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Pheu Thai rebuffs Election Commission


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I don't see the point in a delay. Yingluck will still be caretaker anyway. The Democrats main reason for wanting this is so they have longer to sort themselves out from the complete mess they've got themselves into, I suppose. Forget about 'reforms before election'. It isn't going to happen. There's no credible neutral party who could carry out reforms for the best interests of the country and it's far from clear what reforms are needed anyway. What interested parties should do is go with Chaturon's suggestion that they sit down, work out what reforms are needed, then whoever is elected pledges to carry out those reforms within two years before dissolving the house again. If they don't carry out the reforms as pledged, the public can hold them to account. By far the best solution.

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I don't see the point in a delay. Yingluck will still be caretaker anyway. The Democrats main reason for wanting this is so they have longer to sort themselves out from the complete mess they've got themselves into, I suppose. Forget about 'reforms before election'. It isn't going to happen. There's no credible neutral party who could carry out reforms for the best interests of the country and it's far from clear what reforms are needed anyway. What interested parties should do is go with Chaturon's suggestion that they sit down, work out what reforms are needed, then whoever is elected pledges to carry out those reforms within two years before dissolving the house again. If they don't carry out the reforms as pledged, the public can hold them to account. By far the best solution.

Hold them to account is what currently happens, I'd say.

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Boycott any fake election. This mob of thaksin sicophants can have their soviet /north Korean style election and reap the whirlwind after.The Democratic party must not have any part in the so called "election".

Sometimes the level gets scary low here on TV!!coffee1.gif

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ManopY wrote

The Pheu Thai Spokesmen is very well know for lying!

He is a convicted criminal for false accusation! ...


Can you expand on this? Who did he falsely accuse and when?

I guess that would be good reading. At least PTP knows, that he seems to have his way with words...

And about the people realizing, that no government is better than this, let's keep quiet about it. This is a dirty little secret, that may under no circumstabces get out and among the people. That would mean anarchy?!?!?!?

Sam <A like anarchy> M.

with a biig grin

For your information.
Pheu Thai spokesman gets one-year jailterm without suspension.
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4) Not to flame fellow members.Flaming will not be tolerated. 'Flaming' is defined as posting or responding to a message in a way clearly intended to incite useless arguments, to launch personal attacks, to insult, or to be hateful towards other members. This includes useless criticism, name-calling, swearing and any other comments meant to incite anger.

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I don't see the point in a delay. Yingluck will still be caretaker anyway. The Democrats main reason for wanting this is so they have longer to sort themselves out from the complete mess they've got themselves into, I suppose. Forget about 'reforms before election'. It isn't going to happen. There's no credible neutral party who could carry out reforms for the best interests of the country and it's far from clear what reforms are needed anyway. What interested parties should do is go with Chaturon's suggestion that they sit down, work out what reforms are needed, then whoever is elected pledges to carry out those reforms within two years before dissolving the house again. If they don't carry out the reforms as pledged, the public can hold them to account. By far the best solution.

Hold them to account is what currently happens, I'd say.

I'd say that's what they *were* doing, a month ago. Now they're trying to get their people put in place - unelected - to carry out mostly unspecified reforms, which in practice will amount to little more than repression of pro-PT elements and some sort of electoral gerrymandering. Once they've rejigged the electoral system enough and carried out their 're-education' of rural voters, then they'll finally allow the public to go to the polls. But only when they're sure they'll get the right result.

Otherwise there's no point doing this... it'll be 2006 all over again, but they're not going to give up power so easily this time because they know this is going to be their last shot at this. The idea that this can happen without another massive red uprising, chaos and bodies on the streets is absurdly optimistic, even if you believe that these 'reforms' would be in the best interests of the country. History has shown any such belief to be naive and one would think that those who still actually believe this must be especially credulous. Of course, there are many who see through the nonsense about 'reform', and see this for what it is, 'the last gasp of Thai dynastic paternalism'. Yet there are many who know that and would still take it over Thaksin.

At least they're honest. As Chris Baker said though, "If you think for a minute about what Suthep is proposing - an 18 month interim parliamentary government while they think up reform - which is what they did after the coup (2006) and they want to try it again - it's outrageous - really outrageous. There seems to be this extraordinary faith that this process which has been done countless times before without achieving anything will suddenly deliver nirvana - unbelievable, he said."

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Reasons to postpone

_ A poll can be delayed by 30 days via royal decree if there is civil unrest, floods, fire or other eventualities (according to Article 78 of the 2007 Constitution's organic law on elections);


From the Organic Act on Election of Members of the House of Representatives and Installation of Senators, B.E. 2550:

Section 78 In the case where the polling at any polling station could not be made
because of the riot, flood, fire, force majeure or another case of necessity, if such event has
occurred prior to the election day, the Committee of polling station shall determine a new
polling place where the voters shall be able to cast a vote conveniently. If the new polling
place cannot be determined, the Committee of polling station shall announce the cancellation
of vote-casting in such station and shall forthwith report such incident to the Election
In the case where an incident under paragraph one occurs on the election day, the
Committee of constituency or the Committee of polling station shall announce the
cancellation of the vote-casting in such station and report such incident to the Election
Commission urgently.
The Election Commission shall forthwith determine a new polling day of such polling
station or decide differently in accordance with the rules and procedure prescribed by the
Election Commission.
In carrying out the action under paragraph three, if the Election Commission is of the
opinion that it cannot act in such a way to comply with the provisions of Section 8, it shall
provide a new vote-casting for such polling station as appropriate without having to conform
to the time limit as prescribed in paragraph three.
  1. Nothing about a Royal Decree.
  2. Applies only to individual polling stations, not to the whole country.
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citing the police capture of about 900 pingpong bombs from a couple in Nakhon Si Thammarat province.

... which the police are keeping secret, since they never have media conferences showing people pointing at criminals. whistling.gif

No, they just don't want to get close to them, even for a photo opportunity.

Preposterous! there is no known way to stop a Thai police officer from posing for a photo.

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Boycott any fake election. This mob of thaksin sicophants can have their soviet /north Korean style election and reap the whirlwind after.The Democratic party must not have any part in the so called "election".

Sometimes the level gets scary low here on TV!!coffee1.gif

That is true soi41 you routinely bring our level way down !

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Suthep wants his peoples council in place for about 18 months..ummm. Without sitting down to discuss with his 'known 300 of 400 members' he can truly say 18 months minimum. The '18' months is significant...go work out why hes after a power grab and now. Who will benefit if he is successful and are these benefactors the biggest losers, for their treatment of Thaksin, if he is unable to install his Peoples Council.....

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The Pheu Thai Spokesmen is very well know for lying!

He is a convicted criminal for false accusation!

You want to see what support he receive from the peoples, look live => http://www.blueskychannel.tv/

Could someone please explain to me why this miscreant is still at large? He was given a jail sentence, with no suspension; in any other "democracy" he would now be behind bars...!!

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Boycott any fake election. This mob of thaksin sicophants can have their soviet /north Korean style election and reap the whirlwind after.The Democratic party must not have any part in the so called "election".

Sometimes the level gets scary low here on TV!!coffee1.gif

...and it's invariably down to you, fab4, gerry and the rest of you red shirt apologists...!!

Edited by GeorgeO
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Tune into Blue Sky TV !

Witness the thousands of Thai people supporting Mr Sethup.

See hundereds (?thousands) of Bht being freely donated to the cause !

Truly an awe inspiring sight.

... and not inspired by populist policies, but simply based upon ridding this country of the endemic corruption that Thaksin and his cronies have propelled to new heights...!!

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What are the names of these cronies that have helped propel corruption to new heights. And remember the libel laws in this country.

Which given your certainty, can easily be avoided by simply citing their convictions.

Or are you relying on one of those good ol' 'everybody knows...' kinds of 'proof'.

As if this has anything to do with corruption.

What will happen after the 18 months and Corruption is still visible-- ie- the sale of illegal pharmacueticals right under the noses of the local cops- Another 18 months? '

18 years?

In a country where law is at best a suggestion and not sancrosanct, and to be used only when it serves to beat down a comptetitor or enemy (usually the same)-- only a fool would believe that these people seriously want to stamp out corruption.

I think though- just me speakin' here- that a lot of Thais are sick of their own corruption- sick of being singled out in the world as a corrupt nation- and seek a skapegoat.

That plays very well into the hands of elements who would seek to deny the masses the franchise.

And for even larger more insidious and mysterious agendas.

And all these people marching- and spewing their hate on TV-- 'useful idiots'


Edited by blaze
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What are the names of these cronies that have helped propel corruption to new heights. And remember the libel laws in this country.

Which given your certainty, can easily be avoided by simply citing their convictions.

Or are you relying on one of those good ol' 'everybody knows...' kinds of 'proof'.

As if this has anything to do with corruption.

What will happen after the 18 months and Corruption is still visible-- ie- the sale of illegal pharmacueticals right under the noses of the local cops- Another 18 months? '

18 years?

In a country where law is at best a suggestion and not sancrosanct, and to be used only when it serves to beat down a comptetitor or enemy (usually the same)-- only a fool would believe that these people seriously want to stamp out corruption.

I think though- just me speakin' here- that a lot of Thais are sick of their own corruption- sick of being singled out in the world as a corrupt nation- and seek a skapegoat.

That plays very well into the hands of elements who would seek to deny the masses the franchise.

And for even larger more insidious and mysterious agendas.

And all these people marching- and spewing their hate on TV-- 'useful idiots'


Or just perhaps they prefer the corruption in small covert measures rather that, In your face, overt massive tsunamis that threaten to sink the boat. Then when people complain, are justified by we have the mandate so we can what we want.

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Tune into Blue Sky TV !

Witness the thousands of Thai people supporting Mr Sethup.

See hundereds (?thousands) of Bht being freely donated to the cause !

Truly an awe inspiring sight.

Now you see that the Thai people are serious about the need for change ! Donating !!! Instead of recieving for a vote, truly amazing.

Never ever seen this !

Yes inspiring

Interesting fact. If this was the north or northeast, they'd all be out screaming at Yingluck in adoration looking for a handout.

She was in Roi Et yesterday but it must have been a very low profile occasion.

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Some here are beginning to sound just like the crap spewed by e tep and his wallet warriors , intheclub.gif.pagespeed.ce.TVIbELwsxN.gi

If that link http://www.mcot.net/site/content?id=52b2d100150ba00451000242#.UrSV1dJdXh6 is a true report and no reason to say it isnt..... they wernt going fishing with them but the south is such a peaceful place of course so probably its all an innocent misunderstanding ......... whistling.giffacepalm.gif

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