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Rejected yesterday by a real 'prince' of a guy at US Consulate here in CM. We had a very substantial file of tax, rental residence, educational documents, three exceptional reference letters for my gf, who is a 17% legit shareholder and employee in a travel business. I have been here for almost a year doing graduate work at a Thai university on a fellowship, not that I am special but we felt our application was legit and nothing hidden behind it.

The guy behind the glass did not even interview my gf, at all, he asked her to bring me in from the wait area and essentially all the questions then were directed at me. The most pertinent one perhaps was 'Are you gonna get married?' --- to which I replied truthfully (mistake?) "Well, we've thought about it and talked it over, having been together for seven months, but I have one more year of graduate school to finish and ___ has her business to take care of here, so we haven't decided anything final at this point, we just want her to meet my family on this trip and then decide about marriage later, at least a year or two down the road."

That apparently was enough for him to decide our real plan was to get married in the US after she had secured the travel visa, which is totally absolutely untrue. We actually looked into the Fiancee Visa but it seemed to be the document for those who have DECIDED to get married. The Consul guy then says to me (when I stated that I had done the research on the US Dept of State website and concluded as such) 'Oh no, you can just bring her over on that for 90 days and figure out if you want to marry or not, then if you decide not to she can just come back here no problem.'

Long story short the guy was very rude and condescending, he mocked our relationship and my gf's reference letters and didn't even look at any of the evidence in detail. Sorry I am a little steamed today still but the guy was a massive utter jerk. Furthermore he seemed to advise us to deceive the US govt. and apply for a fiancee visa even though our real intentions as described in person and in writing are/were to have gf meet my family, see a bit of the US, figure out if she wants to marry a less-than-loaded language teacher..........!

Anyhow thanks to all for the replies and good advice. I am convinced now that the US federal govt. is a massive farce of corruption and deceit. Christ just looking at Dick Cheney's blown-up smirking photo in the Consulate yesterday tells the whole ugly twisted story................SO fellas if you want to take your gf on a trip to the US I guess the thing to do is lie and say yer gonna git hitched........good luck and thanks for all the good help.

Sorry for the frustrated vitriol.


Hey I feel your pain. Two years ago my girlfriend was rejected at the Chiang Mai consulate as well. She was a "good girl", college graduate, traveled before (malaysia and singapore), fluent in English and we jointly owned a business here in Thailand. I had been living in thailand for the past four years on a valid work permit. Essentially our whole lives were here, but like you I thought it would be a good idea to take her back to america for a short visit to meet the parents. The Orwellian conclusion: No visa for you. No we can't tell you why you didn't get a visa. No we can't tell you what the criteria are to get a visa. No there is no appeals process. Have a nice day and thanks for the 4,000 baht. I believe my girlfriends jai ron response was something like, "Why the hel_l would I want to go work in your stupid country anyway? I'm thai, I love thailand."

The visa application process is in the US is humiliating and degrading, and very much made me ashamed of my country. And you're right, looking at dick chaney's smirking mug just turns my stomach everytime I go in there. It makes me glad I left.

At any rate to put a positive spin on things, the girlfriend turned into a wife and we were formally married here in Thailand. I very much look forward to going to the U.S. consulate again and applying for a visa with a polite version of "blow me, we're married."

Something practical for you to consider is to seriously write your congressman and explain the situation. I know of two separate americans who did this and actually got letters back from their elected officials addressed to the immigration department, supporting the applicants. They were issued visas immediately. Sometimes they do work for you.

Good luck next time,



When I went through the US Embassy system for my wife's visa, it seemed that the vast majority of people not in the fiance/wife line were students and not tourists. I have talked with people who have tourist visas and most of them were granted pre-9/11/01 with a validity period of 10 years. These were people with massive family and financial ties to Thailand. What I am saying is, for the average Thai there is no chance to be a tourist to the USA. I think its totally unfair but apparently its their policy.

What I can say for advice is that the K1 visa is NOT a committment to get married. You do need to sign a letter of intent to get married, but there is no restriction that says either of you cannot change your mind. The visa holder always has the option to return home within the 90 days granted. In fact, it is not impossible for the same couple to be granted a K1 more than one time - that is, the first 90 day visit did not result in a marriage but the couple wants to try again.

Also, for your part you are not locked in to this particular girl when you apply for a K1 visa for her. If it does not result in marriage you can later apply for a K1 visa for another person. Some say they start to frown on the third K1 application.

So, to recap, what you got from the staff was not unique to you two - they are institutionally discouraging tourist visas. K1 visa is not much of a problem.



This is NOT meant to be an anti-American post! I also have no problem with any country setting it's Visa requirements as it sees fit, whether this be conveniant for me or not.

However in the case of the USA, although I only visited once many years ago and have never really been tempted to go back (mainly cos their are many other places in the world I would prefer to see, rather than the fact I didn't like the US or the people) I am 99% unlikley to ever go for another visit due to the aggravation (whether real or perceived) for a VISA.

I have known several people who have had to either make a trip to the US Embassy in London for an interview or have had to wade through a lot of paperwork just to for a simple holiday or a business trip (where if it had not been work related they would just not have bothered). Admittedly some of this has been because of "self inflicted" reasons from well past minor criminal convictions, and one mate who wanted to learn to fly a light aircraft - which is perhaps understandable! - who after 6 months of chasing his own tail in paperwork, just gave up.

Add on the perceived uncertiantity of Dealing with US immigration on arrival who appear to have Carte Blanche to act as they see fit with foreigners who they THINK MAY have done something wrong............

Obviously I am not saying that the US of A is going to be ending up broke by losing a few Tourists! - but whilst protecting their borders they have perhaps forgotten that having folk visit to MEET Americans is actually a good thing, even in the War on Terror (LOL) and also that especially in Europe we have got very used to moving around countries without any VISA let alone a hassle in obtaining one. As I said, the USA IS a nice place, but IMO is NOT that wonderful a place to visit to make the VISA hassles worthwhile.

The only reason I am on this website and have been going through the hassle of finding out the rules and paperwork required for a UK visa is for the Missus - for any other reason I would just not bother. I do have better things in my life to do than fill out VISA paperwork!

But each to their own.


I hope that a few of the people who complain about visa's to visit Thailand and the Thai immigration read this thread.

I hope that a few of the people who complain about visa's to visit Thailand and the Thai immigration read this thread.

Agree 100%

Thailand's rules on visas, immigration and extension of stays are a breeze of simplicity compared to the most simple tourist visa to the USA.


A real shame, or is that "sham"? The OP complained about many things, but the essence of the problem is that HE didn't know what his relationalship to the woman is. If HE couldn't articulate what it is, how is the immigration official supposed to know? If the OP didn't know, what use is it to interview the woman? Please let the OP know that there is a difference between a "girlfriend" and a "fiancee".


"Please let the OP know that there is a difference between a "girlfriend" and a "fiancee"."

I appreciate what you are saying, but in the "real world" (away from VISa requirements) relationships are complex and can often exist without any firm plans set out for the future.

Of course folk soon learn to not be overly honest when dealing with VISA applications.

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