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N Korea threatens to strike South without warning


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Anyone who has worked in China will attest that they have no real love for the Japanese. The south Koreans favour the Japanese. The Chinese will leave North Korea alone just to spite the Japanese. The Koreans are unique. The Chinese know it as do the Japanese. What has to be asked in this regional situation is just exactly what do the Americans want from this region? Or is it just an overall love of turning things into glass car parks?

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The US has security agreements with a number of countries in the area and we have agreed to assist in their national defense. Our presence in their territorial waters and at their bases is with the permission of the various gov'ts involved.

If they don't the US there, it would be more than happy to go home and save a lot of money.

The US, however, isn't particularly interested in cleaning up the mess they make when they start making 'glass parking lots' of each other's cities.

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Japan and China both NEVER want to see a re-united Korea. Both will continue to encourage the hostilities. A reunited Korea would be an economic powerhouse, rivaling China, and quickly surpassing Japan, as South Korea has almost done already. Also, a hostile regime in N. Korea keeps USA active as "protector" in S. China Sea and SE Asia.

Free analysis by: Machaivelli & Associates: Florence, City of London, New York, Sinagapore, Dubai, UAE.

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I used to have a fax machine. I later had a fax program on my computer.

Hey, I even used to have a land line. coffee1.gif

One can't help but wonder how reliable their missile guidance systems are..!

Wouldn't it be something to see them all going up in the air, fizzling out, and falling straight back down....!! Oohhh Shiiiiiiiiiittttt...!!

The size of North Korea's land forces probably shouldn't be underestimated, including artillery & armor. Outfitting and material condition are another question perhaps, but setting something in motion on the peninsula that can only be responded to in real time with the nuclear option, because reinforcing to a credible opposing force level would take time, isn't altogether beyond imagining.

Frankly, I strongly suspect nuclear deterrance is pretty much what's kept this dynasty of psychotics in check all these years. I shudder to think what their acquisition of nuclear weapons would do to this calculus.

Edited by hawker9000
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N Korea threatens to strike South without warning

Hmmmm that sounds like a threat to me.........if you are standing in front of me yelling "I'm gonna kick your ........." by the time the last syllable came out I would have hit you already - S Korea are not chumps - they may be outnumbered 30 to 1 but can be devils in battle, The goose stepping Northerners can't fight themselves, they only fight under orders...............I fear both the North & the South - if N stikes the S nuclear, the caualties will be in the millions on both sides of the fence. S Korea will not back down.

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I recall having read that the uncle was probably instrumental in keeping Dear Leader in check and adverting last stand off. Dear Leader just killed off uncle and starts the threats again within a week. US may view Ithe threats a but differently with uncle out of the way.

Ooooo! This might be more interesting than the protestors. I think I might watch to see what happens next.

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N Korea threatens to strike South without warning

Hmmmm that sounds like a threat to me.........if you are standing in front of me yelling "I'm gonna kick your ........." by the time the last syllable came out I would have hit you already - S Korea are not chumps - they may be outnumbered 30 to 1 but can be devils in battle, The goose stepping Northerners can't fight themselves, they only fight under orders...............I fear both the North & the South - if N stikes the S nuclear, the caualties will be in the millions on both sides of the fence. S Korea will not back down.

How about a jolly good conventional war. Send in the glorious Glosters again............But perhaps they may politely decline.

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The US has security agreements with a number of countries in the area and we have agreed to assist in their national defense. Our presence in their territorial waters and at their bases is with the permission of the various gov'ts involved.

If they don't the US there, it would be more than happy to go home and save a lot of money.

The US, however, isn't particularly interested in cleaning up the mess they make when they start making 'glass parking lots' of each other's cities.

I agree with everything you say except that we be happy to go if asked.

We are not there for altruistic reasons and did not sign the security agreements because we felt generous at the time.

We are there because we have strategic interests to protect and until these strategic interest are satisfied we are not going anywhere unless we are forced to.

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The US has security agreements with a number of countries in the area and we have agreed to assist in their national defense. Our presence in their territorial waters and at their bases is with the permission of the various gov'ts involved.

If they don't the US there, it would be more than happy to go home and save a lot of money.

The US, however, isn't particularly interested in cleaning up the mess they make when they start making 'glass parking lots' of each other's cities.

I agree with everything you say except that we be happy to go if asked.

We are not there for altruistic reasons and did not sign the security agreements because we felt generous at the time.

We are there because we have strategic interests to protect and until these strategic interest are satisfied we are not going anywhere unless we are forced to.

We have some strategic interests, but mostly we have security agreements, especially with Japan who we agreed to protect when they wee forced to change the status of their military after WWII. We also have agreements with Taiwan. A few other countries, such as the Philippines, are asking for some protection.

I would guess that Australia probably gets a little nervous when things get rocky in the area as well.

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The US has security agreements with a number of countries in the area and we have agreed to assist in their national defense. Our presence in their territorial waters and at their bases is with the permission of the various gov'ts involved.

If they don't the US there, it would be more than happy to go home and save a lot of money.

The US, however, isn't particularly interested in cleaning up the mess they make when they start making 'glass parking lots' of each other's cities.

I agree with everything you say except that we be happy to go if asked.

We are not there for altruistic reasons and did not sign the security agreements because we felt generous at the time.

We are there because we have strategic interests to protect and until these strategic interest are satisfied we are not going anywhere unless we are forced to.

We have some strategic interests, but mostly we have security agreements, especially with Japan who we agreed to protect when they wee forced to change the status of their military after WWII. We also have agreements with Taiwan. A few other countries, such as the Philippines, are asking for some protection.

I would guess that Australia probably gets a little nervous when things get rocky in the area as well.

There are more than "some strategic interests"

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"Sent a fax"

Awesome technology....bet South Korea sh1t itself.....laughing!

Here's the dynamic dimwit at his modern streamlined fax machine, sending the message while ordering pizzas..


Which is heavier, your main battle tank or your dear leader?

Good thing I guess there wasn't a paper jam that afternoon at the S Korean Defense Ministry. A paper jam and we'd probably never have any warning the North was preparing to strike without warning. blink.png

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Seoul is 35 miles from the border, so I think that last thing anyone wants to do is to start threatening to turn its car parks into glass.

I'm fairly certain South Korea has a stack of standard pre-written responses to the North's occasional dummy spitting.

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