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Thai protesters vow to keep up fight despite election plan


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Wow Satit and Tavorn, very stubborn huh?

Well, why not put a sworn statement where you will write not you both, not Suthep, nor Abhisit will be part of the People's Council (sounds very communist) just for a starter?

Oh, and no one of your families too... Show something, not just words in the air.

That's a valid point, newcomer71. If they won't allow any of the Shins in Parliament, they should certainly ban any of the Dems' family and friends from the People's Council, too

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Wow Satit and Tavorn, very stubborn huh?

Well, why not put a sworn statement where you will write not you both, not Suthep, nor Abhisit will be part of the People's Council (sounds very communist) just for a starter?

Oh, and no one of your families too... Show something, not just words in the air.

That's a valid point, newcomer71. If they won't allow any of the Shins in Parliament, they should certainly ban any of the Dems' family and friends from the People's Council, too

Thanks for support my point of view. Unluckily it seems clearly, this is not a struggle for give power back to people, but for get power again by Suthep. He can tell what he wants, but if really will have a People's Council, guess who will be in it?

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I sincerely hope that the PTP have a resounding victory in the elections, again. There has been hardly any input from those supporting the PTP during this fiasco, I bet that will change.

And then see what the Dems will do,again!

I see three colors in your avatar,... but I'm baffled as to how the blue and white got in there!

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The dictator Suthep is now showing his true face.

Thais will only wake up when they are already under his full dictatorship. Then it will be too late to complain. He has already shown that he's not afraid of opening fire on the people of Thailand to keep his grip on power.

I think if you check your facts you may well find that it was the red shirt idiots such as yourself who keep opening fire on everyone else and killing whoever gets in the way....Suthep has said many times that he will not be a part of his proposed 'people's council' - I believe him a lot more than anything that comes from the mouths of PT and the reds who have lied and cheated and killed....

Belive??? I trust Santa more!!! 5555 5 times and still not following his own words???

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What is clear is that the people won't stop now until ties with Thaksin himself have been shattered. That is the reason for the march continuing

They themselves, the protestors in their millions today, are now clear and fully aware that the continued financial rape by the PTP over the last two years, and prior, has been a continuation of one idiot's narcissistic actions.They will now stop at nothing until anybody connected with him is completely ousted and broken, it would appear

Personally, I hope they achieve their aims!


In their millions ? jerk.gif

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What is clear is that the people won't stop now until ties with Thaksin himself have been shattered. That is the reason for the march continuing

They themselves, the protestors in their millions today, are now clear and fully aware that the continued financial rape by the PTP over the last two years, and prior, has been a continuation of one idiot's narcissistic actions.They will now stop at nothing until anybody connected with him is completely ousted and broken, it would appear

Personally, I hope they achieve their aims!


In their millions ? jerk.gif

Too bad they don't vote.

Mob rule is clearly the way to go.

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