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What will you be buying your Thai wife/GF for Christmas?


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Nothing, she is Buddhist.

My wife is Buddhist too, very practicing, knowing every Buddhist days by heart.

Nonetheless we made a Christmas tree, she bought, choose the decorations, made it herself .

One can be Buddhist and live in our time whistling.gif

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Wow. Lots of Grinchs on here. We will be having 40+ of our friends and family over for turkey dinner. Lots of presents to go around. I got my wife a new pair of boots from Aldo , a plane tickets for another visit to Vancouver(My hometown) and a stocking full of make-up etc. Christmas is not only about being christian anymore. Its a great excuse to have a great party and have fun shopping for presents.

Merry Christmas And Happy New Year

I do believe the Grinch is a Hollywood fantasy. Forgive me if I am mistaken. We are not all show ponies who partake in the I'm better than you thing , because we spend more money in the false assumption that it makes us a better or more loved person.

Sometimes a simple kiss and a cuddle and an "I love you" can mean so much more to our partners and particularly to our grandchilderen. However each to his own.

Have a wonderful Christmas all.

Agreed, not partaking in buying gifts at xmas doesn't make you the Grinch and not all people (Thais included) see value in getting presents just because its a certain date. I personally prefer the surprise gift rather than a premeditated gift at xmas time.But each to their own, so those of you doing the big xmas day thing, please enjoy it but remember xmas is about family not money.

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Wow. Lots of Grinchs on here. We will be having 40+ of our friends and family over for turkey dinner. Lots of presents to go around. I got my wife a new pair of boots from Aldo , a plane tickets for another visit to Vancouver(My hometown) and a stocking full of make-up etc. Christmas is not only about being christian anymore. Its a great excuse to have a great party and have fun shopping for presents.

Merry Christmas And Happy New Year

You're not looking at the bigger picture. Yes Christmas is not only being about Christian anymore. It's a holiday that is exersized in consumerist societies to make you buy things and stimulate the economy (or just make corporations make big earnings). They just want to give you the impression that giving things and buying things for people shows your love. Which is ridiculous if you think about it.

Of course the malls want you to "have a fun shopping for presents" but you dont need to do that to show your love.

It's actually more sad when I see single moms working double shifts during the holidays because western society tells them she's only a good loving mom if she buys christmas presents to her kids. If she doesn't, shes a total failure BECAUSE SHE COULD'NT BUY PRESENTS.

Edited by Sojuncoke
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Like many posters, when something is needed it is bought and she is Buddhist and I have always found the Christmas thing to be too much.

I agree with the posts that say show your love, cuddle etc.

I also agree with the GOLD posts, except that earrings are far too easily snatched.

This year I bought her a heated back support and gave it to her already.

It doubles as a tummy warmer and a bed warmer and she is delighted. (We are in Europe at the mo and it's cold outside)

So what does one buy for the girl that has everything - Penicillin? (Sorry, that should be on the Worst Joke thread)

Anyway, OP, I'm sure that you´ll all have a wonderful time.

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We do not celebrate Christmas here.

When I want to buy my wife or daughter something special, I do not need a holiday of obligation as a reason to do so.

You sound like a right jerk.

Back off, he's quite entitled to his own opinion, just the same as you are, but there's no need to slag him for it.
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"OK, I'm stuck for what to get the Mrs for Christmas this year.

Her being Thai AND Buddhist, she wasn't all that bothered about Christmas really, but in the years we've been together I've explained to her that Christmas isn't just about religion and for many people is more about getting together with family, giving and receiving gifts and just generally having a good time. Anyway, now that she realises that she can spend Christmas day stuffing her face with food, drinking wine and opening presents, she can't get enough of Christmas! lol!

Anyway, I'm looking for inspiration - she's already got all the usual crap - phone, tablet, gold etc. I was thinking of getting a collage made of photos of our daughter during the first year of her life - there is a woman who makes these kinds of things close to where we live. Not very expensive but something she can treasure for the rest of her life.

What will you be getting the Mrs this year?"

I think your idea is a very thoughtful gift. Like you said, it should not be expensive, but shows that you thought about it. That is what Christmas should be about. For Christmas last year, I had a book made with 144 pictures and commentary of our wedding. Gave one to my mother, and one to my wife. Both were thrilled.

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What is it with christmas - who cares ? just another day on the calender - down the pub for a couple of scoops

Presents are for kids, done that got the t shirt, haven't sent cards for at least a decade, forget it

pseudo christian festival which has become meaningless in todays materialistic age

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The Thais don't do Christmas but the supermarkets seem to be making a big commercial push this year. So much so that the wife is wanting some sort of Christmas tree.

Nobody expects presents, except on Birthdays.

The wife's family all have their birthdays in the first 2 weeks of August. Can't help but notice it's 9 months after the rice harvest.

As previously posted, GOLD in any shape or form.

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We do not celebrate Christmas here.

When I want to buy my wife or daughter something special, I do not need a holiday of obligation as a reason to do so.

You sound like a right jerk.

Opinions vary.

I am not Christian, nor is my wife. Why would I buy her a gift just because it is a certain day on the calendar?

I buy her something when I feel like it, not because it is a certain day.

Exactly. Commercialized Holidays that have lost the meaning of celebration, and now represent bands of anxious, angry shoppers fighting their way in to a store to buy expensive stuff. Hummmmbug

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Mine turned up with a new chair for my desk yesterday... where I play on my computer.

All the plastic was peeling off the old one making a mess so I think it was slightly self serving.

I am thinking to get her a tablet computer for Christmas (now that she has forced my hand with my own money), then she will stay off my computer.

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I bought myself a tool box for my birthday so for Xmas I'll get the missus some tools to put in it.


Back when I was a mechanic ( a long time ago ) I used to drool over the Snap On tool catalogue, and especially the type of cabinets in your picture, as they were unobtainable in my country.

Now, of course, they are everywhere.

Anyway, you're a lucky man smile.png .

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I bought myself a tool box for my birthday so for Xmas I'll get the missus some tools to put in it.


That picture of the HZ on the wall brings back memory's,and what's that motor out of sitting on the floor,and about Christmass thats why I moved here to get away from the god botherers,to over commercialized back home and that its just used for the shops to make money, nothing to do with religion these days.

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