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I have often watched people who are meditating and thought to myself that it can't be possible, kind of like hypnotism - there's always that skepticism of something we cannot comprehend to be real.

I always think that the best way to squash the intrigue is to indulge yourself in it - be it for a short time or a long time

Therefore if there was an opportunity to experience meditation and see if it really is all that people say it is - I would like to try.

My only stipulation is that there is no religion involved, I can't cope with that.

And yes, I'm in Patters.

What do you think meditation is and why would it not be possible?

verb: meditate; 3rd person present: meditates; past tense: meditated; past participle: meditated; gerund or present participle: meditating
think deeply or focus one's mind for a period of time, in silence or with the aid of chanting, for religious or spiritual purposes or as a method of relaxation.
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I have often watched people who are meditating and thought to myself that it can't be possible, kind of like hypnotism - there's always that skepticism of something we cannot comprehend to be real.

I always think that the best way to squash the intrigue is to indulge yourself in it - be it for a short time or a long time

Therefore if there was an opportunity to experience meditation and see if it really is all that people say it is - I would like to try.

My only stipulation is that there is no religion involved, I can't cope with that.

And yes, I'm in Patters.

What do you think meditation is and why would it not be possible?

verb: meditate; 3rd person present: meditates; past tense: meditated; past participle: meditated; gerund or present participle: meditating
think deeply or focus one's mind for a period of time, in silence or with the aid of chanting, for religious or spiritual purposes or as a method of relaxation.

What do I think meditation is personally? hmmm, In my ignorant (bliss) - I think that there are those who meditate in a religious form, with chanting or repetition of prose and those who simply wish to ascend (temporarily) to a relaxed state for the purpose of calming and peace. It would be the second one I would want to acheive, in this crazy life of mine and the crazy place in which we (temporarily) call home.

I'm not saying it would not be possible, I am saying I am curious to know if it IS possible (for me). Wherever those people go when they are on their 'journey' - I want to go there too - but personally think I could not empty my mind for long enough to even get on the bus.

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First off meditation is a benifit in many ways and to find such a group...well... I belong to FairTex sports club and they have a Yoga schedule that is good... I kept fit and enjoy meditation...I seem to be the only one to float on water as I use the pool to streach out and float..this is my meditation...just to be able to float and relax...looking at sky and birds that fly by..peace I leave with you...Ron

Yoga is definitely the best place to start for meditation. I spent about a decade reading books about Buddhist meditation and struggling on my own... but didn't make any progress until I started practising Yoga. Yoga teaches you breath control, breath control leads to meditation... that's how it works.

Please, if you dont mind, share some of your insights and the basics of breath control.

Iyengar has a book called "Light on Pranayama" - all about breath control - I bought it at Kinokuniya in Siam Paragon four years ago; there is also a wealth of information on this subject on the Internet. However, I really suggest that you start with a Yoga class. Yogic exercises were especially devised to help the practitioner concentrate and gain control over his/her breath, their ultimate goal is to lead the practitioner towards meditation. Even simple asanas (Yoga positions) will help, you don't have to become a Yoga expert or stand on your head all day smile.png (although standing on your head will definitely help you concentrate!)

The problem with "Buddhist meditation" is that it makes us think we can bypass Yoga and physical exercise, this is generally not true, especially for westerners... unless they are exceptionally gifted (not my case!)

Good luck, and don't give up!! EVERYONE can meditate. And it's worth it!!!

I appreciate your post it is good food for thought and action.

Most people here do not seem to realize there are scores if not hundreds of ways to meditate.

All methods probably have the same goal in mind.

And they all offer excellent results during and after and at the very least nothing, so no harm is done.

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First off meditation is a benifit in many ways and to find such a group...well... I belong to FairTex sports club and they have a Yoga schedule that is good... I kept fit and enjoy meditation...I seem to be the only one to float on water as I use the pool to streach out and float..this is my meditation...just to be able to float and relax...looking at sky and birds that fly by..peace I leave with you...Ron

Yoga is definitely the best place to start for meditation. I spent about a decade reading books about Buddhist meditation and struggling on my own... but didn't make any progress until I started practising Yoga. Yoga teaches you breath control, breath control leads to meditation... that's how it works.

Please, if you dont mind, share some of your insights and the basics of breath control.

Iyengar has a book called "Light on Pranayama" - all about breath control - I bought it at Kinokuniya in Siam Paragon four years ago; there is also a wealth of information on this subject on the Internet. However, I really suggest that you start with a Yoga class. Yogic exercises were especially devised to help the practitioner concentrate and gain control over his/her breath, their ultimate goal is to lead the practitioner towards meditation. Even simple asanas (Yoga positions) will help, you don't have to become a Yoga expert or stand on your head all day smile.png (although standing on your head will definitely help you concentrate!)

The problem with "Buddhist meditation" is that it makes us think we can bypass Yoga and physical exercise, this is generally not true, especially for westerners... unless they are exceptionally gifted (not my case!)

Good luck, and don't give up!! EVERYONE can meditate. And it's worth it!!!

please dont generalize. your experiences of meditation are your own. period.

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Ayjaydee, please don't get angry with me. I was just saying that Yoga offers a shortcut towards meditation... Walking the arduous way is fine, of course.

Actually, just trying to help the OP keep the topic alive.smile.png

noy angry but but there are various forms of buddhist meditation. vipassana meditation, for example, cautions AGAINST controlling the breath.

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so much can be said

on the topic

The problem with meditation is that we can talk/write about it forever but we'll never make any progress unless we practice... Meditation is one of those things that baffle people because words are inadequate for describing it.

I find it interesting that you have started this topic on the Pattaya forum... I really hope you can get a group together to practice.smile.png

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