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Zerolemon 10,000 mAh battery with case and stand for Galaxy Note 3 back in stock!


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Just placed an order! $11 shipping to Canada, will pick it up on my Jan trip back there. This will solve my battery problem once and forever. This battery support NFC, comes with it's own shock and dust proof case. People are reporting almost 2 days of very heavy phone usage with all the power saving features off and screen on full brightness. It will make the phone look huge but I never mind the phone sizes, I think battery live is more important than having a skinny phone that last half a day on a charge.

Can't wait!

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I have a 10,000 mAh stand-alone battery pack; Anker Astro, and it is quite heavy. Great product though.

You may find that by using this battery pack you've just made your mobile device a lot less mobile. I wouldn't worry about the looks as much as the weight. But if this is the only option what can you do?

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Agree with the weight but I don't think (I hope) it will be an issues for me personally. Folks who received it already say the total weight of a phone with a battery and a case is 360 g, comparing to a stock Note 3 at 168 g, it's a little more than double the weight.

I also just realized that my new phone got a larger screen size than my ebook reader (Kobo Mini 5" screen), the extra battery life will do good if I ditch the reader in favor of one device with larger screen.

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I only have the Note 2 but original battery that came with it was one of my favorite features. Always lasts the day and I use it a lot. I do notice if traveling around and on data services the battery drains faster, so I automate data services off whilst traveling.

On my Note 3, normally battery lasts a full day with above average usage. If I use a lot of GPS and I'm not plugged in - it kills the battery quite fast. The stock batt is still so much better on Note 3 than it was on a S2, that I shouldn't complain!

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  • 3 months later...

Thought I'd post some screen shots update for my 10,000 mah zero lemon battery. ;)

A half way through the charge I've decided to see how well would it do in power saving mode as well as the screen brightness in auto -5.

I think of myself as an above average user. Generally with no power saving features and the screen brightness at auto 0, I get 2.5 to 3 days usage with similar SOT. I think from a full charge with power saving on I can easily get 4+ days of use out of it.

Sent from a Nuclear Submarine.




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It doesn't look like you use your phone very much - I don't very much app. usage.

Seems like you could get by just charging it every night?

I guess if you were mobile all day, talking a lot, using the phone for business apps./work/internet, this battery case - which gets good reviews, even though someone says it doubles the size of the phone! - would make sense.

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It doesn't look like you use your phone very much - I don't very much app. usage.

Seems like you could get by just charging it every night?

I guess if you were mobile all day, talking a lot, using the phone for business apps./work/internet, this battery case - which gets good reviews, even though someone says it doubles the size of the phone! - would make sense.

19hrs and 30 min screen on time and I don't use my pjone much? ;)

I do make average 10-15 calls a day, some texts, use internet browser, Thai visa app (a lot actually), a lot of emails, facebook, some games and reading. Most of these activities don't even register and those that do, are in very low % of a total useage so they are on a very bottom of a list and didn't make it into the screenshot.

This 10K mah ZL battery is 3+ more than the stock size (3200 mah), so no surprise I get about 3x the stock useage. I'm running optimized custom kernel with a lot of bloat and junk removed so my phone is optimized for a good performance and battery life. thumbsup.gif

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pity they dont sell or deliver them in/to thailand ......

The dealer also sells them on eBay so they might deliver to Thailand, I'd check on eBay if Amazon doesn't ship to Thai.

amazon wont ,and ebay sellers wont either due to paypal chargeback risks

you can get a copy one from china or hk delivered to thailand but they always advertise false capacites

mugen wont either ,its seems thailand is a black hole for items "lost" in post or fraud

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Not good. But if there's a will, there's a way. You can use the re shipping company or ask a friend or a family to pickup if anyone is coming to Thailand.

Sent from a Nuclear Submarine.

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Not good. But if there's a will, there's a way. You can use the re shipping company or ask a friend or a family to pickup if anyone is coming to Thailand.

Sent from a Nuclear Submarine.

i have one already ,just was a pain in the ass to have it delivered to my sister first and then get it forwarded to thailand

wonder why they dont target the thai market ,ive never seen a nation so obsessed with facebook and line on their smartphones

anyone selling extended bateries would make a killing instead of those powerpacks with usb cables that every thai is forced to use ....

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