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girlfriend hunting on the net part 2


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at this point I really cbf and snatch the opportunity, shes blocked

Humm ... "I really cbf and snatch the opportunity" ... anyone up for a translation?

"i really can't be f**ked and snatch the opportunity" i think he means he can't be bothered to trawl anymore so he accepts that girl and "snatches" the opportunity with her,,, or at least i think thats what it says..

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My goal is to minimize the steps from email to bed. It's not even about the sex, it's the challenge to see how fast and easy I can get it. There's some things in life I don't want to work or pay for...

Sickening post.

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Internet dating is played out. The fad has passed. It was fun 10 years ago when it was new and exciting.

NO PLEASE giggle.gif.pagespeed.ce.AcGRO3FsZu.gif stop saying that, how will i meet so many yummy girls, if the Internet Dating thing stops or goes out of fashion,, i will cry, it's a game i have learn't to play after so many years and i love it,,, there are so many catch phrases and tag words i have learn't over the years that help me understand the game and i want to keep playing,,, my best phrase,, i'm poor i have no money, d-e-l-e-t-e or get a job you cow. So i keep going as long as i can, it's also great because i have met so many wonderful people all over Thailand and it has got me to every corner of this country and i love it,, still single but happy, (so is my wallet)

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My goal is to minimize the steps from email to bed. It's not even about the sex, it's the challenge to see how fast and easy I can get it. There's some things in life I don't want to work or pay for...

Sickening post.

I must admit ... wasn't a highlight for me either ... dry.png


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at this point I really cbf and snatch the opportunity, shes blocked

Humm ... "I really cbf and snatch the opportunity" ... anyone up for a translation?

"i really can't be f**ked and snatch the opportunity" i think he means he can't be bothered to trawl anymore so he accepts that girl and "snatches" the opportunity with her,,, or at least i think thats what it says..

You know you can get a ban for writing nasty words like that, even though it is not a nasty word, it is perceived as a nasty word even though it is disguised with the ** and is in every second movie at the cinema these days.....shame on you.

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I've met up with a few off dating sites here. I've always had them send saucy and semi-nude photos first.

Unfortunately the dates have all been horrific as I'm not the female lesbian I happened to say I am.

As opposed to male lesbian??

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Dating sites like Thailovelinks are handy cos they allow you to filter ....if you want an intelligent woman, only do a search for women with a Bachelor's or better. If you want someone slim, look for the height/weight ratio. If you want a woman with no kids, and so on.

Up to you after your search to meet for coffee and see if there is chemistry. If you want an intelligent long-lasting relationship, be sober when you are meeting her. Sex is never an issue...it is available on the second date (at latest), so what you need to know before going that far is: how many in her family, what sort of job does she have, does she have a sense of humour, how is her English and so on. If you have brains yourself, you will be able to sort out the good from the bad. Just don't forget that their interest in you is, first and foremost, economic. If you are generous to them, they will be generous to you. Nothing wrong with that sort of 'contract'.

Just don't fall violently in love. Keep your wits about you. LISTEN for the red flag issues, just as you would in your home country.

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at this point I really cbf and snatch the opportunity, shes blocked

Humm ... "I really cbf and snatch the opportunity" ... anyone up for a translation?

"i really can't be f**ked and snatch the opportunity" i think he means he can't be bothered to trawl anymore so he accepts that girl and "snatches" the opportunity with her,,, or at least i think thats what it says..

Exactly the opposite,actually.

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I would have thought that a dating site with photos would solve all your problems, as well as finding out how many followers you might be expected to support and so on. If truthful right from the start, then you can know a great deal before meeting, and find the kind of person(s) you want!

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Personally if she's flipped out on you once already it's hardly the most auspicious of starts, I'd steer well clear and head back to the bars. At least then you can see the goods and establish a rapport (of sorts) before you move on with things.

I can't understand this internet dating thing. At least in a bar you can have a good drink and a laugh; the end result always seems to be the same.The internet thing seems to be popular with blokes who would rather say they met their hooker I mean girlfriend anywhere but in a bar....you know the type who will spend several hours convincing anyone who listens their lass is ''different'' before she skins him to the bone as they're so wrapped up in the fact she's not a bar girl, they develop a false sense of security and their guard is down.

From what I can gather, this internet dating caper is as fraught with exactly the same risks as pulling a dolly from a bar as most of these lasses seem 'too good to be true'' until the poor sap, finds out they're not what they seem or the "nice sweet "educated" lass (no kids) he's been carousing with online for the last few weeks has had more cock than Bernard Matthews (if you'll pardon the coarse turn of phrase) and has popped out more offspring than the average soi dog....usually when it's way too late and they wind up with egg all over their face....

The dating game can be fun, why not go for it in the real world?

Dunno about "now" but when I used it 99% were pretty straight up and not "hookers"

But what do I know? only married 7 years, ask me again in 20 years, Im retired she pays for everything out of her salary.

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Personally I wouldn't want to pick up a "working" girl, but I could care less if others do.

My point is that many of the girls on these sites are exactly that ....

+1....It's the modern way to find customers...

But would that be fined?


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Dating sites like Thailovelinks are handy cos they allow you to filter ....if you want an intelligent woman, only do a search for women with a Bachelor's or better. If you want someone slim, look for the height/weight ratio. If you want a woman with no kids, and so on.

Up to you after your search to meet for coffee and see if there is chemistry. If you want an intelligent long-lasting relationship, be sober when you are meeting her. Sex is never an issue...it is available on the second date (at latest), so what you need to know before going that far is: how many in her family, what sort of job does she have, does she have a sense of humour, how is her English and so on. If you have brains yourself, you will be able to sort out the good from the bad. Just don't forget that their interest in you is, first and foremost, economic. If you are generous to them, they will be generous to you. Nothing wrong with that sort of 'contract'.

Just don't fall violently in love. Keep your wits about you. LISTEN for the red flag issues, just as you would in your home country.

The sanest and most factual post here, exactly what I found out years ago.

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I like women who can eat a decent meal (rarely a problem with Thais or Filipinas), drink and laugh till dawn - students aside, that just isn't something I would subject a 'good' Thai girl to, and at 55 I'm a little too old for university students. How many women with a real job to go to the following day want to hang out with a party animal on a weeknight ? Not many, methinks.

The comment earlier that punters see an evening with a bargirl as a 'date' isn't my experience at all - I'm a customer and she's a service provider. I don't do GFE and I definitely dont hold anyone's hands, but nor am I prepared to accept the 'vending machine' approach that some working girls want to maximise profits. The girls are supposed to be 'hostesses' - to my mind, that entails more than 'We go your room, na ?' ...

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My goal is to minimize the steps from email to bed. It's not even about the sex, it's the challenge to see how fast and easy I can get it. There's some things in life I don't want to work or pay for...

Sexual predators such as yourself deserve to be caught, castrated and deported.

Your attitude and behavior creates resentment of foreigners in this country, and all of the associated consequences.

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My goal is to minimize the steps from email to bed. It's not even about the sex, it's the challenge to see how fast and easy I can get it. There's some things in life I don't want to work or pay for...

Sexual predators such as yourself deserve to be caught, castrated and deported.

Your attitude and behavior creates resentment of foreigners in this country, and all of the associated consequences.

Whoa! Easy, big fella!

Ok his post was somewhat distasteful and redolent of a man who measures his self-worth by his ability to get women into bed but your reaction's a bit strong.

I think it's highly unlikely that there's an anti-foreign-male movement brewing among Thai women.

Especially considering the overwhelming majority of them don't have the slightest interest in us

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I do not agree with comments here saying that is not difference between BAR girls and Internet girls.

By my understanding the called BAR girls are not the ones you find in public parties, some karaoke places, festivals, stores, restaurants, etc, et

BAR GIRLS looks good, dress modernly, speaks good foreign languages. Bar girls are fun to be around, are fast and great in bed, and know how to seduce every kind of men..just because they are whores....full time, part time or seasonal. Yes..whores, but most of them will grasp any opportunity to get married with a farang..and will adopt any image convenient for the task. ...in person or on the Internet.

Most bar girls are a lot more "smart" than their clients or "boy friends"....

No ALL the Internet dating sites are good looking for "decent" women....but...many happy married couples I know met on the Internet.

Sure.....bar girls are also on the Internet...and "decent" women are also on the Internet but not..not at all...frequenting bars. Never in Thailand.

I do not like bars..never did...it is not my kind of environment. I know that can be fun for a lot of men, and for good reasons..

Since 1997, when I "discover" the Internet dating in America, 95% of my dates are from the Internet. I found amazing women in those dating sites from many countries around the world, I had amazing experiences, and very few bad ones.

Here in Thailand, it is a lot easier to find and date women from Internet sites, and it is necessary to manage it well not to get 4 dates a day if you want to. If I was in my 30's when I move to Thailand, probably it is something that can happen. I was in my 30's and single when I leave Brazil to move to the US..and I had to change my "routine' in America....until I found the Internet.

Here in Thailand I am not so young anymore, but the "problem" with the Thai Internet dating is that you have to control yourself not to get into promiscuity and troubles dating anybody or everybody, and just focusing your searching in what you really wants and need.

If you are looking for a "decent", independent, younger, beautiful and even rich women...they are also on the Internet...If you are looking for LOVE...or to get married, takes some time to find the right one...But remember...any "decent" women also like to F... much...like any "decent" men....but here in Thailand they are very worry about image, gossips, tradition, family, friends, etc, etc....

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ive said it for years on here, im glad i found my wife in the bush,

another member on here the other year said girls from the bush are just slpay toad monkeys,im glad becouse u love splay toed monkeys,

there are some good girls all over, you just have to wade through a few to get to them,

we have some good friends who have never been in a bar never mind worked in one,

one friend of ours works for the local government and also has a pig farm, thats how we got to no her,

they are out there,

the trouble is they dont go to were the falang hang out so your not going to meet them,

internet dating i did give it a go in the uk years ago, had plenty of sex of it but that was all, nothing meening,

its every one to there own, some people arnt very good at interacting so the internet is good for them in all countries,

so like going to the bars, ive said it before on here when i first came to thailand, i did the bar thing, and it was good, but in them days it was a good craic, there was some great bars about,

each to there own i say,


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I do not agree with comments here saying that is not difference between BAR girls and Internet girls

Don't you think that sometimes bargirls may take to the internet to lure in a customer?

I've seen more than a few good men fall into the "pit" because they thought (wrongly) the 'nice' lass they'd met online turned out to be bargirls in all but name, with the same, often greater demands than the real thing.

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Personally I wouldn't want to pick up a "working" girl, but I could care less if others do.

My point is that many of the girls on these sites are exactly that ....

And if you have been in country long enough, you can easily work it out on your own.

The smarter ones dress more conservative, but they start right in for the whole marriage thing and are quick to talk about taking care of you etc. They are also quick to ditch you if they think you won't pan out as a sugar daddy / sia.

There is a mix of working girls, girls looking for an easy life, girls who genuinely like foreigners, girls just looking to improve their English, and some like us, who joined for the fun of it.

Many are looking for a sponsor as you very correctly say. If you appear to know the ropes already and/or can speak/read/write Thai the chance of even getting a response to your message online is nil.

I recall an online chat with an attractive female. I invited her to dinner. She asked what kind of food. I said Thai and she declined saying she could not leave her home.

Just out of curiosity and as a test, my next message was like "no problem, next time. I decided to get Japanese food instead, bye"

Suddenly she was eager to join me for dinner and not even smart enough to realize this would tell me she's only interested in the dinner and not me.

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Personally I wouldn't want to pick up a "working" girl, but I could care less if others do.

My point is that many of the girls on these sites are exactly that ....

And if you have been in country long enough, you can easily work it out on your own.

The smarter ones dress more conservative, but they start right in for the whole marriage thing and are quick to talk about taking care of you etc. They are also quick to ditch you if they think you won't pan out as a sugar daddy / sia.

There is a mix of working girls, girls looking for an easy life, girls who genuinely like foreigners, girls just looking to improve their English, and some like us, who joined for the fun of it.

Many are looking for a sponsor as you very correctly say. If you appear to know the ropes already and/or can speak/read/write Thai the chance of even getting a response to your message online is nil.

I recall an online chat with an attractive female. I invited her to dinner. She asked what kind of food. I said Thai and she declined saying she could not leave her home.

Just out of curiosity and as a test, my next message was like "no problem, next time. I decided to get Japanese food instead, bye"

Suddenly she was eager to join me for dinner and not even smart enough to realize this would tell me she's only interested in the dinner and not me.

Hah, so far I've been lucky. Every girl insists to pay for half and I've even had some cover the tab. But like I said, I try to filter the girls I meet.

I am actually a really picky person. I enjoy going on lots of dates with many girls, but who I settle on is going to be based on a lot of criteria often revolving around intelligence. I've been with what I would consider fantastic girls, and I am not going to lower my standards after I know I have met them before.

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Mate speaking Thai has as much advantage as having tits on a bull --who'd want to speak Thai anyway??? - i would never have a girl in the place if it never spoke English!

English, by and large is the only language in the world worth knowing !

i would never have a girl in the place if it never spoke English!

this one sentence says so much about you,


you must be a real man


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Mate speaking Thai has as much advantage as having tits on a bull --who'd want to speak Thai anyway??? - i would never have a girl in the place if it never spoke English!

English, by and large is the only language in the world worth knowing !

I was going to say 3/10 but you already caught one, so I guess a 6/10

But still...


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Personally if she's flipped out on you once already it's hardly the most auspicious of starts, I'd steer well clear and head back to the bars. At least then you can see the goods and establish a rapport (of sorts) before you move on with things.

I can't understand this internet dating thing. At least in a bar you can have a good drink and a laugh; the end result always seems to be the same.The internet thing seems to be popular with blokes who would rather say they met their hooker I mean girlfriend anywhere but in a bar....you know the type who will spend several hours convincing anyone who listens their lass is ''different'' before she skins him to the bone as they're so wrapped up in the fact she's not a bar girl, they develop a false sense of security and their guard is down.

From what I can gather, this internet dating caper is as fraught with exactly the same risks as pulling a dolly from a bar as most of these lasses seem 'too good to be true'' until the poor sap, finds out they're not what they seem or the "nice sweet "educated" lass (no kids) he's been carousing with online for the last few weeks has had more cock than Bernard Matthews (if you'll pardon the coarse turn of phrase) and has popped out more offspring than the average soi dog....usually when it's way too late and they wind up with egg all over their face....

The dating game can be fun, why not go for it in the real world?

U mean that some of this girls are not virgins?? What a disappointment. BTW is disappointment the same as canceling an appointment at the dentist?

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