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Moving to Thailand with No Job - Making Money Online

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I just read a couple of interesting blog posts about a couple who moved to Thailand 18 months ago.

They had no job on arrival and had plans of starting their own business but couldn't manage it but ended up turning things around to make living and keep the dream alive.

Might be of interest to anyone thinking of a way to live in Thailand without a job lined up:

Six months in:


One Year on


18 months in:


Some nice videos there too.


Nice way to promote traffic to a blog! Not very subtle though.

I read into the 6month part and decided not to read anymore when I read

"From moving country to setting up home over 8000 miles away, exporting our dog from the UK,"

Nowhere near 8000 miles from Uk to Chang Mai, more like 6000 miles.......Before they blog anymore maybe they need to research more......blink.png


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