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Retirement visa: translation of wedding certificate

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Dear all,

My parents (both French) will renew their one-year retirement visa on March, 6th.

They have to show their French wedding certificate and the translation.

Can they ask for the translation in December or is it better to ask it on February ?

Is there a period of validity for this document ?

Thanks for the replies.

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You may need to check on this. It has been reported but not completely confirmed that the practice of allowing dependent visas for a wife on a retirement visa is stopping and both must independantly ob tain their own visa with their own bank accounts seasoned with 800000 baht or income in their own name for income based applications.

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You may need to check on this.  It has been reported but not completely confirmed that the practice of allowing dependent visas for a wife on a retirement visa is stopping and both must independantly ob tain their own visa with their own bank accounts seasoned with 800000 baht or income in their own name for income based applications.

I think this issue will sorted out shortly. No need to worry about now.
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There is no time limit for a translation. They should also get the translation certified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The translation service can get the certification done for a small additional fee.

I know that the translation of a wedding certificate between a Thai national and a foreigner has to be certified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

But are you sure for the translation of a wedding certificate between foreigners ?

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Some immigration offices might accept it without MFA certification but others not.

For the relatively small additional cost it would be best to get the certification done rather than risk the possibility it would be rejected now or in later years.

There is also a possibility that there would be a need for it for other purposes than immigration to consider.

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The procedure of "legalisation" can be considered as cumbersome but it goes as follows :

A French wedding certificate will normally be issued by a local authority in France (city hall for instance)

Before it can be used in Thailand, this certificate has to be "legalised" at the Foreign Ministry in Paris which keep copies of signatures of all French "officiers d'etat civil" i.e. registrars of marriages (and births and dead).

Next step is to get it translated into Thai language by a translation office accepted by the the Embassy of France in Bangkok.

Then you submit the certificate to the consul at the French Embassy in Bangkok who has a copy of the person who has "legalised" it before at the Foreign Ministry in Paris.

The same consul can certify the translated certificate as "conform to the original"

You can try the paperwork now for use by the Thai Foreign Ministry or Immigration Department.

Certain is that to be used by local Thai authorities the paperwork has to be submitted to be "legalised" by the person at the Foreign Ministry in Bangkok.... who has a copy of all signatures of the Thailand based consuls who are in charge of legalisation.

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The procedure of "legalisation" can be considered as cumbersome but it goes as follows :


A French wedding certificate will normally be issued by a local authority in France (city hall for instance)

Before it can be used in Thailand, this certificate has to be "legalised" at the Foreign Ministry in Paris which keep copies of signatures of all French "officiers d'etat civil" i.e. registrars of marriages (and births and dead).

Next step is to get it translated into Thai language by a translation office accepted by the the Embassy of France in Bangkok.

Then you submit the certificate to the consul at the French Embassy in Bangkok who has a copy of the person who has "legalised" it before at the Foreign Ministry in Paris.

The same consul can certify the translated certificate as "conform to the original"

You can try the paperwork now for use by the Thai Foreign Ministry or Immigration Department.


Certain is that to be used by local Thai authorities the paperwork has to be submitted to be "legalised" by the person at the Foreign Ministry in Bangkok.... who has a copy of all signatures of the Thailand based consuls who are in charge of legalisation.


Legalization is not needed in this case.

Just a certification of the translation at the MFA.

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You have it certified by your embassy and next transated by an agency and then have it legalised by the Thai Foreign Ministry for use in Thailand.

You do not go to the transllation agency and then to your embassy.

Any reputable translation service will also obtain the MFA approval for a small fee.

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