lobby your MP now.

I am really happy that we are thru the initial application stage and the missus is with me.

Still not out of the woods yet, Permanent Residence is next and that involves more interviews and evidence of cohabitation.

They are not across the line yet Bronco. Remember that a week is a long time in politics :o

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Latham has them rattled for sure, listening to question time no matter what the subject they would bring the member for Wirriwa in somehow. Costello is the worst his popularity is at an all time low.

As long as Mr Latham doesn't write off another cabbie or want to fight the US Ambassador to Australia :o

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no matter what they dig up and throw it doesnt seem to stick. He has forced howard to change policies.

Yes that's true and the best of all is the pollies superanuation. Fancy those mongrels getting 9 times more super than the average Joe and then be able to pull it out when they get booted, unbelievable. The other thing too is that in the new medicare package they've been forced to reintroduce the dental funding scheme. Both Lathams initiatives, more on TV tonight about that. I think if Labor don't handle the refugee problem properly that will bring them undone. The plebs here don't like boat people for any reason or cause and mostly are 100% behind the PM. Geeeez we've hijacked stu_$ thread!

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i am in Thailand and have very little news from Australia so didn't even realise that an elelction was pending. Better keep track of this one, I missed the last state election, so thanks for the heads up.

On saying that I do remeber one P Keating going into an election that he could not possibly win and look what happened there. Mr Latham may be a front runner and looking good, but until the votes are counted I wouldn't be sure on the results. And if another boat people incident happens, George W decides another war is worthwhile. anything can change the balance of what people think.

So does anyone have a date for this election, I guess a trip to the embassy is imminent. :o At least this time I wont have visa issues to worry about.

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there havnt been any announcements, bit the general feeling is october. i think another plus for latham is howard will resign mid-term if elected and costello is not popular. there have been some rumors of a costello leadership challenge also and that has the libs running around denying everything

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there havnt been any announcements, bit the general feeling is october. i think another plus for latham is howard will resign mid-term if elected and costello is not popular. there have been some rumors of a costello leadership challenge also and that has the libs running around denying everything

I hear Costello deny that he'd challenge Howard. Umm I recall that Keating said that about R J L Hawke, and then did him like the proverbial dinner.

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OK for those that were waiting to hear back from me about my GF getting a tourist visa for Australia....

She got it... and this is what she had to get it...

To give you a good indication of what you will need... see the following

1 - The first thing you need if you think your Thai friend is going to have problems is a statutory declaration found here for the Aussies "Stat Dec" PDF format... You can import this to MS Word and fill in the spaces.

In this you need to declare that you "can" and will support them in the following ways... Financial, Accommodation, Meals, Transportation and be an informal guide. Go into detail about how you can do that.. and make sure u get a copy of your employment status and pay rate or proof of residence for accommodation yadda yadda. You do need proof that you can actually follow through with the above......

Also state what the flight dates are.. how long he/she will be there for and most importantly ... get a Justice of the Peace to sign this document and any other copy you have of your details,, (passport, licence, proof of address, proof of employment) which makes it a legal copy and also looks very formal :o JP's can be found in your local court or there is a list of registered ones on the net somewhere.

2 - Proof that you Thai friend plans to come home to Thailand again... E.g. they need to get back to Uni or they have a job to get back to. Unfortunantly some girls are taken to Australia by some nasty pimp with the intentions of offering their hot little body for a dominos pizza and a western union transfer to their olds and sadly... some with no choice in what is really gonna happen once they get there ...

3 - Most importantly... for your stat dec to be accepted, you need proof of your relationship.. If any of you have looked into taking your non-AUS wife to AUS you will have found out how much you have to prove your relationship is genuine.. They will want to know that she is not going to end up in a darwin river for dealing with the wrong customer.... if you seen the latest news that is...

4 - Dress. If your friend goes to the embassy looking like she, or he for that matter, just "got off work" you can kiss ur tourist visa hopes goodbye... As the good Dr mentioned earlier on in this thread "Females between 6 and 60 are always treated as if they are on a meal break from the streets of delights"

There are some other advantages that its good to have .... and its a MUST for your friend to have a decent amount of money to survive in AUS for atleast a month..

Anyway im sure the list goes on so anyone else should feel free to add to my list.. in the mean time... To anyone who wishes to take a friend to the land of Vegimite, Lamingtons and Victoria Bitter.... good luck... I hope the above gives you a good idea on whats needed....

Cheers all... hope this helps...

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did you this process from within Australia? I didn't need any stat dec when I did mine, just a letter from me.

Most of the rest was about right though. You prove it wont cost the taxpayers money and they will return.

I also didn't need proof of an airline ticket, just approx dates so they could use it for the start date of the visa.

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I wanted to take my wife to Australia for 6 months to a year. I actually at the time was in Australia and sopke to Immigration in canberra, they were really helpful, and ne person actually helped me word the Stat Dec and have it witnessed. I got a letter from Immigration telling me my resposibilities, put together a documentation package and got on the plane.

Basically, forget anything for more than 3 months for the forst visit. The "discretionary" powers of those C#NT$ is unbelievable....... I am not going to bore you with the details, but they don't care what Canberra says, or even the threat of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal for not acting correctly in terms of the act(s).

After we came back I needed to go to Australia for 3 days for Christmas. Three days and I was told that she has had her holiday and maybe next year mght be better. I tried explaining I wanted my WIFE to come and visit my children and we had to be back in Surin for the 28th. I produced the marraige certificate only to be told by some peice of shit that I needed a translation she could not read it, even though she was a Thai......

Of course the Consul was on holiday and well I ended up going alone. It was the same with my January trip to get my passport.

The people at the Australian Embassy are the most concieted and arrogant peices of shit I have seen in a long time. They make me ashamed to be an Australian

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