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I have a little girl who speaks Thai nearly all the time. At the moment I always use English, which is suggested. My wife doesn't speak much English. Is it fair for my wife if I speak English all the time to my daughter? They ar about equal in their command of English now. I suppose my wife's English will improve. I have lost any concerns that I had about the little one not learning English. I decided not to send her to an International school program as I don't think it's worth he financial burden it would put on me. We buy her books that have Thai/English and her mother reads the Thai and then I the English - is this the best thing to do?

Also, when I'm out amongst Thai people who can't speak English, especially other kid, should I speak Thai? I feel when speaking English that the others don't understand makes my little princess look different, and this might get the others to resent her for being 'better'. My knowledge of Thai is pretty good, but I speak with a strong Scots accent(so maybe my English is not so good :D ).

Any comments appreciated. :o


I strongly suggest that you continue to speak English with your daughter. You don't say how old she is but it can only help her to become a native english speaker.

I spoke english with my nephew (who lived next door to me until about 3 years ago) for everything, in front of his parents, in front of his friends. He became quite a good English speaker and then they moved away, and he slowly lost his speaking ability. So, as you can see, if you don't use it, she will lose it.


I used to work with a guy who grew up in both the US and the UK. He spoke Thai to his two daughters and once complained to me how the oldest one lost much of her English speaking ability. This guy should know better, especially since he's a teacher. In his situation, the kids are getting native and non-native Thai...no wonder their English sucks!


Why don't you just speak English at home - that way your wife's English will also improve -I only speak English with my wife and her English is excellent - we went back and lived in Peterhead for about 3 years and she even managed to cope with Doric!

Don't worry about your daughter feeling self-concious about speaking English with her Dad - think about the bigger picture. You have no need to speak Thai with her - she obviously has no shortage of people to speak Thai with. Another thing you can do is pretend that you don't understand Thai - and that will make sure she doesn't get lazy!

I think that if you speak English to your daughter in front of other Thais they will be completely amazed and think that your daughter is some dort of prodigy!

we went back and lived in Peterhead for about 3 years and she even managed to cope with Doric!

My wife couldn't understand hardly anything my Grandmother said when we were in Aberdeen last Xmas. I have difficulty myself sometimes.

I'll continue to speak Thai only with her, unless it she doesn't understand a word. Then I'll translate it but emphasing the English word.


I'd agree: just keep speaking English to your daughter and dont worry about what other people think. There are one million things kids can pick to bully somebody about (glasses, braces, looks, speech, behaviour, clothes, parents, money... etc.), and I doubt this particular one will be a major problem.

Of course she will grow up to speak with your accent (unless she spends a lot of time in another English speaking area before late puberty, in which case she might switch), and this accent may daunt her future English teachers... but never mind, the accent will just give her a bit of extra character. :o


Well all the Thai/Scottish kids seem to become superstars anyway!

'Bird' Thonchai McIntyre, Kathleeya and Willie McIntosh but a few, but I don't think they have a Scottish accent when they speak english!.


I'd certainly recommend you only speak English to her, unless there's a group of Thai kids. I've spoken English to my daughter (from my first marraige) since she was small, even though my wife and I were both Afrikaans, simply because speaking English well will open many doors to her throughout her life.



Your daughter has excellent chance to become a bilingual global citizen, knowledge of English is very important today and don’t mind the accent. Talk to her in English all the time, except the environment requires otherwise (in a group of Thai people). Try to arrange for her English education from kindergarten to college. Do not deny her this great opportunity.

Don’t think about the difficulties of today – estimate the benefits she will have in 15-20 years when she will start life (with a big letter “L”)

Best regards

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