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High Website Hit Rate On Search Engine


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does anyone know how I can get my future website listed on the first or second page on google or altavista, dogpile etc or any of the search engines without having to pay for it?

are there any special techniques so it is listed in front of the other 2000 odd pages?

Im thinking of doing online business but havent yet gone ahead with it as I want to check how to advertise my business with minimal cost until I get a few sales

Also,does anyone have any idea on the cost of getting a website built? Basically, I would like to have info on a product with a link to the Master company as the website being the referal. Nothing too fancy.

any comments most welcome.


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The most important is to have frequently updated content people look for. So change your main page frequently.

What google uses is a number called Pagerank. This number is a measure of your popularity on the web. You can increase your pagerank when other websites link to yours. So after you launched your site you have to try to get it on portals, directories and that kind of stuff.

When a website which links to yours is very populair (high pagerank), you will get more points too.

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Actually, that's not so true anymore. Google are moving away from link popularity in indexing websites in favour of surfer activity logs. Why do you think they've been pushing the Google toolbar so hard?... to track what surfers are doing and extrapolate a popularity profile for visited websites.

Links are still important though to get qualified traffic. Pagerank is more of a legacy indicator of site importance and no longer has much of a ranking effect.

Edited by The Real Mandrake
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does anyone know how I can get my future website listed on the first or second page on google or altavista, dogpile etc or any of the search engines without having to pay for it?

are there any special techniques so it is listed in front of the other 2000 odd pages?

Im thinking of doing online business but havent yet gone ahead with it as I want to check how to advertise my business with minimal cost until I get a few sales

Also,does anyone have any idea on the cost of getting a website built? Basically, I would like to have info on a product with a link to the Master company as the website being the referal. Nothing too fancy.

any comments most welcome.


If you're looking for a catalogue-like website, you have a look at Mambo and it's VirtueMart component, Oscommerce, Creloaded etc. Don't pay for shopping carts, there are plenty of free reliable ones.

You'll need a bit of knowledge with webhosting, FTP, HTML, PHP, databases. I knew next to nothing about those but managed to come up with a decent looking website after some time. You can have links to the manufacturers, prices showing or not, inventories etc.

If you have plenty of free time, you can do it yourself. problems encountered always had a solution found through Google.

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