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Mouse Problem.


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My mouse seems to work sometimes and then it either freezes in the middle of the screen or when I boot up my computer it does the same. This is only an intermittent problem and happens occasionally. Though my experience tells me that intermittent problems usually lead to more permanent problems unless they are sorted out. I have four different mouse's and it seems to happen with all of them. Therefore I do not think the problem is with the mouse.

I had a new Graphic Card installed recently as my computer would not boot up every time. That has now been rectified. Is there anyway at all that could be somehow related to this problem?

Any suggestions would be most appreciated.

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You need to be sure that its your screen that freezes up or your mouse?

1) Has your mouse been freezing before you changed video card?

2) Do you use a PS2 or USB mouse?

3) Whan your 'mouse' freezes do you see any other movement on screen?

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You need to be sure that its your screen that freezes up or your mouse?

1) Has your mouse been freezing before you changed video card?

2) Do you use a PS2 or USB mouse?

3) Whan your 'mouse' freezes do you see any other movement on screen?

Thanks SMS-

1. I cannot remember on that one for sure. Both the computer and monitor are only five months old. They are still under warranty but was hoping to fix it here as first port of call so to speak.

2. I have tried a PS2 and USB mouse. Same issue with both.

3. Yes in as far as the computer completely boots up and various programmes on start up appear on screen doing their start up checks. Also I can open webpage's and Outlook Express from my keyboard no problem.

It happened again this morning. The mouse Icon froze mid screen. I just rebooted then all was OK. Though this cannot ultimately be good though.

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Hi Chopper,

My mouse freezes frequently and intermittently. On my computer it is due to the processor/CPU just exhausted and not having any process/CPU resources left to handle the mouse calls or keyboard.

To check if this is a correct diagnosis load and check the processor usage using Window's Task Manager.

To load Task Manager either right click on your Task-bar and select and Task Manager OR press CTR-ALT-DEL. (works Ok with Window's XP).

Select the Task Manager's Performance Tab and watch the CPU usage. It should fluctuate and the less usage the better.

When my processor/CPU is showing a constant green colour then my CPU is saturated!

To find out what is causing the problem I select the Task Manager/Processes and click on the CPU tab to sort the CPU usage. This shows which process is hogging all the memory. I usually highlight the offending process and select End Process. Once the processor/CPU is stable then I restart the deleted process and keep my fingers crossed! Most times this eliminates my problem.



PS When Task Manager is loaded and minimized then a graphed CPU usage Tooltip icon shows towards the right of your taskbar.

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Thanks for the detailed reply. I have just pressed CTR-ALT-DEL. to test this. It brings up the Task Manager no problem. Not to sound facetious as my mouse is frozen how would I select the Task Manager/Processes and click on the CPU tab to sort the CPU usage?

My mouse is working OK at the moment but since this is a daily occurrence more often on reboot when the system resources are at a minimum I am at a loss to fathom it out. Any more suggestions appreciated.


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Hi Chopper,

I just checked and Task Manager is lacking the keyboard shortcuts so you are out of luck unfortunately but what you could try is this:

When your system is working Ok:

1. select the Processes Tab

2. click CPU Tab and make sure it is sorted with highest first

3. minimise Tash Manager and check the tool-tip animated icon.

If and when your system locks have a look at the Tool-tip icon monitoring the processor/CPU usage. If it is fluctuating quite rapidly then it is not a problem with a particular process.

If the Tool-tip icon is showing a constant bright green then some process is hogging all your processor/CPU cycles.

Try Alt-Tab and cycle through the tabs to select Task Manager. This should have retained the last setting and at least you will be able to see the offending process. The Alt-E shortcut will/may/should End the offending process.



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Thanks for the detailed reply. I have just pressed CTR-ALT-DEL. to test this. It brings up the Task Manager no problem. Not to sound facetious as my mouse is frozen how would I select the Task Manager/Processes and click on the CPU tab to sort the CPU usage?

My mouse is working OK at the moment but since this is a daily occurrence more often on reboot when the system resources are at a minimum I am at a loss to fathom it out. Any more suggestions appreciated.


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Thanks for the detailed reply. I have just pressed CTR-ALT-DEL. to test this. It brings up the Task Manager no problem. Not to sound facetious as my mouse is frozen how would I select the Task Manager/Processes and click on the CPU tab to sort the CPU usage?

My mouse is working OK at the moment but since this is a daily occurrence more often on reboot when the system resources are at a minimum I am at a loss to fathom it out. Any more suggestions appreciated.



I have an Apple computer with a Microsoft trackball that does the same thing. The only solution I have found is to replug the mouse in the computer port. I happens to me about once a month.

Happy Computing

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Hi Chopper,

I just checked and Task Manager is lacking the keyboard shortcuts so you are out of luck unfortunately but what you could try is this:

When your system is working Ok:

1. select the Processes Tab

2. click CPU Tab and make sure it is sorted with highest first

3. minimise Tash Manager and check the tool-tip animated icon.

If and when your system locks have a look at the Tool-tip icon monitoring the processor/CPU usage. If it is fluctuating quite rapidly then it is not a problem with a particular process.

If the Tool-tip icon is showing a constant bright green then some process is hogging all your processor/CPU cycles.

Try Alt-Tab and cycle through the tabs to select Task Manager. This should have retained the last setting and at least you will be able to see the offending process. The Alt-E shortcut will/may/should End the offending process.



Thanks John I will try that if the mouse freezes again. So far today so good. I suspect when I turn my computer off later then switch it on in the morning the mouse icon may well freeze again. It did this morning. Rebooting the computer once seems to solve it. Though this is no long term solution?

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Thanks for the detailed reply. I have just pressed CTR-ALT-DEL. to test this. It brings up the Task Manager no problem. Not to sound facetious as my mouse is frozen how would I select the Task Manager/Processes and click on the CPU tab to sort the CPU usage?

My mouse is working OK at the moment but since this is a daily occurrence more often on reboot when the system resources are at a minimum I am at a loss to fathom it out. Any more suggestions appreciated.



I have an Apple computer with a Microsoft trackball that does the same thing. The only solution I have found is to replug the mouse in the computer port. I happens to me about once a month.

Happy Computing

gguy, thanks for the suggestion but I have tried this numerous times to no avail. :o

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