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Thai woman reports beating by Russian Tourists on Walking Street, South Pattaya

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my sympathies are with neither of them.we don't know the full story. I know there are many ladies who should realize where are the borders how to treat foreigners.

First of all it doesn't matter if she is a prostitute or not(while 99.9% in WS are, except the other guys wife who returns after cleaning in the wee hours and a few other ones). Second where I come from we don't beat ladies, whether they deserve it or not.

Put this aside I have to say:

I think there are many stupid russians and the world doesn't need them just as I don't need them in Thailand.

I also have seen thai ladies behave really bad, just because they are crazy and/or stupid. A lot of thais think they are allowed to do whatever they wan't to foreigners. If the foreigners get back on them, they will go to police and come up with their version while being able to speak to them in thai and count on getting a prefered treating there.

So if she tells to police she kicked the man out of anger, we don't know why, where and how she kicked him.

I hope this story gets public, this should help both tourists as well as thais to behave.

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@ her 2 brothers? why? something wrong with you?

This is the type of tourists we don't want. They seem to assume that all Thai women walking along Walking Street are prostitutes.

I don't consider m myself a tourist, but I'd assume that most Thai girl/women in this area are prostitutes.Or are we talking about a different walking street in another country now?

I take offence at what you say

I am a part owwner of a large tourist boat that is moored at Bali Hai

sometimes it is late when we return to dock, and have cleaned up after clients have left

My thai wife walks back to our Condo via Walking street

So yo are saying she must be a prostitute

would you like to repeat this to her 2 thai brothers

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The police should also include in their investigation if there was really a birthday where the lady came from.

Otherwise the lady is fabricating words.

You understand what I mean, the lady might have come from other else.

But wherever the lady come from, those Russian (fish) should not harm anybody because of she is .

Or it is just Russians nature to be bad-mannered.

On the other side, the Russian may have identified the lady had victimized/cheated them before.


my sympathies are with neither of them.we don't know the full story. I know there are many ladies who should realize where are the borders how to treat foreigners.

First of all it doesn't matter if she is a prostitute or not(while 99.9% in WS are, except the other guys wife who returns after cleaning in the wee hours and a few other ones). Second where I come from we don't beat ladies, whether they deserve it or not.

Put this aside I have to say:

I think there are many stupid russians and the world doesn't need them just as I don't need them in Thailand.

I also have seen thai ladies behave really bad, just because they are crazy and/or stupid. A lot of thais think they are allowed to do whatever they wan't to foreigners. If the foreigners get back on them, they will go to police and come up with their version while being able to speak to them in thai and count on getting a prefered treating there.

So if she tells to police she kicked the man out of anger, we don't know why, where and how she kicked him.

I hope this story gets public, this should help both tourists as well as thais to behave.

I agree, for all anyone knows she might have tried to pickpocket him. Would have to see the CCTV footage. 3 truths to every story.


This is the type of tourists we don't want. They seem to assume that all Thai women walking along Walking Street are prostitutes.

I don't consider m myself a tourist, but I'd assume that most Thai girl/women in this area are prostitutes.Or are we talking about a different walking street in another country now?

So, prostitute or not. Hitting anybody in public let alone a single small woman should of resulted in a swarm of Thai guys smashing the crap out of our Russian friends.

Many normal Thai woman work in the restaurants and hotels in that strip also. So would you like to be refered to as a pedophile as your foriegn male and in Thailand. Respect for all woman as many are not selling themselves.


The police should also include in their investigation if there was really a birthday where the lady came from.

Otherwise the lady is fabricating words.

You understand what I mean, the lady might have come from other else.

But wherever the lady come from, those Russian (fish) should not harm anybody because of she is .

Or it is just Russians nature to be bad-mannered.

On the other side, the Russian may have identified the lady had victimized/cheated them before.

Complete nut case, a person who fabricates a story or origin that has history of cheating and stealing then self reports a crime against herself.


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This is the type of tourists we don't want. They seem to assume that all Thai women walking along Walking Street are prostitutes.

I don't consider m myself a tourist, but I'd assume that most Thai girl/women in this area are prostitutes.Or are we talking about a different walking street in another country now?

So what is she is a working girl?? No excuse for this kind of behaviour. Disgusting attitude.


This is the type of tourists we don't want. They seem to assume that all Thai women walking along Walking Street are prostitutes.

You're assuming the allegations are true.


This is the type of tourists we don't want. They seem to assume that all Thai women walking along Walking Street are prostitutes.

I don't consider m myself a tourist, but I'd assume that most Thai girl/women in this area are prostitutes.Or are we talking about a different walking street in another country now?

so its ok to beat her up if she is a prostitute ?

stupid remark


This is the type of tourists we don't want. They seem to assume that all Thai women walking along Walking Street are prostitutes.

I don't consider m myself a tourist, but I'd assume that most Thai girl/women in this area are prostitutes.Or are we talking about a different walking street in another country now?

A woman is only a prostitute after she has been paid for her services.


My crotch was grabbed by a street worker in Pattaya and while I laughed it off the aforementioned would have been a proper reaction. Do we know it didn't happen?

you lucky bastard

This is the type of tourists we don't want. They seem to assume that all Thai women walking along Walking Street are prostitutes.

I don't consider m myself a tourist, but I'd assume that most Thai girl/women in this area are prostitutes.Or are we talking about a different walking street in another country now?

Pattaya is a good location for conferences now. Thai and International conferences are regularly being held there. A very large international medical conference was held there earlier this year - attracting many female delegates. My wife's University attended a conference there and 29 of the 30 delegates sent were females.

In both cases, I know groups of females, Thai and other nationalities, went out and had dinner and then went for a look at the sites, including Walking Street.

Guess what - not one of them is a prostitute!

Do you think prostitutes can be treated like this? Arse grabbed and then beaten up if she objects?

These two gits deserve a good kicking, a splendid time in a Thai jail and eventually, after apologizing and paying compensation, should be deported and black listed. Providing they are found guilty of course. Hope the CCTV evidence is enough to ID them from the immigration files.

It's not because they are Russians - scum like this from many countries seem to think that every Thai lady is a whore.


So I guess she speaks Russians or was it the way they were dressed that revealed their nationality?

Or maybe she recognizes Russian when she here's it. I'm sure they didn't beat her in silence. Maybe another East European language which may sound similar.

Let's hope they CCTV footage reveals what happened and enables ID and arrest. If guilty then they deserve all they get.

The prick who grabbed her arse should be charged with sexual assault as well as assault and battery, or whatever the Thai equivalent is. If the allegations are true, of course.


I've seen a few Thai women when they get angry. I hope this Poo Ying got a good boot on the creep before they ganged up on her. Wouldn't it be sweet if she was a Muey Thai fighter and caught Torovitch between the legs. Just Sayin'

Happened in Berlin/Germany when a friend of mine used to live for a couple of years. Her Muay Thai skills were excellent. Three stupid East German men called her a frighjgkjg Thai bit-h and they continued threatening her in a subway.

She didn't say anything, when they went outside she just followd them and kicked their asses so bad that a crowd of people applauded.

She was 32 when that occurred and started Muay Thai when she was five.


This one of the so many accidents that happen all over Thailand. It have to do how Thailand attracts quality tourists to the Kingdom. For many Russians, and former Russia area's, Thailand is one big brothel. The stories and photos these quality tourist bring home speak for them self. Friends and others see those photo's and read the stories on internet and slowly the brain get the idea that all woman in Thailand are hookers who you can pick up for a few bath. No limits are set and the circle get closed when they come home.

More quality tourist will follow...

Sad to see and hear


This is the type of tourists we don't want. They seem to assume that all Thai women walking along Walking Street are prostitutes.

I don't consider m myself a tourist, but I'd assume that most Thai girl/women in this area are prostitutes.Or are we talking about a different walking street in another country now?

It doesn't matter what the poor lady's profession is or is not, she shouldn't have to put up with that type of behaviour. So tell me again when these "quality" tourists are going to boycott Thailand due to how unsafe it is here, I think sooner they leave the better.


This is the type of tourists we don't want. They seem to assume that all Thai women walking along Walking Street are prostitutes.

I don't consider m myself a tourist, but I'd assume that most Thai girl/women in this area are prostitutes.Or are we talking about a different walking street in another country now?

It doesn't matter what the poor lady's profession is or is not, she shouldn't have to put up with that type of behaviour. So tell me again when these "quality" tourists are going to boycott Thailand due to how unsafe it is here, I think sooner they leave the better.

Unfortunately I think Pattaya is now little Moscow and they flock there for the Russian prostitutes.


@ her 2 brothers? why? something wrong with you?

This is the type of tourists we don't want. They seem to assume that all Thai women walking along Walking Street are prostitutes.

I don't consider m myself a tourist, but I'd assume that most Thai girl/women in this area are prostitutes.Or are we talking about a different walking street in another country now?

I take offence at what you say

I am a part owwner of a large tourist boat that is moored at Bali Hai

sometimes it is late when we return to dock, and have cleaned up after clients have left

My thai wife walks back to our Condo via Walking street

So yo are saying she must be a prostitute

would you like to repeat this to her 2 thai brothers

If you live in Thailand the answer is obvious

If I let my emotions get worked I could end up in Jail

If a Thai gets worked up and lashes out, it was the Russians fault

If he ends up with a knife in his back

her brother will get a 500 baht fine


oooooooo..i am in complete favour of an ''international'' atmosphere,i love the diversity here in pattaya,..but...what i am seeing now is a sense of ''intitlement''now with many of the russians,as they arrive in huge numbers,settle into one hotel,they feel qiute at home.....but i am sick and tired of watching them treat the thais and others as thought they are special ...do i dislike them now...DAH.....thier arrogance matched only by thier ignorance...


What s with these people from that part of the world Polish, Ukraine etc. we have them here in my country and they are arrogant b's to say the least one got drunk a few weeks ago and beat up two women very badly another was living with a woman and used as a punch bag and peed on her etc. When you are walking in the street they walk through you they are one of the rudest nationalities I have ever met. Hope they lock them up and throw away the key and I hope this lady is ok.

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I worry about the authenticity of this stroy. If a Thai lady was being beaten by 2 Russian men at the entrance to Walking St; why havn't all The Thai motor bike taxi drivers, security guards, tourist police and many others Thais who are always in that vicinity, jump to her assistance, which is the normal situation if a farang is fighting with a \RThai

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This is the type of tourists we don't want. They seem to assume that all Thai women walking along Walking Street are prostitutes.

I don't consider m myself a tourist, but I'd assume that most Thai girl/women in this area are prostitutes.Or are we talking about a different walking street in another country now?

Clearly you are lost in Isaan, you should get out more often. Every night thousands of ladies ( mostly in Chinese tour groups it has to be said ) walk down Walking street. What gives anyone the right to grope them in public ? Many of us in stable relationships have to walk "in this area", we live here. Ah yes, we should lock up out wives and daughters, they may assault a drunk man's hand with their backside.

I agree with lostinisaan regarding "Walking Street" in Pattaya. He/She clearly says Thai girls/women,not Chinese tour groups.

I have my doubts that so many foreigners live in Walking Street area, as it's an amusement area. Nobody argued that prostitutes are bad people. I'd been there a few times and yes, most of the Thai girls/women ( beside the women selling something different than their bodies) there are prostitutes.

I'm neither lost in Isaan, nor do I stay at home 24/7.-

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those russians and thier ''silly''little games of,..how to get ahead of you in a line...or ..how to save all the chairs at the pool...or how they send thier kids down tto the morning buffet to scavange all the best fruit..or..or..on and on..and they think some how they have ''pulled one over on you''...small minds,in thier small world...


This is the type of tourists we don't want. They seem to assume that all Thai women walking along Walking Street are prostitutes.

I don't consider m myself a tourist, but I'd assume that most Thai girl/women in this area are prostitutes.Or are we talking about a different walking street in another country now?

No, you're not a tourist, just a fool, there are cooks, waitresses, cleaners, hotel workers, not to mention Thai women just out with friends, or Tourists themselves from other parts of Thailand.

And even If a prostitute, they have the same rights as anyone else.

I have taken my Thai missus out on Walking St a few times, she was curious.

Perhaps I won't bother in the future if Mr lostinissan's views are common out there........

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