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My Changing Preconceptions on "Real" Thai People

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Appears Peace has two sons who might help him raise the two girls.

I know great Thai people and very bad Thai people. I like the good good people.

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Sounds like a familiar attempt to portray poor as good, and rich as evil. These anecdotal attempts to support ones personal bias can be emotionally moving but are not very informative or constructive. Not labeling either extreme of society as “better”, might be more constructive and less divisive.

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GAZZPA...Can you post a larger version of your avatar? I've been staring at it for 10 minutes trying to figure it out..Even with the reading glasses, It's just too small.smile.png


great write op, there are some great people around when we take the time to look but unfortunately there are a lot that are just too caught up in themselves. I have only been here a couple of years full time but several locals wave and smile when they see me and a lot of them invite me in for a cold drink when I am walking past their houses. Like all countries there are good and bad but a lot of TV members people just look at the bad, especially when they have a misserable life style themsleves.........

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Sounds like a familiar attempt to portray poor as good, and rich as evil. These anecdotal attempts to support ones personal bias can be emotionally moving but are not very informative or constructive. Not labeling either extreme of society as “better”, might be more constructive and less divisive.

No it isn't, it is simply a testimony to a hard working man who despite not having money has taken on a huge responsibility. I have not made any reference to all rich people being evil, looks like you are reading what you want to read.


Sounds like a familiar attempt to portray poor as good, and rich as evil. These anecdotal attempts to support ones personal bias can be emotionally moving but are not very informative or constructive. Not labeling either extreme of society as “better”, might be more constructive and less divisive.

No it isn't, it is simply a testimony to a hard working man who despite not having money has taken on a huge responsibility. I have not made any reference to all rich people being evil, looks like you are reading what you want to read.

If you had left out the negative stereotyping of Hi-So, I might be more inclined to agree with you.

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What a freaking bore. The way OP writes as if there aren't any materialistic people from the west when it's the west that built capitalism and all the material trappings. Remember charging an arm and a leg for a bag all because it has a logo called "prada" on it or "lois vuitton" all of this came from the west and western ppl buy them and so do ppl from other countries rather than a similar bag from a flea market.

I find it rather silly and presumptous of OP to make such statements like thai ppl worship rich people what about the sports ppl like david beckham or kobe? What about rock stars and singer? These ppl are worshipping by millions of common sheep in the west.

I'll give it though that western ppl have a way of making everything seem more noble even though they behave exactly the same way as ppl in thailand.

Let's take a person donald trump. Rich guy behaves just like every rich guy the world over. Has women and knows how to control his underlings etc. Yet i am willing to bet ppl here think donald trump somehow is a more "noble" or a better person than a rich hi so thai person similar to him all because trump is a western guy.

Sounds really stupid but that's how people like you think.

Sounds like you need some medication, no one believes that ignorance is here and only here, you have many like you everywhere.


GAZZPA...Can you post a larger version of your avatar? I've been staring at it for 10 minutes trying to figure it out..Even with the reading glasses, It's just too small.smile.png

ha, ha. It's a picture of Vic Reeves and Bob Mortimer's fictional musical folk duo "Mulligan and O Hare". They are playing experimental musical instruments. Surreal comedy but very funny, see the links below.

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Being a product of happy carefree falangland, you guys just can't, and don't get it. "Good", and "bad" comes from the same source - quite a lot of Thais remember how does it feel to be hungry, and I mean real hunger here, not your Atkins discomfort. Having baggage like this changes your perspective big time, e.g. you'd be willing to do quite a lot of things to avoid feeling it again ever, and cheating/scamming some falang quay who throws his money into the ocean anyway is not the worst of them. On the other hand you wouldn't want anyone else, especially children, to have the same experience, and would not hesitate to adopt, if that's what it takes.


Sounds like a familiar attempt to portray poor as good, and rich as evil. These anecdotal attempts to support ones personal bias can be emotionally moving but are not very informative or constructive. Not labeling either extreme of society as “better”, might be more constructive and less divisive.

No it isn't, it is simply a testimony to a hard working man who despite not having money has taken on a huge responsibility. I have not made any reference to all rich people being evil, looks like you are reading what you want to read.

If you had left out the negative stereotyping of Hi-So, I might be more inclined to agree with you.

Ok, fair enough, didn't realize Hi So was considered negative stereotyping, thought it was on the same kilter as Farrang. Either way, i am not trying to portray myself as some kind of class warrior labeling all rich people as evil, as far as I can see i didn't do that at all.

Is my post biased, of course it is (as are most posts here) simply because it is my opinion which by it's very nature will be biased, if you want completely non biased sources for reading i recommend an instruction manual for an electric kettle. This is not a court of law or even an information bulletin board.

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Nice post. O P it's sad but most of the people around the globe measures success based on how much money they made in their lives.


I love it!!!!....OP writes a nice story about a decent human being.....and the TV snakes come out to find some fault....

I'm new to TV but it appears there are many bitter, unhappy "farangs" in Thailand (and on TV)....Too bad!!!! ...I'm one of the happy ones who has met many decent Thai's (and rotten ones)...but that is nothing different than the rest of the world.

Good Post


Same here... met a lot of good and bad here and in the UK. However, imagine the chaos in the UK if the law system was the same as here... It would be 10 times worse in the UK than it is here.


My general rule of thumb is that if someone (or some thing) wants or insists that they be believed to be "hi-so," then they generally aren't. Thus, the guy down the road who holds his head so high as a result of having that "fine government job," but berates and threatens his neighbors for complaining about "his" soi dogs isn't hi-so. Nor is the nearby mia noi of the retired policeman, who "lives in the big house," and stands in the road going all mental on her neighbors for not recognizing that she is hi-so (and she does seem to be all mental). And of course, there is absolutely nothing hi-so about the bar named "Hi-So" in town, much less the women hanging around out front.

Still, I know many Thai people whom I would consider to be hi-so. One who comes to mind just now is a fellow in a rural Thai village. He looks like lots of poor Thai country folk, wearing ratty clothes and dancing with his neighbors on the platform over there. You'd never know it from his words or behavior, but he's actually quite wealthy. In fact, there are quite a few relatively wealthy people scattered around the villages out there, who would never, ever, allude to being hi-so.

Not that it's the wealth that is the thing making them "hi-so." Probably, it's that they feel no need to compensate for anything, and are friendly and generous as appropriate with friends, neighbors and family.

Without regard to money, I would tend to think that Peace -- the fellow in the story -- is relatively hi-so. He has gone above and beyond the call in an effort to help others less fortunate. Those who insist we recognize and treat them as hi-so while they in turn treat all around them badly -- have no conception of "hi-so."

Applies without regard to race or nationality.

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What a freaking bore. The way OP writes as if there aren't any materialistic people from the west when it's the west that built capitalism and all the material trappings. Remember charging an arm and a leg for a bag all because it has a logo called "prada" on it or "lois vuitton" all of this came from the west and western ppl buy them and so do ppl from other countries rather than a similar bag from a flea market.

I find it rather silly and presumptous of OP to make such statements like thai ppl worship rich people what about the sports ppl like david beckham or kobe? What about rock stars and singer? These ppl are worshipping by millions of common sheep in the west.

I'll give it though that western ppl have a way of making everything seem more noble even though they behave exactly the same way as ppl in thailand.

Let's take a person donald trump. Rich guy behaves just like every rich guy the world over. Has women and knows how to control his underlings etc. Yet i am willing to bet ppl here think donald trump somehow is a more "noble" or a better person than a rich hi so thai person similar to him all because trump is a western guy.

Sounds really stupid but that's how people like you think.

U know the OP ?

From his posting.

From the looks of 1 one sentence posting we know you have nothing to retort.


I love it!!!!....OP writes a nice story about a decent human being.....and the TV snakes come out to find some fault....

I'm new to TV but it appears there are many bitter, unhappy "farangs" in Thailand (and on TV)....Too bad!!!! ...I'm one of the happy ones who has met many decent Thai's (and rotten ones)...but that is nothing different than the rest of the world.

Good Post


Whilst I agree it is a nice story, I note that those who agree and provide supportive anecdotes merely mention their observances, and decline any interpersonal experiences. The story is indeed nice, but I view it as the exception more than the rule. I see what every positive thinker here sees as well, but I am not blinded by the fact that "observing the beauty of the jungle does not dismiss the many pitfalls one undertakes if they choose to navigate said jungle".

Saying that Thais are decent is about as vague and ambiguous as one can get on the matter of the larger truths and realities here in lunatic land. Getting a thrill out of Thais who wave at you and smile at you and whom you interpret as hard workers, etc. etc. is, I guess, a good thing, if that is what really "does it" for you. It "does it" for me as well, but on a much smaller scale, and I do not feel compelled to express my joy when I get smiled at or waved at or observe a down-trodden Thai who appears to be hard working.

The truly odd thing I find about this "nice" post is that one even feels compelled to make a post at all to call out such a contrasting scenario, which... according to those who agree with the OP, feel that this is an everyday thing. Were this true, then why does one feel compelled to mention the obvious, and approvingly clap hands at this celebration of mediocrity; ... all whilst name-calling those who, I feel, are a bit more wise towards the truth?

I'll grant you the time to share stories like this, simply because I enjoy them as much as anyone else. But when the story is told and it's time to get back to reality, please dispense with bludgeoning my opposing views with sordid name calling.

I sincerely appreciate the nice story, but it is time for me to turn out the lights and get some sleep before dealing with the realities of what tomorrow will bring if I am not alert, on my toes, and using the eyes in the front, back, and sides of my head, when I am walking, driving, riding, asking, requesting, searching, listening, about to hand over things of value, etc. and etc. Those realities, in my view, are emphatically more relevant to daily living here than merely regaling people with what I have been observing.

All my respect to the OP.wai2.gif

What a freaking bore. The way OP writes as if there aren't any materialistic people from the west when it's the west that built capitalism and all the material trappings. Remember charging an arm and a leg for a bag all because it has a logo called "prada" on it or "lois vuitton" all of this came from the west and western ppl buy them and so do ppl from other countries rather than a similar bag from a flea market.

I find it rather silly and presumptous of OP to make such statements like thai ppl worship rich people what about the sports ppl like david beckham or kobe? What about rock stars and singer? These ppl are worshipping by millions of common sheep in the west.

I'll give it though that western ppl have a way of making everything seem more noble even though they behave exactly the same way as ppl in thailand.

Let's take a person donald trump. Rich guy behaves just like every rich guy the world over. Has women and knows how to control his underlings etc. Yet i am willing to bet ppl here think donald trump somehow is a more "noble" or a better person than a rich hi so thai person similar to him all because trump is a western guy.

Sounds really stupid but that's how people like you think.

Ultimate dribble !

Reading this very uncalled for response reminded me to put the garbage out. Usually I am reminded when reading topics involving Thaksin/PTP/redshirt terrorists biggrin.png

All we need is one of these -


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What a freaking bore. The way OP writes as if there aren't any materialistic people from the west when it's the west that built capitalism and all the material trappings. Remember charging an arm and a leg for a bag all because it has a logo called "prada" on it or "lois vuitton" all of this came from the west and western ppl buy them and so do ppl from other countries rather than a similar bag from a flea market.

I find it rather silly and presumptous of OP to make such statements like thai ppl worship rich people what about the sports ppl like david beckham or kobe? What about rock stars and singer? These ppl are worshipping by millions of common sheep in the west.

I'll give it though that western ppl have a way of making everything seem more noble even though they behave exactly the same way as ppl in thailand.

Let's take a person donald trump. Rich guy behaves just like every rich guy the world over. Has women and knows how to control his underlings etc. Yet i am willing to bet ppl here think donald trump somehow is a more "noble" or a better person than a rich hi so thai person similar to him all because trump is a western guy.

Sounds really stupid but that's how people like you think.


What sounds really stupid to me is your reply to the opps nice post.

  • Like 1

What a freaking bore. The way OP writes as if there aren't any materialistic people from the west when it's the west that built capitalism and all the material trappings. Remember charging an arm and a leg for a bag all because it has a logo called "prada" on it or "lois vuitton" all of this came from the west and western ppl buy them and so do ppl from other countries rather than a similar bag from a flea market.

I find it rather silly and presumptous of OP to make such statements like thai ppl worship rich people what about the sports ppl like david beckham or kobe? What about rock stars and singer? These ppl are worshipping by millions of common sheep in the west.

I'll give it though that western ppl have a way of making everything seem more noble even though they behave exactly the same way as ppl in thailand.

Let's take a person donald trump. Rich guy behaves just like every rich guy the world over. Has women and knows how to control his underlings etc. Yet i am willing to bet ppl here think donald trump somehow is a more "noble" or a better person than a rich hi so thai person similar to him all because trump is a western guy.

Sounds really stupid but that's how people like you think.

Wow. Are you always this unpleasant and angry? Or are you just having a bad day? And talk about "presumptuous" ... you're a champion.


All generalizations are false, including this one

I would take the opposite tack, most generalizations are true to some portion of the population that you are describing.

Thanks for the truism. Anything and everything is "true to SOME PORTION of the population."


how can a single man

that is rarely home

adopt 2 young children ?

which agency would even allow that ????

So you know all the details of the situation, do you? How nice of you to be so concerned about the two happy girls who love their new father. Maybe the state can take them away and ease your concerns.


I love it!!!!....OP writes a nice story about a decent human being.....and the TV snakes come out to find some fault....

I'm new to TV but it appears there are many bitter, unhappy "farangs" in Thailand (and on TV)....Too bad!!!! ...I'm one of the happy ones who has met many decent Thai's (and rotten ones)...but that is nothing different than the rest of the world.

Good Post


Whilst I agree it is a nice story, I note that those who agree and provide supportive anecdotes merely mention their observances, and decline any interpersonal experiences. The story is indeed nice, but I view it as the exception more than the rule. I see what every positive thinker here sees as well, but I am not blinded by the fact that "observing the beauty of the jungle does not dismiss the many pitfalls one undertakes if they choose to navigate said jungle".

Saying that Thais are decent is about as vague and ambiguous as one can get on the matter of the larger truths and realities here in lunatic land. Getting a thrill out of Thais who wave at you and smile at you and whom you interpret as hard workers, etc. etc. is, I guess, a good thing, if that is what really "does it" for you. It "does it" for me as well, but on a much smaller scale, and I do not feel compelled to express my joy when I get smiled at or waved at or observe a down-trodden Thai who appears to be hard working.

The truly odd thing I find about this "nice" post is that one even feels compelled to make a post at all to call out such a contrasting scenario, which... according to those who agree with the OP, feel that this is an everyday thing. Were this true, then why does one feel compelled to mention the obvious, and approvingly clap hands at this celebration of mediocrity; ... all whilst name-calling those who, I feel, are a bit more wise towards the truth?

I'll grant you the time to share stories like this, simply because I enjoy them as much as anyone else. But when the story is told and it's time to get back to reality, please dispense with bludgeoning my opposing views with sordid name calling.

I sincerely appreciate the nice story, but it is time for me to turn out the lights and get some sleep before dealing with the realities of what tomorrow will bring if I am not alert, on my toes, and using the eyes in the front, back, and sides of my head, when I am walking, driving, riding, asking, requesting, searching, listening, about to hand over things of value, etc. and etc. Those realities, in my view, are emphatically more relevant to daily living here than merely regaling people with what I have been observing.

All my respect to the OP.wai2.gif

You "sincerely appreciate the nice story" and yet keep negating it. I, for one, don't mind reading about the "obvious" if it's a nice story. Very often in life we need to be reminded of the obvious ... which can easily be forgotten because its ... well ... obvious.


It is a nice story regardless of who tries to pick holes in it.

There are good and bad everywhere and just like the OP says, it's nice to see that not all of our hosts are chasing the Baht.

Believe it or not, people with money are “real” too. They have been known to raise children, work hard, help others and contribute charitable causes. Some have studied very hard and ended up in jobs which compensate them handsomely. They should not be considered shallow because they are well paid for their hard work.

The people I know do not go around casting aspersions on people who are not as fortunate as they are. They are not rude or offensive in their manner and are indeed proud of people who live admirable lives, regardless of their socioeconomic background.

I have read many topics where affluent Thais are spoken of in disparaging terms but seldom have I seen those Thais treat others in the way they are portrayed. Perhaps I have just been associating with “unreal” Thais during my 36 years of living here. I much prefer my unreal world to the one many others seem to be living in.smile.png

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I find it rather silly and presumptous of OP to make such statements like thai ppl worship rich people what about the sports ppl like david beckham or kobe? What about rock stars and singer? These ppl are worshipping by millions of common sheep in the west.

I'll give it though that western ppl have a way of making everything seem more noble even though they behave exactly the same way as ppl in thailand.

Let's take a person donald trump. Rich guy behaves just like every rich guy the world over. Has women and knows how to control his underlings etc. Yet i am willing to bet ppl here think donald trump somehow is a more "noble" or a better person than a rich hi so thai person similar to him all because trump is a western guy.

Sounds really stupid but that's how people like you think.

Would that be the wealthy millionaire footballer David Beckham, recently valued at $300m?


ultimate weapon. what you had to say was mostly good. then you fell off the deep end. started pointing finger at man of great achievement. man you judge with never even talking with him. he is part of my peer group though graduated from different military academy than I. you meant well but ended up being the pot that called the kettle black. what we say as closing statement rings louder than whatever we may have said before. no disrespect implied or intended. that is how gentlemen of all races, colors and creeds speak with one another, Sir.


I love it!!!!....OP writes a nice story about a decent human being.....and the TV snakes come out to find some fault....

I'm new to TV but it appears there are many bitter, unhappy "farangs" in Thailand (and on TV)....Too bad!!!! ...I'm one of the happy ones who has met many decent Thai's (and rotten ones)...but that is nothing different than the rest of the world.

Good Post


Thanks for saying what was on my mind, though "snake" is too tame a word for me.

I've known Peace for around 4 years and he is everything the OP says. His two young adopted daugthers are adorable. And he lives in Pattaya, so many farang in this tourist trap may have the pleasure of meeting him one day.

Sounded like a decent bloke until you mentioned Pattaya. This is not a good place for young girls to be brought up.

How come so many foreigners get to meet this guy?

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