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Legal actions sought against financial backers of anti-govt protesters


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Well technically he's in caretaker mode but more importantly this arch criminal is awaiting the courts decision on his bail.

But of course you would have already known that if you'd bother to read your own link!

The lower court gave them a suspended sentence. This was the appellate court. The next court is the Supreme Court.

So, decision on bail and then the SC. Not in my lifetime.

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Isnt this guy supposed to be in jail? As a convicted criminal given a custodial sentence, why is Tarit listening to him? Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

"this guy" ? I hope you mean Suthep...

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Hey did you guys investigate Thaksin when he paid the Reds to burn down the city too?

These emotional comments based upon rumour and illegal methods of bringing down governments is irritating.

Why not increase your power by injecting some facts into your writing.

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Hey did you guys investigate Thaksin when he paid the Reds to burn down the city too?

These emotional comments based upon rumour and illegal methods of bringing down governments is irritating.

Why not increase your power by injecting some facts into your writing.

I am asking a legitimate question. If they are going to investigate the financial backers of a relatively peaceful protest then they bloody well investigate the person that backed a violent one.

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Apparently there are quite a number of elected/appointed taxpayer paid 'civil servents' who feel they are qualified legal experts, on how to use taxpayer funds to finance populist promises, (vote buying) These same individuals seem to think they have the authority to demand arrest warrents for, or file law suites, for what they consider offenses to their 'party line of thinking'

About the only charges that seem to be overlooked, is corruption, abuse of power, aiding criminal activity/elements, lack of perforance of duty, non response to legal decisions, etc. These charges, if filed could possibly result in a large percent of the taxper paid, politicans/civil servents being jailed, fired, or leaving the country, and the election date would become a moot point, as the lack of candiates from any party would not satisfy the requirements for holding a election.

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"Mr Prompong said the financiers should stop their support now that a general election has been officially announced."

Completely in line with what our dear (caretaking) PM had said when the first voices were heard regarding the modified amnesty bill "please be patient, there a whole process still to be followed, go home". The 'blanket amnesty bill' would have sailed through if no one had protested. Makes you wonder what other tricks Pheu Thai wants to come up with ermm.gif

Why are you angry. Talented politicians do find openings to push legislation forward. If they figure out how to do so yet do not try they are lousy politicians. Therefore I find the PTP effective.

The problem that has to be solved by the democrats is how to be a good and effective opposition. The methods they have chosen to in the past are mostly childish in that they rely on disinformation, constructing flawed arguments in the house and in aiding and abetting anarchists and trouble makers.

When the Democrats are back in government they will have to include policies that distribute the nation's wealth fairly in order to enable a wider spread of the electorate to feel included. For example This would be infinitely preferable to offering the working Thai a Baht 2,000 bonus for easing and then being unable to find the cash. Compare that to Yingluck's 'Tax Back' plans and you can see the the elite get a benefit that relates to their contribution to the GOP and the proletariat get a befit proportional to their contribution to GOP. The manufacturers were delighted and everyone was happy and the economy didn't collapse. The icing on the cake was that the government didn't have to spend a single baht on the project upfront.

Effective opposition always brings your party back to power eventually. So far the Democrats have done nothing in the last decade that will get them elected.

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Indyuk: Your first paragraph above does make sense when accepted by someone who preceives PT as 'doing no wrong'

Were you taught law in same school as those politicians, lawyers, etc who draft legistation or look for the loop holes in a legal system to stay out of jail, for their own or their clients, self serving/enriching acts? I would hope the present opposition would be planning and broadcasting how they could improve the lot of Thailand as the winner of a election, not the loser.

But whomever comes out on top, if corruption is to be controlled, the "good rat trap theory" needs to be adopted and supported. Even those who escaped the jaws of the trap will be subjected to extreme stress/discomfort.

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