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Fingerprints On Paper


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I need to get some fingerprints from paper as evidence in preparation for a criminal case, but I'm having difficulty convincing my local police department that such a thing is possible, even though the technology has existed for decades. Does anyone have any thoughts on where I might get the paper examined using standard and accepted techniques, by an organization or agency whose findings would be admissible to and "trusted" by the judicial system as reliable?

Sorry, I am not at liberty to discuss details of the case.



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I need to get some fingerprints from paper as evidence in preparation for a criminal case, but I'm having difficulty convincing my local police department that such a thing is possible, even though the technology has existed for decades. Does anyone have any thoughts on where I might get the paper examined using standard and accepted techniques, by an organization or agency whose findings would be admissible to and "trusted" by the judicial system as reliable?

Sorry, I am not at liberty to discuss details of the case.



talk to a lawyer.Also the police here do have forensic teams but if your the defendant dont expect the police to help.If your the one prosecuting you will have to pay to use forensic specialists i would imagine, but a good (not easy to find ive heard in Thailand) lawyer will explain everything and should have their own investigators.

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I think you may be referring to the "Magna Brush" method:

Several law enforcement agencies have adopted a procedure for lifting latent prints by using an extremely fine metallic powder and magnetic wand. The unit is called a Magna Brush although no bristles are present. The magnet picks up the powder, and only the powder touches the latent print, reducing the possibility of destroying ridge detail as is possible with a bristle brush. Excellent prints have been developed on wood leather, paper, and even cleansing tissue by using the Magna Brush. However, the Magna Brush process is comparatively expensive, and good results can be obtained with the normal techniques and equipment. Source:Integrated Publishing

You might try asking about that method or something similar.


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